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Re: Susiecue/Energy

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Good luck on selling your house, and all the work that


I have read all the posts about lack of energy and it

just dawned on me that this is one of the things I

recently discussed with my rheumy. (How soon they

forget!) No energy and no brain cells!

Anyway, I asked him why I was always SO tired and he

gave me a look that said, " DUH " ! He said it is

because I have a disease that my body is constantly

fighting, lots of inflammation that my body is

constantly fighting. He does not find it strange at

all that I have what I call " cement fatigue " ....where

I just feel as if I am encased in a cement block and

have no energy to move. I do agree with Liz, however,

that even a short walk helps with this problem. Not

all day maybe, but it does make me feel better for a


We are going to the coast on Saturday, and as much as

I love the Oregon coast, I am dreading it in a way.

Just the thought of a trip makes me so tired that I

don't want to go. But, I am going anyway, and I know

I will enjoy it.

So.....all of us with loss of energy need to remember

that our bodies are at war....with themselves....and

it takes lots of energy to battle this disease.

Love to all, squeek

--- Ted Staniec wrote:

> I continually have lack of energy. I thought it was

> just me but i've come to find out that quite a few

> of you also have this. I'm always sooooo tired. I

> dosed on and off for an hour this morning & for

> three & half this afternoon & I'm still tired. I

> don't have the old get up and go. I don't know if

> it is from the pred, the MTX or the RP or a

> combination of all three. I also am terribly

> nauseated. I have been on the MTX for 3-4 months &

> I'm on 10 because of elevated liver function & 7.5

> of pred YEAH!!!! not counting the ton of other

> things I am on.


> To make matters worse Ted broke his wrist on Sunday

> so I am trying to help him out even though I don't

> feel like doing it at times because I feel so awful.

> Bridget has been helping out, believe me we need it

> right now. I think my daughter & son in law are

> coming over on Saturday so he can put new trim on

> the windows & doors upstairs, & my son mentioned

> coming over on Sunday to work on that darn old tree

> limb that got Ted. Plus there's the stress of

> trying to sell the house, have not had even 1 nibble

> since the end of May. Someone's coming today.


> Luv ya,


> Susiecue




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