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Update on my eye dr. visit

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Well, I went for my 6 month eye visit today at my opthomalagist. I now have

steroid induced cataracts in both eyes. He told me that they are different

from regular cataracts. They grow very quickly. He has has patients back

within a week of diagnosis to have them removed. SO.... this is what the

glare problem has been recently. I can't hardly take any bright lights. Now

I know why. LOL It's not all in my head.

The good news is that when they remove them, I will never get catarats again

so won't have to worry about that in my old age. LOL and they can correct my

vision by putting in stonger lens. The bad part is that we will be changing

insurances in Nov and i won't be able to go to a good opthamologist. LOL

I have decreased my pred and boy am I having mood changes. LOL I boo hoo'd

when I got home and then snapped right out of it. Guess I was just tired of

drs. telling me my body is falling apart. LOL Pretty soon I will be a bionic

woman. LOL WEll, guess Rich will have a new woman after all. LOL

I'm okay with all of this now, just thought I'd let you all know. Please

have your eyes checked on a regular basis... Even if you don't wear glasses

or think your site is fine. If you are on pred or any other medication that

can affect your eyes, you MUST have this done. I went in to check to see if

the Plaquenil did any damage and then found this. My eye pressure is just

fine and the Plaquenil hasn't done any damage. But please make it a yearly

thing. If you find you have a lot of glare, please go check it out.

Thanks for letting me vent.


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Thanks for the update and the advise. I will promise to go to the ophthalmologist soon.

I will keep you in my thoughts as always.

Lots of love


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