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How are you doing, Lu? Sinus infection any better?

Flare over? Come on over and I'll spring for the

pizza! Love, squeek

--- Lu1953@... wrote:

> In a message dated 04/25/2002 4:11:05 PM Central

> Daylight Time,

> sisterslk@... writes:



> > . Personally,

> > I am hungry for pizza today. Of course I am, it

> has

> > plenty of cheese.

> >

> > Take care, and get well soon. Love, squeek

> >

> >

> >


> OH Squeek, This is many days later but now I want

> Pizza too. with lots of

> cheese. lol

> Lu




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How are you doing, Lu? Sinus infection any better? Flare over? Come on over and I'll spring for the

pizza! Love, squeek

HI Squeek, No I am sick, I have too many things wrong, but some of my doctors are working together at least. I'm still trying to get in to see this one rheumy, they said it would be 3 months???? So, pass over the pizza, i'M HUNGRY.



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Oh Lu, what are we going to do with you. This is not

good, and I am so sorry to hear that you are still so

sick. I will continue to pray. Maybe we will have

that pizza in Portland in a few years. Hold that

hunger! Love, squeek

--- Lu1953@... wrote:

> In a message dated 04/30/2002 7:27:33 PM Central

> Daylight Time,

> sisterslk@... writes:



> > How are you doing, Lu? Sinus infection any

> better?

> > Flare over? Come on over and I'll spring for the

> > pizza! Love, squeek

> >

> >

> >


> HI Squeek, No I am sick, I have too many things

> wrong, but some of my

> doctors are working together at least. I'm still

> trying to get in to see this

> one rheumy, they said it would be 3 months???? So,

> pass over the pizza, i'M


> lol

> lu




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In a message dated 5/4/02 8:04:13 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

idigflower@... writes:


This last week hit me very hard with all this news. I feel so helpless

but I know God will see you all through because we need you!


, you just worry about yourself and you get to feeling better. Worry

doesn't help us and we can't do a darn thing about it anyway. ( look who's

talking LOL ). It is out of our hands and we just have to have a possitive

attitude and faith. I have put all of this in God's hands and I know that

whatever happens is his choice. I believe that I'm going to come out of this

and be running circles around you guys. LOL Boy, wait til you see me post

then. LOL You'll wish i was a little more tired. LOL

JUst keep a smile on your face and know that everything is going to be just

FINE. I am.

Have a good weekend and ENJOY yourself.


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I think everyone is already praying for ! Still doesn't keep us all from worrying! I for one don't know what I would do without her!

I have people that don't even know her praying for her so she should get better fast!

Hope you are feeling better!

Lots of love


Hey Glenda, I have all of ALABAMA praying for , can you take care of Oregon? We every one we can get praying for .

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Thank you so much , We all need a break, Hopefully its just around the corner. Thank you for being so nice and caring. may God Bless You!




I'm sorry you're having such a hard time with this! You need a break and I wish I could give you one. I am on the constant alert for a true, wishing wand. I don't think most of us would ask for much, just a break.

Take care of yourself!


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  • 2 months later...
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Hi Lu, it was so good to see the "blue" this morning!

How are you doing? Love, squeek

HI Squeek,

I am doing some better if I could just get rid of the tumor on my foot I think I could get a lot better. lol How are you doing? I have so much catching up to do.

Man I loved being at the beach last week, although redheads can't tan they can freckle and maybe one day they will all run together and I will have the perfect tan. lol

What's up with you?

love u


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How are you feeling Lu? It's so good to see you posting. Love, Sharon

Hi Sharon,

I am doing better, how about you. I hope I can stay posting. lol

Love you


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Hi Lu, it was so good to see the " blue " this morning!

How are you doing? Love, squeek

--- Lu1953@... wrote:

> Hi Cindy,

> The doctors call this costochondritis and every

> doctor I have been too seems

> to think there is little that you can do to help

> this. I think it goes along

> with RP and it seems to come and go. So hopefully

> yours will go soon. I hope

> you feel better soon. Take care,

> Love,

> Lu



> > I haven't posted for a very long time. Have been

> feeling pretty good until

> > about a week ago. My sternum is so painful right

> now with every move I

> > make and it even hurts when I breath. Can anyone

> tell me what causes this

> > and if it is part of Rp. I am on 5mg of

> prednisone and Azathoraprine, but

> > my dr. wants me to go to 2.5mg of prednisone. I

> don't think this will help

> > the pain in my sternum area.

> >

> >






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> Hi Squeek,

> What is up with all this decorating now you guys

> have me wanting to do some.

> lol stop it! lol


> I hope you get that blood pressure under control. I

> wonder what is making it

> high now?


> yes, I am waiting on orders from Mayo, I think they

> forgot about me. But when

> they send them I have to go to Birmingham and have a

> MRI of my feet and then

> talk to a surgeon. It has to come out because I can

> hardly walk with it now.

