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Fwd: ( RP) from Sally Funny :Thursday 08/08/02

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Have a great Friday and a wonderful weekwnd and enjoy this.

Love ya


Colin Dunlap, a junior high student in Belle, W. Va., was suspended from

school for giving a cough drop to

another classmate. " That's why they have warning labels, " said head

nurse Isaac. School policy calls

for a note from a parent for any non-prescription medication.


> > > > Subject: SMART CHOICE

> > > >

> > > > > Vun day, Sven vas valking down da street ven

> > > > who did he see

> > > > > driving a brand new Chevrolet? It vas Ole. Ole

> > > > pulled up to him vit a

> > > > > vide smile.

> > > > > " Ole, vere did you get dat car? " Sven asked

> > > > > " Lena gave it to me "

> > > > > She gave it to you? I knew she vas sveet on

> > > > you, but dis? "

> > > > > " Vell, let me tell you vat happened. Ve

> > > > vere driving out on

> > > > > county road #6, in da middle of novere, when allof a

> > > > sudden Lena pulled

> > > > > off da road into da woods. She parked, got out of da

> > > > car, trew off all of

> > > > > her clothes and said " Ole take vatever you

> > > > vant. " ...So I took da car "

> > > > > " Ole, " Says Sven, " you're a smart man, dem

> > > > clothes never voulda

> > > > > fit ya


My husband came home with a tube of KY jelly and said, " This

will make you happy tonight. " He was right.

When he went out of the bedroom, I squirted it all over the

doorknobs. He couldn't get back in.


A couple is lying in bed. The man says, " I am going to make

you the happiest woman in the world "

The woman says, " I'll miss you. "


" It's just too hot to wear clothes today, " Jack says as he

stepped out of the shower, " honey, what do you think the

neighbors would think if I mowed the lawn like this? "

" Probably that I married you for your money, " she replied.


Unfriendly skies

Turkish Airlines fired pilot Altan Tezcan and co-pilot Erdogan Gecim,

who were flying 240 passengers from

Bangkok to Istanbul, after the two got into a fist fight in the cockpit

while arguing over their aircraft's


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