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Hi ,

Since you mentioned Ann's 6 week trial of antibiotics that seemed to

help, if only marginally....you might want to persue that option

further. There is a doctor named Dr Graham Hornett, The Sheilings,

Wonersh, Guilford,

> > Surrey.

> > > Tel: 01483 898123

If he is anywhere near you, it might be very worthwhile to call his

office. Those with various rheumatic diseases who have benefited

from the antibiotic protocol know so very well that the treatment

takes a long time. The fact that Ann noticed even a slight

improvement in only 6 weeks is encouraging.

(On a side note....I also gave Dr. Hornett's name to a lady and her

husband in London. They called Dr. Hornett's office for advice (the

lady has yet to receive a diagnosis and is very frustrated). Dr.

Hornett personally called them back and spoke with them. From what I

have heard, he is more than willing to use the antibiotics...and he

was quite amused that these people from London had gotten his name

from some " stranger " in America :-)

Sending prayers and hugs to both of you,

Connie H


> Ann has had rp for several years and now has a narrow floppy

trachea . She

> is going through a bad spell of almost continuous coughing ( much


> mucous - no infection ).

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> Ann has tried 5 or 6

> immunosuppressants ) and we suspect her doctors are

> too.Anyone got any

> bright ideas ?


>, although my problems are not exactly the same,

I do have a narrowed trachea, I was on 17.5 metho and

about 10 mg pred per day, but I felt poorly at the end

of the metho " week " and my voice become very croaky on

a regular basis, my rheumy added plaquenil (my

suggestion, as I had felt so well in Africa while on

malarial prophylaxis) and that seems to have done the

trick! That is one year ago, most of the time I have

been on 5mg pred, occasionally 7 1/2 mg. For reference

I also take Lipitor, Glucophage,Glyburide,Folic acid,

a multivit with iron (I am slightly anemic at the

moment)Calcium, Vitamin D, Fosamax and in general feel

pretty well. I hope your prostate stays under control,

the treatment is pretty tough sometimes. I do hope

Ann improves, take care, Liz




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think we have found the solution. Ann stopped her blood pressure tablets

and the coughing improved dramatically. the learning ( confirmed by a

doctor today ) is that ACE inhibitor blood pressure tablets cause coughing

and should not be given to anyone with respiratory problems. So if pred

causes high blood pressure treat with non ACE inhibitor tablets.

, thanks for the idea of the Plaquenil on top of the metho. Ann's

doctor is going to think about it

---------------------- Forwarded by G Dawson/GB/CPBS/ICI on 24/06/2002

21:02 ---------------------------

G Dawson

14/06/2002 09:02

To: Rpolychondritis


Subject: Any suggestions (Document link: G Dawson)

Ann has had rp for several years and now has a narrow floppy trachea . She

is going through a bad spell of almost continuous coughing ( much clear

mucous - no infection ). She is on 12.5 of pred ,a steroid inhaler,17.5

Methotrexate and some blood pressure tablets. She is not get major flares

but has hotness and tinnitus most nights. Her doctors tried a spell of more

pred and 6 weeks of antibiotics ; there was some improvement but now back

where she was. We don't think it is environment triggered ( it happens in

all conditions and weathers ). We are a bit stuck ( Ann has tried 5 or 6

immunosuppressants ) and we suspect her doctors are too.Anyone got any

bright ideas ?

My prostate cancer seems to under control and I start a spell of

radiotherapy next week

Chester, England


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