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1. IF YOU COULD BUILD A HOUSE ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD IT BE?ON THE HIGHEST MOUNTAIN IN THE MIDDLE OF ABOUT 1000 ACRES2. WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE ARTICLE OF CLOTHING? any thing baggy or comfy3. FAVORITE PHYSICAL FEATURE OF THE OPPOSITE SEX?BUTTS4. WHAT'S THE LAST CD THAT YOU BOUGHT?KENNY G, 5. WHERE'S YOUR FAVORITE PLACE TO BE? WOODS6. WHERE'S YOUR LEAST FAVORITE PLACE TO BE? Hospitals7. WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE PLACE TO BE MASSAGED?feet & neck8. WHAT'S MOST IMPORTANT, STRONG IN MIND OR STRONG IN BODY? got to be strong in mind...9.. WHAT TIME DO YOU WAKE UP IN THE MORNING? between 6am and 7am10. WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE KITCHEN APPLIANCE? coffe pot11. WHAT MAKES YOU REALLY ANGRY? people, or drs that won't listen and think they know it all12. IF YOU COULD PLAY ANY INSTRUMENT, WHAT WOULD IT BE? Piano... i play now, but would love to play betterl3. FAVORITE COLOR? blue & yellow14. WHICH DO YOU PREFER, SPORTS CAR OR SUV? sports car 15. DO YOU BELIEVE IN AFTERLIFE? you betcha I do. IN heaven with Christ.. 16. FAVORITE CHILDREN'S BOOK? little women 17. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SEASON? Spring18. WHAT'S YOUR LEAST FAVORITE HOUSEHOLD CHORE? All of them19. IF YOU COULD HAVE ONE SUPER POWER, WHAT WOULD IT BE?Able to heal all of the awful diseases, especially of children20. IF YOU HAVE A TATTOO, WHAT IS IT? not mee too old.21. CAN YOU JUGGLE? No.... not unless I'm dropping things that I'm carrying22. THE ONE PERSON FROM YOUR PAST YOU WISH YOU COULD GO BACK AND TALK WITH? my brother that i lost in childhood23. WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE DAY?Sunday, nascar is on24. WHAT'S IN THE TRUNK OF YOUR CAR! small air compressor for the tires thats all

25. WHICH DO YOU PREFER, SUSHI OR HAMBURGER? Hamburger...... like fish, but not raw. 26. FROM THE PEOPLE YOU EMAILED THIS TO, WHO'S MOST LIKELY TO RESPOND? who ever decided to do it and not delete it.. lol27. NAME THAT YOUR PARENTS WOULD HAVE NAMED YOU IF YOU HAD BEEN OF THE OPPOSITE SEX? ??????28. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FLOWER? any floowers love them all

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