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Anyone have a child who started wearing a DOC Band at 21 months?

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My son turned 21 months on September 8, 2009. He is being fitted for a DOC Band

tomorrow and will have the band by September 16, 2009. So, he will begin

wearing the DOC band at 21 months, 8 days old. Can anyone give me any

encouraging stories that show success at this age with the DOC band? His head

is flat on one side in the back and the his forehead is slopped on one side.

Our insurance company will not pay for this band since our son is past the age

of 18 months. The claim was denied two times, and we are currently in the

appeal process. Financially, it is going to be difficult to afford the band and

we are concerned that it will not benefit our son due to his age. If anyone has

a similar experience with a son or daughter near the same age who started

treatment late, I would love to hear your success story. Thank you in advance

for your help.

S., a new member

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My son, Jr., started his Doc band at 22 months (21 adjusted as he was born a month or so early). He'll be done with his Doc band soon, and has his exit scans and measurements on September 21st. I'll post his ending information after that date for people such as you to know (a few others also have asked for this info). Based on what I've read on this board and the older child plagio board, here's what I recall from others (as well as our own situation):

One lady banded her child at 24 months (through 28 months) and had 2 - 3 mm of assymetry improvement

Another lady banded her child at 17 months and had a second band at 20.5 months (through about 24 months), and had (I can't recall exactly) very good improvements in assymetry with both bands (at least 5 mm of improvement from each band as I recall).

Others have noted on the board at the initation of their child being banded, but never provided updates/results (guessing these situations might not have been as good as the above others?)

My best guess of my own situation is that my child has (MAYBE) 1 or 2 mm of improvement in assymetry and (MAYBE) about 1% improvement in cephalic index - based on my own photo measurements through about 2.5 months. Hopefully at the end of the 3.5 months at the official exit my measurements will be confirmed or (fingers crossed) the results to be even better than this.

The issue with my child has been there has been very little head growth - hopefully your child has more. But even with the limited change with my child, I am very happy I did the banding for him. And it went really well (slept great the first night, he never complained, except for the occasional "Too tight!" complaints, which were helpful to be honest). He always runs over to me or my wife when its time to put it on after his bath, and complains when his twin sister tries to put it on herself........he definitely did his part.


Jr., Doc banded 6/09, 21 months adjusted

From: kstengel35 <kstengel35@...>Subject: Anyone have a child who started wearing a DOC Band at 21 months?Plagiocephaly Date: Wednesday, September 9, 2009, 10:52 PM

My son turned 21 months on September 8, 2009. He is being fitted for a DOC Band tomorrow and will have the band by September 16, 2009. So, he will begin wearing the DOC band at 21 months, 8 days old. Can anyone give me any encouraging stories that show success at this age with the DOC band? His head is flat on one side in the back and the his forehead is slopped on one side. Our insurance company will not pay for this band since our son is past the age of 18 months. The claim was denied two times, and we are currently in the appeal process. Financially, it is going to be difficult to afford the band and we are concerned that it will not benefit our son due to his age. If anyone has a similar experience with a son or daughter near the same age who started treatment late, I would love to hear your success story.. Thank you in advance for your help. S., a new member

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I think I am the lady in the second bullet point! My son Jake wore 2 DOCbands,

the first beginning at 17 months 1 week, the second beginning at 21 months until

2 weeks after he turned 2. He went from about 15 mm of asym to about 10 in the

first band, and to about 5 after the second. I was thrilled with his

improvement. I think being in a DOCBand is key because Cranial Tech has had so

much experience/success in treating older babies. It will all just depend on his

rate of growth. I definitely think it's better to try and hope for the best

(while keeping realistic expectations). At his age, the band can't make the

plagio worse, it will only stay the same or improve, so it's worth a shot for

sure. My son's before and after photos are in the Older Plagio Kids folder under

Jake W. Which CT will you be going to? Let me know if you have any further


Best of Luck!

