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Fwd: New Treatment for Autoimmune Disease;CFS & Post-Polio Connection;How CFS...

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I thought this might be interesting. Sharon

FEATURES - May 22, 2002:

* Can a New Treatment Reverse Autoimmune Diseases [including Fibromyalgia and Lupus]?

* Tips and Techniques for Treating Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: CFS and the Post-Polio Connection

* They're Playing Your Song: Why Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia Patients Need to Find Their Own Rhythm


* Support and Inspiration in the Coping Corner!

* Got Questions? Here are Answers...Find them in our Chat Room!


* Online Course: Coping with Fibromyalgia


* CFS Documentary "I Remember Me" Now Available on VHS


* About Us

* Refer a Friend

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Feature Articles


Can a New Treatment Reverse Autoimmune Diseases [including Fibromyalgia and Lupus]?

A new treatment has cured type 1 diabetes in mice by stopping their own killer immune systems from turning on themselves and allowing the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas to regenerate. This research promises to yield improved therapies for people afflicted by a variety of autoimmune diseases.


Tips and Techniques for Treating Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: CFS and the Post-Polio Connection

Last month, Dr. L. Bruno discussed the finding of the 2001 International Chronic Fatigue Survey that at least 20% of baby boomers diagnosed with CFS may have had an undiagnosed case of polio and may actually have Post-Polio Syndrome - not CFS or ME, today. Since then, he says, "I have had dozens of emails asking how someone can find out if they indeed did have polio way back when. This is a difficult proposition."


They're Playing Your Song: Why Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia Patients Need to Find Their Own Rhythm

According to Coping Corner columnist Eunice Beck, RN, "Finding the cadence of your body, through fatigue and pain, will help you match that tempo to the one that is naturally a part of you. This is just another way of saying 'listen to your body and learn from it.' If we hear the rhythm of our bodies, they will function in a more flowing, easy manner. We need to find our song."



Support and Inspiration in the Coping Corner!


Dealing with the day-to-day struggles of living with a chronic illness can be trying. Coping Corner is the spot where you can find the online support you need to get through your day. Featuring personal stories, advice columnist Eunice Beck, RN, book reviews, and more.



Got Questions? Here Are Answers...


Need a specialist in your location? Not sure what sleep meds are the best? Don't know how to deal with the spouse, kids, and dog? Who better to help you than your fellow readers at ImmuneSupport.com? When you post a question to the message board, you can be assured of speedy and helpful replies. Other people have been through the same struggles and are happy to share their wisdom. It's easy, too!

If you're feeling chattier, go to the chat room and 'talk' to others in real time. You can let people know when you'll be there by posting a note to the message boards.

Just click on the link below to find friends and support in the message boards and chat room:



Online Course: Coping with Fibromyalgia


"Coping with Fibromyalgia" is an online course offered through Suite101.com's Suite University, aimed at covering the basics of dealing with FMS, from diagnosis (and finding the right doctor) through coping with the physical and emotional aspects, traditional and alternative treatments, pitfalls of applying for disability and more.

The course runs from May 27 through June 27, 2002. It includes eight lessons with resources, and a highly interactive discussion area for students and instructor to discuss the many aspects of FMS.

There is a text, "Inside Fibromyalgia" by Dr. Mark Pellegrino, as well as a large resource area for additional materials and support. For more information visit http://go1.warp9ems.com/go.pl?tu=12232036-5089


CFS Documentary "I Remember Me" Now Available on VHS


Zeitgeist Video is proud to announce that Kim Snyder's groundbreaking documentary I REMEMBER ME is now available for purchase on VHS. Roger Ebert in the Chicago Sun-Times called the film, "a documentary which does what the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta shamefully failed to do: connects the dots."

Karlsberg of the Santa Barbara News-Press wrote that I REMEMBER ME "demystifies chronic fatigue syndrome with a compelling, almost palpable force. Anyone who has ever endured any difficulty in his or her life - disease or otherwise, will not only appreciate 'I Remember Me' but be forever touched by the experience."

The official release date for the video is May 28, 2002, but you can purchase it today by calling Media Library at 1-. The cost is $30.99, plus shipping and handling charges. Please call between 9am and 5pm EST and specifically request I REMEMBER ME.

For more information on the film visit: zeitgeistvideo.com/irememberme/irm.html

GROUP SCREENINGS: We encourage you to spread the word about I REMEMBER ME. However, if you wish to purchase the videotape to show to a large group (10 people or more) you need to purchase it with public performance rights directly from Zeitgeist Films. Please call Clemence at or e-mail clemence@.... (The same applies if you want to purchase I REMEMBER ME for educational, institutional or library use).

FOR NORTH AMERICA ONLY: These VHS tapes are only available for sale within North America. The VHS tapes are NTSC format. If you are outside North America please visit irememberme.com for information on availability in other countries.

CALIFORNIA RESIDENTS PLEASE NOTE: "I Remember Me" will be playing at the Theater in Santa , CA, for Saturday and Sunday daytime shows, at 11:00 am, beginning June 1st.


About ImmuneSupport.com


Published by Pro Health, Inc., ImmuneSupport.com is the Web's largest resource for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and fibromyalgia. Since 1988, Pro Health has raised and donated over 2.3 million dollars to CFS and FM research and advocacy groups seeking a cure. Every purchase made at ImmuneSupport.com funds research - as does every purchase made from Pro Health's Health Resource catalog. Click on this link to visit ImmuneSupport.com's home page:





Do you have a friend or relative who would find the information in this bulletin useful? All you need to do is click on the link below, or forward this email to them, and they can begin reading all the latest CFS and FM research and support news.


Thank you Sharon, for subscribing to ImmuneSupport.com's weekly news bulletin.