> I don't know if its RP related but has them

> on her feet and hers

> looked just like mine. I think I must have been

> trying to copy her. :) lol


> Have you seen some of those trading spaces shows

> that went bad and the people

> cried when they saw what they had done to their

> homes? Man that would be bad

> huh? lol


> Take some pictures and let us see what your

> decorating. Take care, and get

> the b/P down.

> Love you

> Lu



Hi Lu,

Hey if you really want to do some decorating, come on

to Oregon and help me out! Ugh! I am so slow I think

I will never get done sometimes. I will though...in

my own time.

I wish I knew what was making my BP high now.

Hopefully being on two water pills will fix it. Good

luck on getting the tumors dealt with. That doesn't

sound like fun at all.

Oh yes, I have seen some of the wildest things on

Trading Spaces, including people who hate what they

did to their homes. Sometimes it is totally

understandable. If anyone glued straw or moss to my

walls I would NOT be happy! I'm just too old for that

much change. I'm not doing anything fancy at

all....just plain old paint. I'm boring!! But we are

getting a few new windows, new wood flooring in the

kitchen, dining room, and entry way, an exterior paint

job, and the front door refinished. Old houses, like

old people seem to require more care all the time.

You take care, Lu, and once again....it is so good to

have you back.

Love, squeek



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Hi Squeek,

Wow, It sounds like your doing a lot! Maybe between you, , & Glenda I will get the urge to do something here. lol We haven't been in the house long I think it will be 3 years in Jan. but it already needs painting in some places and caulking in others. I would love to have a maintenance free home. lol I don't think they come that way. lol

I wish I could make it to Oregon I would be pestering all of you that live there. You would be shipping me back to Bama fast!

Take care,

Love you


I'm not doing anything fancy at

all....just plain old paint. I'm boring!! But we are

getting a few new windows, new wood flooring in the

kitchen, dining room, and entry way, an exterior paint

job, and the front door refinished. Old houses, like

old people seem to require more care all the time.

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Thank you Squeek,

I know I will enjoy myself, its just the packing

that I hate. lol I feel better leaving now knowing is doing good.

I couldn't believe those rooms on trading spaces, they were the worst I have ever seen. lol I'm glad they didn't do a room for me. lol

Thanks for the prayers, I know God hears us. You take care,

Love you


Oh Lu, not another flare! I hate this cRaP too. It's

like two steps forward and one step back all the time.

Frustrating to say the least! I'm sorry that you are

flaring and I will pray for you also.

Yes, the moss on the wall was horrible. That moss

came from Oregon and the man who was doing the room

said it smelled like dirty underwear. Our moss smells

so good our in the woods!

Have fun being out of town with your hubby....get some

rest and relaxation. We will miss you!

Love, squeek

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Oh Lu, not another flare! I hate this cRaP too. It's

like two steps forward and one step back all the time.

Frustrating to say the least! I'm sorry that you are

flaring and I will pray for you also.

Yes, the moss on the wall was horrible. That moss

came from Oregon and the man who was doing the room

said it smelled like dirty underwear. Our moss smells

so good our in the woods!

Have fun being out of town with your hubby....get some

rest and relaxation. We will miss you!

Love, squeek

--- Lu1953@... wrote:

> HI Squeek, I am having a flare, darn I hate RP! I

> slept most of yesterday and

> just rested, I happened to see the trading spaces

> episode where they put the

> moss on the wall. Oh my gish! That room was so ugly,

> even the neighbors house

> turned out ugly. I believe that is the worst episode

> I have seen. GEE! lol

> I will be going out of town on Sunday and retuning

> late wed. night. So, don't

> you guys worry if you don't hear from me. Okay?

> I have you all in my prayers.

> Love you

> Lu


> > I am praying for along with everyone else!


> > Also and for Sharon as she fights with this

> > infection. BTW, how are you this morning, Sharon.

> >

> > Love to all, squeek

> >

> >






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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

--- Lu1953@... wrote:

> Oh My goodness Squeek,

> and I were talking today about both of us

> have foot tumors and

> wondered why we did, and she told me someone else

> had them too. I wonder if

> RP has anything to do with this?


> Does anyone else have them? I can hardly walk, one

> of mine is so bad. They

> have already done the MRI but I can't see the doctor

> until Oct. go figure?


> Squeek I am so sorry you have been having a hard

> time. Bless your heart I

> pray things will start to turn around real soon for

> you. If they don't they

> need to change drugs don't you think? These doctors

> frustrate me sometimes,

> especially when we suffer.


> Know your in my thoughts and prayers.

> Love you!

> Lu



Hi Lu,

So good to see you posting again! Hope you are

feeling better every day. I'd love to know if RP

could have any role in the formation of these lipomas.

