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Re: need replies from all : on eyes

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Sally, I'm sorry I am no help to you in the eye dept. I'm sure you will get

lots of input from those who have had eye problems.

Hope you have a great day.


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Hi Sally

I've been sorta quiet here because I was a little under the weather. Rheumy

increased my MTX and I was like a drunken salior for about a week. I feel fine

now, but am still very tired.

Anyway about the eye thing. I have what is called Open and Closed Angular

Glaucoma. In your eyes you have this fluid that flows in and out of your eye.

Well what happened to me is the inflow or fauset is stuck and open full blast.

Now the exflow or drain is clogged or closed. So the pressure builds up because

the fluid is a flowing and there's no place for it to drain off. This is where

the lazer surger came into play. I now have a hole in my iris to help the fluid

drain and I have to put two different drops in my eyes daily. This type of

Glaucome is not due from the Diabetes I have. I really don't know how or why it

happened. Haven't found that one out yet.

My eye site has gone down a lot just in these past couple of years. I too had

the blurring, but the glaucome was not discovered when I had my new glasses

made. That eye doctor used a little hand held thing to check the pressure in my

eyes. If he had been a " good " doctor he would not have use that since it's not

worth crap. They tested my eye pressure when I went in to the eye doctor that

first time with one of them and it showed the pressure in my eyes was fine. I

pitch a fit until they used the machine one and bingo...pressure was way up in

the one eye (my bad eye) and up slightly in the other.

Make sure when you see an eye doctor he runs as many tests on you as possible.

There is so much that can happen. I have cataracts in my right eye which I

think I read somewhere RP can cause this. I'm also loosing my sight in my right


BS on that old age thing. I know I have to wear glasses, but 54 isn't old...I'm

that old too :)


> From: TheNavigator01@...

> Date: 2002/05/13 Mon PM 11:16:41 EDT

> To: Rpolychondritis

> Subject: need replies from all : on eyes


> I would like to ask about my current eye problem and see if anyone has had

> this happen to them. A few months ago I began to have blurred vision

> (near),it was off and on and before this my vision was fine. I went and got

> an exam and explained the symptoms and he said it was old age, I'm 54LOL I

> didn't tell him about my RP and that was a mistake since I've been reading

> all the postings. Hedie called me today and told me she found a sponser for

> the foundation and to say hi. It sure was nice to talk to her and said to go

> find a Dr. that knows about RP. I was all set to ask the group about the eyes

> before she called. LOL I Have been thinking of a Dr. to see, I will look

> tomorrow. My eyes are fine one minute then they blurr and things are just a

> little fuzzy, enough to bug. LOL I thought if it was old age (ha,ha) that my

> eyes would be fuzzy all time!? I didn't like him anyways, he seemed almost

> rude. I look forward to seeing if anyone else has or has had this problem. I

> am a very independent person who can do just about anything even if it takes

> 5 times longer , I can drive with hand controls and I can live by myself. I

> can deal with RP and Transverse Myelitis but there is no way I could think

> about being blind and lose my independence. I will get the answers I need and

> hopefully it won't take too long. It is always better if you know what will

> happen and what could. Knowlege is what we all need to deal with the hand

> we've been dealt. It is greet to see how you all have a good attitude and

> sure we have our bad days but if we LOL and keep an exceellent sense of

> humor, we'll make out okay. Thils is truely a great support group!!!!!