Jake-3 (DOCBand Grad 9/08)




> From: kstengel35 <kstengel35@...>

> Subject: Anyone have a child who started wearing a DOC Band at 21


> Plagiocephaly

> Date: Wednesday, September 9, 2009, 10:52 PM







> My son turned 21 months on September 8, 2009. He is being fitted for a DOC

Band tomorrow and will have the band by September 16, 2009. So, he will begin

wearing the DOC band at 21 months, 8 days old. Can anyone give me any

encouraging stories that show success at this age with the DOC band? His head is

flat on one side in the back and the his forehead is slopped on one side. Our

insurance company will not pay for this band since our son is past the age of 18

months. The claim was denied two times, and we are currently in the appeal

process. Financially, it is going to be difficult to afford the band and we are

concerned that it will not benefit our son due to his age.. If anyone has a

similar experience with a son or daughter near the same age who started

treatment late, I would love to hear your success story. Thank you in advance

for your help.


> S., a new member


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Hi ,

Sorry, other than the stories posted on this group, I don't know of

any. My son's chiro told me she has seen cases where a baby's head

improved as late as 26 to 28 months.

Which CT branch are you going to? We have an appointment for an

evaluation at the Pasadena, CA branch in mid-Nov. We are considering a

second band after our Starband. We are happy with the Starband and

we're getting results despite slow growth due to age. We are

considering a second band to maximize these results.

Kathy, mom to , 15 months, Starband 3 months

kstengel35 wrote:

My son turned 21 months on September 8, 2009. He is being fitted

for a DOC Band tomorrow and will have the band by September 16, 2009.

So, he will begin wearing the DOC band at 21 months, 8 days old. Can

anyone give me any encouraging stories that show success at this age

with the DOC band? His head is flat on one side in the back and the his

forehead is slopped on one side. Our insurance company will not pay for

this band since our son is past the age of 18 months. The claim was

denied two times, and we are currently in the appeal process.

Financially, it is going to be difficult to afford the band and we are

concerned that it will not benefit our son due to his age. If anyone

has a similar experience with a son or daughter near the same age who

started treatment late, I would love to hear your success story. Thank

you in advance for your help.

S., a new member

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Thank you for responding to my message. Your response gives me hope. I really

hope my son's head grows more than expected. The cicumference of Rowan's head

is already 52 cm and my older son's head is 54 1/2 cm at age 4. If their head

circumference is similar in growth pattern (which it has been similar up to the

age of 15 mo.), I am curious if this means Rowan's head will not grow much more

in the time he is in the band.

Rowan did surprisingly well today at CT when he was fitted. He ofcourse was so

upset to have a nylon over his head and face, but adjusted to it quickly. I

will keep everyone updated on how well he adjusts once he receives the band.

The clinician made a comment that concerned me after he was fitted, and this

comment was that she hopes the images are okay because of how thick his hair is.

His hair is so thick in the back, and she said if it was not a good image, I

would have to cut his hair to thin it and have him fitted a second time. I

would find out tomorrow if there is a problem. I was not aware of this

beforehand and am hoping the thickness of his hair does not delay or prolong the

process of getting his band.

I have so much anxiety about this whole process, and really hope in the end, I

see some results. Thanks again for your help. I hope you continue to see

improvement as well with Jr. I look forward to hearing his end results

late September. I wish you the best. Keep me posted.




> From: kstengel35 <kstengel35@...>

> Subject: Anyone have a child who started wearing a DOC Band at 21


> Plagiocephaly

> Date: Wednesday, September 9, 2009, 10:52 PM







> My son turned 21 months on September 8, 2009. He is being fitted for a DOC

Band tomorrow and will have the band by September 16, 2009. So, he will begin

wearing the DOC band at 21 months, 8 days old. Can anyone give me any

encouraging stories that show success at this age with the DOC band? His head is

flat on one side in the back and the his forehead is slopped on one side. Our

insurance company will not pay for this band since our son is past the age of 18

months. The claim was denied two times, and we are currently in the appeal

process. Financially, it is going to be difficult to afford the band and we are

concerned that it will not benefit our son due to his age.. If anyone has a

similar experience with a son or daughter near the same age who started

treatment late, I would love to hear your success story. Thank you in advance

for your help.


> S., a new member


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Hi, !