Sorry that you and have such pain from yours.

Are yours on the bottoms of your feet also?

About changing drugs....my doctor said that we are

about out of options at this point. I have been on

just about everything except cytoxan and he does not

want to go there. I know it has helped some in the

group, but I prefer to try maxing out on remicade.

Got my fingers crossed! Usually whenever he increases

the dose I do great for a time or two, so


Thanks for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers.

Please know that I do the same for you!

Love you,

squeek (when I get on that maximum dose of remicade

will I have to become " squeek-squeek " ?)



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--- Lu1953@... wrote:

> Hey Squeek,

> yes mine are on the bottom of my feet. I noticed

> them first in Oklahoma last

> year. Then they started hurting. I saw 's

> while in Oklahoma and hers

> are in the same place mine are. I just think its

> odd.

> Geez I hope the meds help you to feel much better

> soon. You take care and

> thanks for the prayers.

> Love you

> Lu


That is odd that yours and 's are in the same

spot. Of course, I have to be the odd-ball!!

Don't worry about me. I'll be o.k. You just

concentrate on getting yourself well.

Pray for my kiddo tomorrow if you think of it. He is

having oral surgery for 4 impacted wisdom teeth in the

morning. Mom is having a harder time with this than

he is. I don't like to think about my kid in pain.

Love, squeek



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  • 1 month later...


I will write them a nasty letter when I actually get my records and Mike's have also been transferred to the new dr. They were suppose to call me yesterday but still have not received any word as of yet. Mike is going to call them this morning and see if they are done yet. It is not so much the dr. as the med. staff that works for him. They are the ones that have given me such a time of it. Dr. was okay but the staff were always a butt to me. Wouldn't pass on or just wouldn't let me talk to nurse or dr.

WEll I'm sure he the doctor doesn't know how they are treating you and he is the one person who can stop it. I hope you get your records today.

Love you


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I will write them a nasty letter when I actually get my records and Mike's have also been transferred to the new dr. They were suppose to call me yesterday but still have not received any word as of yet. Mike is going to call them this morning and see if they are done yet. It is not so much the dr. as the med. staff that works for him. They are the ones that have given me such a time of it. Dr. was okay but the staff were always a butt to me. Wouldn't pass on or just wouldn't let me talk to nurse or dr.

Take care

Lots of love


Wow ,that's a lot of dough to pay for something they have to release to a new doctor. I guess when I went to get them, I would mutter just want to my lawyer gets you for this. lol I can't resist remember I am a redhead, we have tempers bad. lol Love you, Lu

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He has been told how his staff treated me and so has his nurse. They both told me they would talk to the staff. A lot of good that did.lol Guess that is the reason I am changing dr. so why should I expect a difference now. lol

Lots of love


WEll I'm sure he the doctor doesn't know how they are treating you and he is the one person who can stop it. I hope you get your records today. Love you Lu

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LuLu, Hi I'm a nurse that used to work in a doctor's office and there are good ones and bad ones that's for sure. I have an idea that may help you get the results you want. It's a way to get to the doctor without an appointment. It's sneaky though! You call after hours and ask who is the doctor on call tonight, if your doctor is on call tell them that you need to speak to him. Sometimes they ask for the reason, and you can say you tried to get him during the day but his staff would not let you speak to him or his nurse, or what ever you want to say at this point. If he isn't on call ask the answering service another night til you get the night he is on call. You could be vague and just say you do not want to discuss it with them but that it is very important that you speak to him tonight. I don't know if he charges for off regular hour phone calls but if he doesn't this might be a way to speak to him directly. Who cares if he becomes angry because he won't be your doctor anymore right. I hope this helps some. Good Luck-Sue Park

Re: Lu

Lu I will write them a nasty letter when I actually get my records and Mike's have also been transferred to the new dr. They were suppose to call me yesterday but still have not received any word as of yet. Mike is going to call them this morning and see if they are done yet. It is not so much the dr. as the med. staff that works for him. They are the ones that have given me such a time of it. Dr. was okay but the staff were always a butt to me. Wouldn't pass on or just wouldn't let me talk to nurse or dr. WEll I'm sure he the doctor doesn't know how they are treating you and he is the one person who can stop it. I hope you get your records today. Love you Lu DISCLAIMER!!WE ARE NOT MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS, THEREFORE ANY INFORMATION THAT IS RECEIVED HERE IS FROM EXPERIENCE ONLY. PLEASE CONSULT WITH YOUR DOCTOR BEFORE TRYING ANYTHING THAT IS SUGGESTED. WE ARE NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR YOUR PHYSICIAN AND ARE NOT TRYING TO BE. REMEMBER EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT AND TREATMENT MAYBE DIFFERENT FOR MANY OF US. THANK YOU

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