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Re: update on my sister

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Hi Marilyn,

Lucy here, so glad you got to hear from the Doctor and that they were able to get as much as they could. Sounds like your Sister is going to be on the mend very soon. You hang in there and know that we are all praying for your Sister and for you.

Love and Prayers, Lucy in North Carolina

-- update on my sister

Dear Friends,My sister's doctor just called me a short time ago. She was in surgeryforquite a while. He said they were not able to remove all of the tumorbecause it was wrapped around some of the blood vessels going to thesmall intestine. If they had tried to remove it then she wouldn't haveany function in the small intestine. He said they took out what theycould and repaired the small intestine where it had perforated andtwisted.He did say she will have to have chemo. It wasn't a carsonoma or alymph node cancer. It is something rare and they don't have thepathology report back yet to identify what type it is. He expects shecan come home in a week to 10 days.I am relieved that the surgery is over. He said they are still treatingthe peritonitis with antibiotics.Just wanted to update you on how things are going. I was hoping formore positive results, but I am thankful that they were able to get allthat they did and that with chemo she may do OK.I went over to Walla Walla yesterday and brought her dog and cat homewith me. She was so worried about them. The dog had been at the kenneland he was glad to get out. He isn't eating, and that has meconcerned. I am sure this is stressful for him. The cat is doing OK.We haven't introduced her to my other 4 cats and probably won't. She iscontent in a room in the basement. The dog has attached himself to myhip and follows me all over the house. He's a springer spaniel andquite big. Last night was the first time in my life I've slept in aroom with a dog, so that will take some getting used to.I thank you all for your prayers and ask that you continue to pray forher.Love, Marilyn

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