Thank you for your response to my message. Your story gives me hope with my

son, Rowan. I did view the pictures of older plagio children last night, and am

aware of the before and after pics of your son, Jake. It is amazing how well

Jake did in both bands. Just out of curiosity, if you do not mind me asking,

did you have to pay for two bands since he was in two during his treatment

period? Because Rowan is past 18 mo., our insurance co., BCBS- PPO, has denied

the claim. We are now in the appeal process. I applied for Care Credit and the

amount we will be paying in the end is $3600. I was curious if you had to pay

this fee twice.

I mentioned to another member named that Rowan's head circumference is

currently 52 cm and my older son's head is 54 1/2 cm at the age of 4. Their

head circumference has been pretty consistent from birth to 15 months. If

growth rate is at all similar, I am wondering if Rowan's head will not grow much

while in the band. Do you have any comments on this? I am so anxious to get

Rowan started and would have started him with treatment sooner if we had not

trusted our pediatrician so much. She said from 4 months on until the present

that Rowan's head would round out on it's own. It has not and we ofcourse were

misinformed and waited too long. We were never encouraged to seek treatment and

just recently learned of CT. We are going to the Oakbrook office in IL.

We should have the band by next Wednesday unless there is a delay because of the

thickness of Rowan's hair. The clinician made the comment today when he was

fitted that she hopes the images taken are okay because of how thick his hair

is. She said I may have to thin his hair and come back for more images. I

think I will hear if there is a problem by tomorrow. I hope this is not the

case because I do not want the process prolonged any more.

Well, thank you for sharing your story and taking the time to respond. I can

only hope Rowan does as well as Jake did. Thank you!


> >

> >

> > From: kstengel35 <kstengel35@>

> > Subject: Anyone have a child who started wearing a DOC Band at 21


> > Plagiocephaly

> > Date: Wednesday, September 9, 2009, 10:52 PM

> >

> >

> >  

> >

> >

> >

> > My son turned 21 months on September 8, 2009. He is being fitted for a DOC

Band tomorrow and will have the band by September 16, 2009. So, he will begin

wearing the DOC band at 21 months, 8 days old. Can anyone give me any

encouraging stories that show success at this age with the DOC band? His head is

flat on one side in the back and the his forehead is slopped on one side. Our

insurance company will not pay for this band since our son is past the age of 18

months. The claim was denied two times, and we are currently in the appeal

process. Financially, it is going to be difficult to afford the band and we are

concerned that it will not benefit our son due to his age.. If anyone has a

similar experience with a son or daughter near the same age who started

treatment late, I would love to hear your success story. Thank you in advance

for your help.

> >

> > S., a new member

> >


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Hi, Kathy.

Thank you for your response to my message. It is hopeful to hear that your

son's chiro has seen improvements in babies that are between 26-28 months. We

are going to the CT branch in Oakbrook, IL. Are you considering a " DOC band "

after the STARband? I wish you the best. As parents, we can be hopeful that we

will see positive results in the end. Keep me posted on your decision with the

next band and further treatment. I will do the same. Thank you!


> >

> >

> > My son turned 21 months on September 8, 2009. He is being fitted for a

> > DOC Band tomorrow and will have the band by September 16, 2009. So, he

> > will begin wearing the DOC band at 21 months, 8 days old. Can anyone

> > give me any encouraging stories that show success at this age with the

> > DOC band? His head is flat on one side in the back and the his

> > forehead is slopped on one side. Our insurance company will not pay

> > for this band since our son is past the age of 18 months. The claim

> > was denied two times, and we are currently in the appeal process.

> > Financially, it is going to be difficult to afford the band and we are

> > concerned that it will not benefit our son due to his age. If anyone

> > has a similar experience with a son or daughter near the same age who

> > started treatment late, I would love to hear your success story. Thank

> > you in advance for your help.

> >

> > S., a new member

> >

> >


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Yes, we are going to consider a DOC band after the STARband. We are

happy with the STARband, but we think our son's head might improve more

with additional time. The STARband orthos usually only treat babies

until around 18 months and by then my son would have been in the helmet

6 months. Another thing we are talking about instead is wearing the

STARband beyond the 6 months. Our ortho did say our son can wear his

helmet until he outgrows it, and at the rate he is growing that would

be a long time. We are doing all we can to get my son's head as close

to normal range as possible. His head is now a mild case, so we figure

even small absolute improvements will go a long ways visually. If

anyone has any advise, please share.