FEATURES - May 22, 2002:

* Can a New Treatment Reverse Autoimmune Diseases [including Fibromyalgia and


* Tips and Techniques for Treating Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: CFS and the

Post-Polio Connection

* They're Playing Your Song: Why Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia

Patients Need to Find Their Own Rhythm


* Support and Inspiration in the Coping Corner!

* Got Questions? Here are Answers...Find them in our Chat Room!


* Online Course: Coping with Fibromyalgia


* CFS Documentary " I Remember Me " Now Available on VHS


* About Us

* Refer a Friend

Links Not Working? Copy and paste the following link:



Feature Articles


Can a New Treatment Reverse Autoimmune Diseases [including Fibromyalgia and


A new treatment has cured type 1 diabetes in mice by stopping their own killer

immune systems from turning on themselves and allowing the insulin-producing

cells of the pancreas to regenerate. This research promises to yield improved

therapies for people afflicted by a variety of autoimmune diseases.


Tips and Techniques for Treating Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: CFS and the

Post-Polio Connection

Last month, Dr. L. Bruno discussed the finding of the 2001 International

Chronic Fatigue Survey that at least 20% of baby boomers diagnosed with CFS may

have had an undiagnosed case of polio and may actually have Post-Polio Syndrome

- not CFS or ME, today. Since then, he says, " I have had dozens of emails asking

how someone can find out if they indeed did have polio way back when. This is a

difficult proposition. "


They're Playing Your Song: Why Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia

Patients Need to Find Their Own Rhythm

According to Coping Corner columnist Eunice Beck, RN, " Finding the cadence of

your body, through fatigue and pain, will help you match that tempo to the one

that is naturally a part of you. This is just another way of saying 'listen to

your body and learn from it.' If we hear the rhythm of our bodies, they will

function in a more flowing, easy manner. We need to find our song. "



Support and Inspiration in the Coping Corner!


Dealing with the day-to-day struggles of living with a chronic illness can be

trying. Coping Corner is the spot where you can find the online support you need

to get through your day. Featuring personal stories, advice columnist Eunice

Beck, RN, book reviews, and more.



Got Questions? Here Are Answers...


Need a specialist in your location? Not sure what sleep meds are the best? Don't

know how to deal with the spouse, kids, and dog? Who better to help you than

your fellow readers at ImmuneSupport.com? When you post a question to the

message board, you can be assured of speedy and helpful replies. Other people

have been through the same struggles and are happy to share their wisdom. It's

easy, too!

If you're feeling chattier, go to the chat room and 'talk' to others in real

time. You can let people know when you'll be there by posting a note to the

message boards.

Just click on the link below to find friends and support in the message boards

and chat room:



Online Course: Coping with Fibromyalgia


" Coping with Fibromyalgia " is an online course offered through Suite101.com's

Suite University, aimed at covering the basics of dealing with FMS, from

diagnosis (and finding the right doctor) through coping with the physical and

emotional aspects, traditional and alternative treatments, pitfalls of applying

for disability and more.

The course runs from May 27 through June 27, 2002. It includes eight lessons

with resources, and a highly interactive discussion area for students and

instructor to discuss the many aspects of FMS.

There is a text, " Inside Fibromyalgia " by Dr. Mark Pellegrino, as well as a

large resource area for additional materials and support. For more information

visit http://go1.warp9ems.com/go.pl?tu=12232036-5089


CFS Documentary " I Remember Me " Now Available on VHS


Zeitgeist Video is proud to announce that Kim Snyder's groundbreaking

documentary I REMEMBER ME is now available for purchase on VHS. Roger Ebert in

the Chicago Sun-Times called the film, " a documentary which does what the

Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta shamefully failed to do: connects the

dots. "

Karlsberg of the Santa Barbara News-Press wrote that I REMEMBER ME

" demystifies chronic fatigue syndrome with a compelling, almost palpable force.

Anyone who has ever endured any difficulty in his or her life - disease or

otherwise, will not only appreciate 'I Remember Me' but be forever touched by

the experience. "

The official release date for the video is May 28, 2002, but you can purchase it

today by calling Media Library at 1-. The cost is $30.99, plus

shipping and handling charges. Please call between 9am and 5pm EST and

specifically request I REMEMBER ME.

For more information on the film visit: zeitgeistvideo.com/irememberme/irm.html

GROUP SCREENINGS: We encourage you to spread the word about I REMEMBER ME.

However, if you wish to purchase the videotape to show to a large group (10

people or more) you need to purchase it with public performance rights directly

from Zeitgeist Films. Please call Clemence at or e-mail

clemence@.... (The same applies if you want to purchase I

REMEMBER ME for educational, institutional or library use).

FOR NORTH AMERICA ONLY: These VHS tapes are only available for sale within North

America. The VHS tapes are NTSC format. If you are outside North America please

visit irememberme.com for information on availability in other countries.

CALIFORNIA RESIDENTS PLEASE NOTE: " I Remember Me " will be playing at the

Theater in Santa , CA, for Saturday and Sunday daytime shows, at 11:00 am,

beginning June 1st.


About ImmuneSupport.com


Published by Pro Health, Inc., ImmuneSupport.com is the Web's largest resource

for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and fibromyalgia. Since 1988, Pro Health has raised

and donated over 2.3 million dollars to CFS and FM research and advocacy groups

seeking a cure. Every purchase made at ImmuneSupport.com funds research - as

does every purchase made from Pro Health's Health Resource catalog. Click on

this link to visit ImmuneSupport.com's home page:





Do you have a friend or relative who would find the information in this bulletin

useful? All you need to do is click on the link below, or forward this email to

them, and they can begin reading all the latest CFS and FM research and support



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