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--- Kathleen wrote:


> Re: Re: Kathleen (TX)




> Squeek,


> Sorry so long to get back to you!


> We have homeschooled Ben all along. He was so

> attached to us that I think

> kindergarten would have broken his heart. Now with

> all the standardized

> testing that they are doing here in Texas that is

> causing kids in early

> grades to get ulcers (no, I am not kidding...) I

> wouldn't send him if you

> paid me! They are even going to try to make it so

> that if a child doesn't

> pass this one test on the this one day they do not

> get to go to the next

> grade! Even if they are straight A students!!!!

> Enough about that!

> Actually, one more thing. Every year when they do

> this lovely testing, I

> get all kinds of calls from people who want to know

> about homeschooling...


> We use the recommendations in a book called " The

> Well Trained Mind " for our

> curriculum. So we kind of have a mish-mash of

> different things. It's a

> guide book for doing classical education at home.

> Ben is also very language

> oriented so it suites him perfectly! He also loves

> the piano. He's getting

> ready for his spring recital. He is going to play

> Pachebel's Cannon in D.

> It's really taking a lot of work and we are very

> proud of him!


> I think that taking some time to work before college

> is a great idea. I

> wish that I had done that. Then maybe I would have

> known what I wanted to

> do instead of majoring in almost everything before I

> was done. What a waste

> of time and money!!!


> Sorry for my book as well. It *is* wonderful to

> have another homeschooler

> on this board. It is tough to school when I am

> having a bad day. Ben is

> usually very good about helping me out. I usually

> read some aloud to him

> during the day and on bad days I just say, " Mom's

> voice is no good today;

> how about you read to me? " He's a good kid! Some

> days we just take it easy

> and read. That's one nice thing about homeschool --

> I am the principal too

> and I can call a teacher conference day with myself

> anytime I need it!


> Enough for now -- thanks for the conversation!


> Kathleen (Tx)


Wow! Texas sounds about as strict as Oregon is lax!

The last time I checked, children in Oregon can remain

in homeschool, or be passed to the next grade in

public school so long as they do not drop below the

3oth percentile. I have a problem with that!! But

your state sounds fairly obsessive about tests. Is

there no happy medium? Yes, it's called

homeschool....and I dearly love having that option.

Your son sounds wonderful...wish he and

were closer in age. The homeschool connection along

with the love of languages and playing the same

instrument...lots in common. has been

playing classical piano for almost seven years. He

has been on a full scholarship from his teacher for

all but the first three months of lessons. She is a

blessing to our lives! His recital was just canceled

because his teachers husband is not doing well at all.

Tell Ben that he is playing one of my favorite

pieces, and that I wish him luck!

I taught myself until he began high shool.

At that point we switched to video school. ABeka

films their actual classrooms at their school in

Florida, so he has teachers that can give him more

than I can at this point. It is sure a lot easier on

me, and he enjoys it. He wanted to take Spanish I

this year, and there was no way I could teach him

that. Next year, out of six classes, three of them

will be languages....English, French I, and Spanish

II. Plus he is attempting to write his own language.

He is a very interesting young man!

Take care, Kathleen. I know what a challenge

homeschool is, and when you are having a bad day I

don't know how you do it! Having a great kid surely


Now, I must apologize for the book.

Love, squeek



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