Best of luck! I have been really anxious too. I really don't

understand why the pediatricians don't take this more seriously.

Another thing we are trying is chiro/CST and it helps. Since your

son's head is probably not completely fused, this may be worth a try.

Some people get results with this treatment even for older children,

but I believe it is more effective while the head still moves around.

There has been a lot of email on this board recently discussing

chiro/CST. For those of you following my posts, the last visit 's

chiro had troubles finding his soft spot. It had filled in a lot

recently, so I felt bummed about this. On the positive side, it looks

like 's head may have grown a little, so hopefully the next next

scan shows some improvement.

- Kathy, mom to , 15 months, 3 months in Starband

kstengel35 wrote:

Hi, Kathy.

Thank you for your response to my message. It is hopeful to hear that

your son's chiro has seen improvements in babies that are between 26-28

months. We are going to the CT branch in Oakbrook, IL. Are you

considering a "DOC band" after the STARband? I wish you the best. As

parents, we can be hopeful that we will see positive results in the

end. Keep me posted on your decision with the next band and further

treatment. I will do the same. Thank you!


> >

> >

> > My son turned 21 months on September 8, 2009. He is being

fitted for a

> > DOC Band tomorrow and will have the band by September 16,

2009. So, he

> > will begin wearing the DOC band at 21 months, 8 days old. Can


> > give me any encouraging stories that show success at this age

with the

> > DOC band? His head is flat on one side in the back and the


> > forehead is slopped on one side. Our insurance company will

not pay

> > for this band since our son is past the age of 18 months. The


> > was denied two times, and we are currently in the appeal


> > Financially, it is going to be difficult to afford the band

and we are

> > concerned that it will not benefit our son due to his age. If


> > has a similar experience with a son or daughter near the same

age who

> > started treatment late, I would love to hear your success

story. Thank

> > you in advance for your help.

> >

> > S., a new member

> >

> >


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, thanks for sharing your results! You are right that we hear of

other people banding late, but then we never find out the results. I

always fear the worse too and figure their results were not good. It

is too bad we never hear the outcome, so that those of us banding late

know what to expect.

- Kathy, mom to 15 months, 3 months Starband

Mathison wrote:


My son,

Jr., started his Doc band at 22 months (21 adjusted as he was

born a month or so early). He'll be done with his Doc band soon, and

has his exit scans and measurements on September 21st. I'll post his

ending information after that date for people such as you to know (a

few others also have asked for this info). Based on what I've read on

this board and the older child plagio board, here's what I recall from

others (as well as our own situation):

One lady banded her child

at 24 months (through 28 months) and had 2 - 3 mm of assymetry


Another lady banded her

child at 17 months and had a second band at 20.5 months (through about

24 months), and had (I can't recall exactly) very good improvements in

assymetry with both bands (at least 5 mm of improvement from each band

as I recall).

Others have noted on the

board at the initation of their child being banded, but never provided

updates/results (guessing these situations might not have been as good

as the above others?)

My best guess of my own

situation is that my child has (MAYBE) 1 or 2 mm of improvement in

assymetry and (MAYBE) about 1% improvement in cephalic index - based on

my own photo measurements through about 2.5 months. Hopefully at the

end of the 3.5 months at the official exit my measurements will be

confirmed or (fingers crossed) the results to be even better than this.


issue with my child has been there has been very little head growth -

hopefully your child has more. But even with the limited change with

my child, I am very happy I did the banding for him. And it went

really well (slept great the first night, he never complained, except

for the occasional "Too tight!" complaints, which were helpful to be

honest). He always runs over to me or my wife when its time to put it

on after his bath, and complains when his twin sister tries to put it

on herself........he definitely did his part.


Jr., Doc banded 6/09, 21 months adjusted

From: kstengel35 <kstengel35 >

Subject: Anyone have a child who started wearing a DOC Band at

21 months?