> Thanks for the nice welcome you have given me and look forward to getting to

> know you all better. Have a great evening and hope everyone had a great

> Mothers Day. Your friend Sally



I would like to ask about my current eye problem and see if anyone has had this happen to them. A few months ago I began to have blurred vision (near),it was off and on and before this my vision was fine. I went and got an exam and explained the symptoms and he said it was old age, I'm 54LOL I didn't tell him about my RP and that was a mistake since I've been reading all the postings. Hedie called me today and told me she found a sponser for the foundation and to say hi. It sure was nice to talk to her and said to go find a Dr. that knows about RP. I was all set to ask the group about the eyes before she called. LOL I Have been thinking of a Dr. to see, I will look tomorrow. My eyes are fine one minute then they blurr and things are just a little fuzzy, enough to bug. LOL I thought if it was old age (ha,ha) that my eyes would be fuzzy all time!? I didn't like him anyways, he seemed almost rude. I look forward to seeing if anyone else has or has had this problem. I am a very independent person who can do just about anything even if it takes 5 times longer , I can drive with hand controls and I can live by myself. I can deal with RP and Transverse Myelitis but there is no way I could think about being blind and lose my independence. I will get the answers I need and hopefully it won't take too long. It is always better if you know what will happen and what could. Knowlege is what we all need to deal with the hand we've been dealt. It is greet to see how you all have a good attitude and sure we have our bad days but if we LOL and keep an exceellent sense of humor, we'll make out okay. Thils is truely a great support group!!!!! Thanks for the nice welcome you have given me and look forward to getting to know you all better. Have a great evening and hope everyone had a great Mothers Day. Your friend Sally



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--- TheNavigator01@... wrote:

> I would like to ask about my current eye problem and

> see if anyone has had

> this happen to them. A few months ago I began to

> have blurred vision

> (near),it was off and on and before this my vision

> was fine. I went and got

> an exam and explained the symptoms and he said it

> was old age, I'm 54LOL I

> didn't tell him about my RP and that was a mistake

> since I've been reading

> all the postings. Hedie called me today and told me

> she found a sponser for

> the foundation and to say hi. It sure was nice to

> talk to her and said to go

> find a Dr. that knows about RP. I was all set to ask

> the group about the eyes

> before she called. LOL I Have been thinking of a

> Dr. to see, I will look

> tomorrow. My eyes are fine one minute then they

> blurr and things are just a

> little fuzzy, enough to bug. LOL I thought if it

> was old age (ha,ha) that my

> eyes would be fuzzy all time!? I didn't like him

> anyways, he seemed almost

> rude. I look forward to seeing if anyone else has or

> has had this problem. I

> am a very independent person who can do just about

> anything even if it takes

> 5 times longer , I can drive with hand controls and

> I can live by myself. I

> can deal with RP and Transverse Myelitis but there

> is no way I could think

> about being blind and lose my independence. I will

> get the answers I need and

> hopefully it won't take too long. It is always

> better if you know what will

> happen and what could. Knowlege is what we all need

> to deal with the hand

> we've been dealt. It is greet to see how you all

> have a good attitude and

> sure we have our bad days but if we LOL and keep an

> exceellent sense of

> humor, we'll make out okay. Thils is truely a great

> support group!!!!!

> Thanks for the nice welcome you have given me and

> look forward to getting to

> know you all better. Have a great evening and hope

> everyone had a great

> Mothers Day. Your friend Sally


Sally, do talk to another opthalmologist, however,

when I needed reading glasses it was occasional lack

of focus (blurring), mostly when I changed from

looking froma short distance to a longer distance. So

it mightjust be getting older, but double check, it is

not worth risking!!! I did have a bout of

episcleritis some years ago, before I was dx with rp,

but have had no problems with my eyes since. I do

check every year, as I am also diabetic, also pred can

affect your eyes, and both my parents had cataracts,

and my father also had glaucoma...sometimes it's what

shall I worry about this week!!

The only good thing I can think of is that with rp you

don't automatically get everything!!! Thank the Lord.

Love Liz


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I have had eye problems for several years. I have had scleritis and many other eye problems such as cornea inflamation. Lot's of steroids has gone into my right eye and other meds to too. I just wanted to say that many times this vision that you are experiencing will happen when your eyes are really dry. So please be sure to check that your eyes are getting enough lubrication and you can try by using something like Genteal eye lubricating drops. In the meantime, please make an appointment with a cornea specialist. He deals with these kind of eye problems and can figure out what's going on if anything. But do get the lubrication drops until then. I hope you feel better.

Love, Sharon

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