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Fw: another survey....AH HA HA HAAA!!

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Subject: another survey....AH HA HA HAAA!! 1. Your full name? Barbara J 2. Age? does 29 count with several yrs added LOL 3. Best friend? don't have one 4. Do you have a b/f or a g/f? nope 5. Fav. Color? all shades of blue and the shadow black 6. Ugly color? to me its gotta be pea green 7. Worst thing you have ever seen? The worst to date is 9-11 but we will see worse all the time in Satan's world 8. Best thing you have ever seen (hehe)? Friends getting saved, and the nation after 9 11 9. Rate your life from a 1-10? I always try to be a 10 but some days it just don't work 10. Fav #? 711. What are your nationalities? German, welsh, Irish, Dutch and some Indian 12. What do you wish your nationalities were? nothing different 13. If you could marry anybody who would it be? been there done that,,, but who's counting 14. Who is your fav. Music artists? Enya, Alabama, faith, etc 15. Who is the hottest guy u have ever seen? this one guy way back when...... dont even remember him now 16. Who is the ugliest guy you have ever seen? I really dont look at that because the ugliest could actually be the best looking. 17. Who is the prettiest girl you have ever seen? pretty by guy standards, girl standards ? 18. Love someone enough to cry for them? yes19. Ever had a broken heart? yes 20. Ever break a heart? don't think so...I hope I never will 21. Who do you look up to that inspires you? ???????????rather not say 22. Who is the one guy or girl you will never forget? my brother 23. What is the color of your room wall? white with purple carpeting,,,,(((dont ask)))) 24. If you could knock one person off the face of the earth who shall it be? ex's LOL<<< jk, because that would be a sin.... 25. How many siblings do you have? 8, plus one semi adopted and 2 stepsisters 26. Who is most likely to just throw this forward away and not care? blah blah blah... 27. Who is most likely to fill it out and be a sport? whoever is really bored and wants to? 28. Ever broken any bones (yours, not other people)? yes, but not as much as my one daughter has.... : ).29. Do you smoke? no, gave it up 8 yrs ago, with a few minor slips30. Do you drink? occassionally 31. What do you think about Mike Bibby? who the heck is it??? 32. Do you even like the kings? King of Kings absolutely 33. Fav. Food? Chinese, Italian, *(make em myself) 34. R u a virgin? what do you think 35. Do you have a life? yes, run my daughters here and there, and here and there....LOL 36. Most important thing in the world? Staying to my faith and having the love of my family 37. Who is the stupidest person you know? no one is stupid,,,, 38. What's the scariest thing in the world? knowing that you cannot help some people and knowing some that I know will spend eternity in hell 39. Saddest thing in the world? Prejudices 40. Have you ever fell in love with your best friend? no 41. Worst feeling in the world? being alone... 42. Do you have any nick names? Rebel, babs, boobless (dont ask) 43. Hair color? blonde, but died it brown (went back to blonde) wished I had black but am too white 44. Sign? Leo and monkey 45. If you could see anybody in the world right now who would it be? Jesus...JFK Lincoln, 46. What is your dream car? 64 square back cobalt blue mustang (when they were made well) 47. who do you love to hate? don't hate anyone (dislike em maybe but not hate em) 48. Who do u know that lives really far away? My sister Suzie Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: Click Here

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