Date: Wednesday, September 9, 2009, 10:52 PM

My son turned 21 months on September 8, 2009. He is

being fitted for a DOC Band tomorrow and will have the band by

September 16, 2009. So, he will begin wearing the DOC band at 21

months, 8 days old. Can anyone give me any encouraging stories that

show success at this age with the DOC band? His head is flat on one

side in the back and the his forehead is slopped on one side. Our

insurance company will not pay for this band since our son is past the

age of 18 months. The claim was denied two times, and we are currently

in the appeal process. Financially, it is going to be difficult to

afford the band and we are concerned that it will not benefit our son

due to his age. If anyone has a similar experience with a son or

daughter near the same age who started treatment late, I would love to

hear your success story.. Thank you in advance for your help.

S., a new member

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Hi Kathy, We just went in for Luke's first checkup and I was asking his

clinician to give her best guess at improvement since he is growing more slowly

now. She said that the plates don't really fuse until after 2 years old and

that the posterior fontanel usually looks flat on the majority of people.

I think you is going to look great after he graduates from his STARband and

if you decide to fit him for a DOCband, it can only help him. Luke is

definitely showing more roundness from the top angle (where he needs it the

most) and it's only been one week.

Good luck. Can't wait to hear how much has improved.

Luke, 10 months, moderate brachy, mild plagio

1.5 weeks DOCband


> > > >

> > > >

> > > > My son turned 21 months on September 8, 2009. He is being fitted

> > for a

> > > > DOC Band tomorrow and will have the band by September 16, 2009.

> > So, he

> > > > will begin wearing the DOC band at 21 months, 8 days old. Can anyone

> > > > give me any encouraging stories that show success at this age with

> > the

> > > > DOC band? His head is flat on one side in the back and the his

> > > > forehead is slopped on one side. Our insurance company will not pay

> > > > for this band since our son is past the age of 18 months. The claim

> > > > was denied two times, and we are currently in the appeal process.

> > > > Financially, it is going to be difficult to afford the band and we

> > are

> > > > concerned that it will not benefit our son due to his age. If anyone

> > > > has a similar experience with a son or daughter near the same age who

> > > > started treatment late, I would love to hear your success story.

> > Thank

> > > > you in advance for your help.

> > > >

> > > > S., a new member

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >

> >


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I was told the same thing about the posterior fontenel, but that it is flatter on people who had flat heads during those critical first months. I was told that to get that area completely rounded out, we would have had to have correction done very young.

Well, it turns out that this is the area that is flat on 's head. Hers is just quite a large area because we didn't get her banded until so late. So, that area of flatness is not likely to round out and we'll just have to hope that her hair covers it.

I'm still hoping for a little more correction in other areas.

Re: Anyone have a child who started wearing a DOC Band at 21 months?

Hi Kathy, We just went in for Luke's first checkup and I was asking his clinician to give her best guess at improvement since he is growing more slowly now. She said that the plates don't really fuse until after 2 years old and that the posterior fontanel usually looks flat on the majority of people. I think you is going to look great after he graduates from his STARband and if you decide to fit him for a DOCband, it can only help him. Luke is definitely showing more roundness from the top angle (where he needs it the most) and it's only been one week.Good luck. Can't wait to hear how much has improved.Luke, 10 months, moderate brachy, mild plagio1.5 weeks DOCbandNYC> > > >> > > >> > > > My son turned 21 months on September 8, 2009. He is being fitted > > for a> > > > DOC Band tomorrow and will have the band by September 16, 2009. > > So, he> > > > will begin wearing the DOC band at 21 months, 8 days old. Can anyone> > > > give me any encouraging stories that show success at this age with > > the> > > > DOC band? His head is flat on one side in the back and the his> > > > forehead is slopped on one side. Our insurance company will not pay> > > > for this band since our son is past the age of 18 months. The claim> > > > was denied two times, and we are currently in the appeal process.> > > > Financially, it is going to be difficult to afford the band and we > > are> > > > concerned that it will not benefit our son due to his age. If anyone> > > > has a similar experience with a son or daughter near the same age who> > > > started treatment late, I would love to hear your success story. > > Thank> > > > you in advance for your help.> > > >> > > > S., a new member> > > >> > > >> > >> >> >>

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Recently I noticed this site for our friends in the United Kingdom, which is

similar to our discussion group. I mention it because the forum has a

handful of topics related to " older " children being banded, and the results that

were obtained. Seems there were instances across the Atlantic where there were

pretty good results for older children as well....


