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In a message dated 9/8/2000 3:49:01 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

pooker@... writes:


Reply-to: <A HREF= " mailto:MiniGastricBypass (AT) egroups (DOT) com " >MiniGastricBypass@e

groups.com</A> >>

What about BOB?

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In a message dated 9/8/2000 4:23:49 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

metrishal@... writes:

<< What about BOB? >>

LOVED that movie! :o)

Hope your surgery went good, Bob, and you're laying in bed with a nice

morphine pump right about now. <g>

~Robin in FL

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  • 1 year later...
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--- Estes wrote:

> , , anyone,


> Based on advice to get this flare stopped before it

> does further damage I was thinking about calling my

> DR

> about Prednizone this morning. However, I checked my

> BP and it was 165/105 with pulse rate 51. Also my

> sugar was 295. Now I wonder if I should even ask

> about

> Prednizone. Ya'll got any thoughts?


> Bob Estes


> Dear Bob, you definitely need to talk to your

doctor. You need to get that sugar level down, you

need to get that bp down and you need to get rid of

that flare, and prednisone is the most likely drug to

do it. Pain can cause high blood pressure. taking

pred will increase your sugar levels, when I go up on

pred I adjust my diabetes meds. i.e. normally I an

manage on Glucophage(metformin) three times a day;

when my pred is increased I add in Glyburide, then

reduce the glyburide with the pred reduction. When

doing this I monitor my sugar levels carefully.

That has reminded me to check mine, 2 hours after

breakfast its 174, not too bad. Could be better

though. I had better do my exercise.

Hang in there Bob, and get it sorted, best wishes love




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--- Estes wrote:

> , , anyone,


> Based on advice to get this flare stopped before it

> does further damage I was thinking about calling my

> DR

> about Prednizone this morning. However, I checked my

> BP and it was 165/105 with pulse rate 51. Also my

> sugar was 295. Now I wonder if I should even ask

> about

> Prednizone. Ya'll got any thoughts?


> Bob Estes


> Dear Bob, you definitely need to talk to your

doctor. You need to get that sugar level down, you

need to get that bp down and you need to get rid of

that flare, and prednisone is the most likely drug to

do it. Pain can cause high blood pressure. taking

pred will increase your sugar levels, when I go up on

pred I adjust my diabetes meds. i.e. normally I an

manage on Glucophage(metformin) three times a day;

when my pred is increased I add in Glyburide, then

reduce the glyburide with the pred reduction. When

doing this I monitor my sugar levels carefully.

That has reminded me to check mine, 2 hours after

breakfast its 174, not too bad. Could be better

though. I had better do my exercise.

Hang in there Bob, and get it sorted, best wishes love




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Hi Bob

I'm a type II Diabetic also. My blood sugar was running about 125 when I was first DX and put on medication, but the medication wasn't controlling the blood sugar that great so was put on Glucovance 1.25/250. This seemed to work fine until my Rheumy DX with RP. I was really some what lucky because the day I had my appointment with him my ears were flaring. That's when I asked him about it. I did notice he was looking at me funny, but when I asked him he asked me a couple of questions about my nose etc. He then got me in to see my ENT doctor and then ordered a biopsy. Now the only thing the biopsy showed was the inflammation in the ear cartilage. With RP I understand that's about the only thing it will show, but still the flaring of the ears and nose are the biggest thing to point to RP. Come to find out the reason I was lucky is my Rheumy had seen one other case of RP. In fact he did a research paper and had a subject who had RP (he showed me her pictures) so he was very well aware of RP. Well again I was lucky because I was only put on 20 mgs of Pred...however this did make my blood sugar go over 300 and on one blood test way over 400. I freaked out with that so then my PCP upped my medication to Glucovance 2.5/500 mg. This did bring my blood sugar down to the low 200's. It wasn't until my Rheumy was able to get my Pred down to 10 mg that my blood sugar is now way down and close to normal, but it all depends on what I eat. I need to stay away from all rice, breads (esp biskets) and potatoes. Those three foods will make my sugar go way up.

I try and eat a lot of fresh veggies, fruits and no more yummy pizzas. Anything that is white in color you can bet is high in sugar so diet it a major key in keeping the blood sugar down.

Exercise is something I wish I could do, but unfortunately I have Osteoarthritis in my right hip and I am close to needing a hip replacement. I have glycoma, cataracts, boarder line Osteoporosis, major Fibromyaliga, high Colesterol and I'm only 54. Really sucks having a mind of a teenager and feeling like you are 80 years old. I am still working, but that is becoming very difficult to me.

My suggestion to you would be to find a good Rheumy who knows how to treat RP and between the Rheumy and you other doctor treating the Diabetes they should be able to help get it under control. Pred "will" make your blood sugar go up, but you cannot let those flares continue to damage your body. You will also have to try and give up as much food with sugar in it and I trust all will work out. Find that Rheumy since he/she will be the main team leader regarding your RP and other health issues.

Hope this info helps


-- Re: Re: Bob

Sharynn,I am type II Diabetic, on medication and since this RPbegan my blood sugar has been around 300. Before theRP my sugar was about 150. I am on a couple meds forBP and usually I am able to control that at about140/90. My DR is concerned about the side effects ofPrednizone. He got me an appointment with theReumatology Dept here at U of KY, but it isn't untilJuly 24. I'm wonder if that is too long to wait.Bob Estes__________________________________________________

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  • 2 weeks later...
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In a message dated 7/13/02 6:34:07 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

bobestes72140@... writes:


Does this sound right to you guys? Thanks, Bob

_____ >>

Bob, yes that sounds right! Most drs. will say that because they don't know

what to look for. LOL I think we have all heard that. Mine was not

negative, it was inconclusiver. LOL (just a bigger word). Mine showed

inflamation. Well it should have, my ears were double sized and beat read.

There is more research being done and hoepfully there will be some way to

possitively diagnose RP with a test, seems like drs. want proof. LOL If they

would take the time to REALLY look at us, they would see the picture.

Are your ears still red? Do they have you on different med? Let us know.

someone here will have the answers.

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My rheumy explained the way you could tell if a person had RP or cellulitis in the ear. The upper 2/3 of the ear is cartilege & that is what swells & turns red & hot with RP. If the whole ear is involved then it is cellulitis.

Hope this helps a little.


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The lobe is never involved but the rest of the ear

from the ear is involved in varying degrees. RP or

Cellulitis? Bob

--- Ted Staniec wrote:

> My rheumy explained the way you could tell if a

> person had RP or cellulitis in the ear. The upper

> 2/3 of the ear is cartilege & that is what swells &

> turns red & hot with RP. If the whole ear is

> involved then it is cellulitis.


> Hope this helps a little.


> Susiecue



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I have never had a biopsy for RP and I definitely have it. I was diagnosed by my symptoms. Thank God a dr. finally figured it out before I had major damage. I know nothing about the biopsy test maybe someone else can tell you. Sending good thoughts to you!

Lots of love


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Sure sounds like RP to me but what would I know? Damn Dr. sometimes just don't want to make a diagnoses. At least RP is not the end of the world now a days. Take care and I will be sending good thoughts and prayers your way!

Lots of Love


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Please let us know what you find out! We really care! Try not to worry too much about the RP. Worry is the worst for us! Leave the worry to me!

Lots of love


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