(apologies if this is already one of the standard linked sites listed on this

board - I probably should have checked)


Jr. (doc banded 6/09 at 21 months adjusted)

> >

> >

> > From: kstengel35 <kstengel35@...>

> > Subject: Anyone have a child who started wearing a DOC

> > Band at 21 months?

> > Plagiocephaly

> > Date: Wednesday, September 9, 2009, 10:52 PM

> >

> >

> > My son turned 21 months on September 8, 2009. He is being fitted

> > for a DOC Band tomorrow and will have the band by September 16,

> > 2009. So, he will begin wearing the DOC band at 21 months, 8 days

> > old. Can anyone give me any encouraging stories that show success

> > at this age with the DOC band? His head is flat on one side in the

> > back and the his forehead is slopped on one side. Our insurance

> > company will not pay for this band since our son is past the age

> > of 18 months. The claim was denied two times, and we are currently

> > in the appeal process. Financially, it is going to be difficult to

> > afford the band and we are concerned that it will not benefit our

> > son due to his age. If anyone has a similar experience with a son

> > or daughter near the same age who started treatment late, I would

> > love to hear your success story.. Thank you in advance for your help.

> >

> > S., a new member

> >

> >

> >


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How did the exit exam go?

We're perplexed why our asymmetry in the Starband has not gone down

more than measurement error (<.5mm) in over 3 months. This month

there was over .3mm increase in head circumference and 2% drop in the

brachy index, so there was growth. We're not seeing as much growth in

the back right where the problem is as we would like. And I thought

plagio was easier to treat than brachy and what we mostly care about is

the plagio in the back right. We're thinking of moving up our

evaluation with CT to as soon as possible. We don't know whether a DOC

band would be more effective with treating plagio in the back right

with an older child than a Starband? Anybody have any advice here? Or

maybe it is too late, but it seems others are having some success with

plagio at even older ages. Our ortho was highly recommended and has

years of experience. This is so, so, so frustrating and traveling to

CT is difficult with an older child in school and I'm paranoid of

flying. (The drive is about 6 hours each way.) I don't care about the

money if we can help the back right of 's head.

At this point, I'm extremely depressed and not sleeping well. Anybody

have any advice on how best to proceed with 's head?

Thanks in advance,

Kathy, mom to almost 16 months, 3.5 months in Starband for plagio

Mathison wrote:


My son,

Jr., started his Doc band at 22 months (21 adjusted as he was

born a month or so early). He'll be done with his Doc band soon, and

has his exit scans and measurements on September 21st. I'll post his

ending information after that date for people such as you to know (a

few others also have asked for this info). Based on what I've read on

this board and the older child plagio board, here's what I recall from

others (as well as our own situation):

One lady banded her child

at 24 months (through 28 months) and had 2 - 3 mm of assymetry


Another lady banded her

child at 17 months and had a second band at 20.5 months (through about

24 months), and had (I can't recall exactly) very good improvements in

assymetry with both bands (at least 5 mm of improvement from each band

as I recall).

Others have noted on the

board at the initation of their child being banded, but never provided

updates/results (guessing these situations might not have been as good

as the above others?)

My best guess of my own

situation is that my child has (MAYBE) 1 or 2 mm of improvement in

assymetry and (MAYBE) about 1% improvement in cephalic index - based on

my own photo measurements through about 2.5 months. Hopefully at the

end of the 3.5 months at the official exit my measurements will be

confirmed or (fingers crossed) the results to be even better than this.


issue with my child has been there has been very little head growth -

hopefully your child has more. But even with the limited change with

my child, I am very happy I did the banding for him. And it went

really well (slept great the first night, he never complained, except

for the occasional "Too tight!" complaints, which were helpful to be

honest). He always runs over to me or my wife when its time to put it

on after his bath, and complains when his twin sister tries to put it

on herself........he definitely did his part.


Jr., Doc banded 6/09, 21 months adjusted

From: kstengel35 <kstengel35 >

Subject: Anyone have a child who started wearing a DOC Band at

21 months?


Date: Wednesday, September 9, 2009, 10:52 PM

My son turned 21 months on September 8, 2009. He is

being fitted for a DOC Band tomorrow and will have the band by

September 16, 2009. So, he will begin wearing the DOC band at 21

months, 8 days old. Can anyone give me any encouraging stories that

show success at this age with the DOC band? His head is flat on one

side in the back and the his forehead is slopped on one side. Our

insurance company will not pay for this band since our son is past the

age of 18 months. The claim was denied two times, and we are currently

in the appeal process. Financially, it is going to be difficult to

afford the band and we are concerned that it will not benefit our son

due to his age. If anyone has a similar experience with a son or

daughter near the same age who started treatment late, I would love to

hear your success story.. Thank you in advance for your help.

S., a new member

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Kathy and others,

Here are the results for , Jr's. Doc band. Apologies for the wordiness.....

Background: Doc banded from 6/3/09 - 9/21/09 (and will have an additional few weeks in band) at age 22 months - 25.5 months (21 - 24.5 "corrected" age)

Pre-band measurements:

Measurements per the clinic we go to: 7 or 9 mm of assymetry (no cephalic index measurement) - had two people measure

Measurements per Starband: 7 mm on first scan, 8.5 mm on second scan (worst level for both at 30 degrees). Cephalic index 93% first scan, 92% second scan at level 3.

Measurements per CT: 14 mm assymetry and 90% cephalic index

My "pictures", measuring using computer software: 8 - 9 mm assymetry and 90% cephalic index

Exit measurements:

Measurements per the clinic we go to: N/A (have not had them look at)

Measurements per Starband: N/A (have not had them look at)

Measurements per CT: 7 mm assymetry and 91% cephalic index (ouch!)

My "pictures", measuring using computer software: 6 mm assymetry and 89% cephalic index (done a few weeks before CT measurements)

CT's computer DSI (?) thingie (a scan they use to create the helmet and compare before/after at the end) appeared to show improved forehead symmetry, slightly longer head (with more popping out the back), sides slightly "thinner" looking. Overall, pleased with what the computer was showing.

The exit photos seemed to confirm what the DSI was showing as well. Most pleased with the improved forehead (from the side views, his forehead was almost a vertical line up originally, but is now more of an angle and looks (to me and my wife) a lot better. Head does look slightly skinnier, more oval, and back does seem to pop out a bit more in the side views. The assymetry in the back is harder to see improvement in, though, to be honest - but I think there is some there. (Apologies, wife does NOT want me to post photos of son).

Summary: The CT exit measurments were done in mere seconds with Jr. not being a "happy camper", as were the CT original measurements, so I don't think his original assymetry was 14 mm and I don't think his cephalic index actually got worse - but I do think 6 or 7 mm and 90% cephalic index is right around where he ended up. Wished for more, obviously (wanted under 6 and under 90%), but happy that "visually" we're seeing more change than we are in the measurements. I would say he probably improved his assymetry about 2 mm and probably (despite what we are seeing from the CT measurements) improved his cephalic index probably around 1%. Happy we did the band. Wished for more, but still got something there! In the end, seems he is mild plagio, moderate brachy based on measurements. Based on "visual", I'd say mild in both categories - his brachy head shape doesn't appear anything like what I

see on the cranial tech page for a "moderate" brachy shape, to be honest..........looks more like the combo mild plagio/mild brachy child shown on the CT site (maybe a slight bit better on the brachy side than the child shown).

, Sr.

, Jr. (doc banded from 6/09 - 9/09)

From: kstengel35 <kstengel35 (DOT) com>Subject: Anyone have a child who started wearing a DOC Band at 21 months?PlagiocephalyDate: Wednesday, September 9, 2009, 10:52 PM

My son turned 21 months on September 8, 2009. He is being fitted for a DOC Band tomorrow and will have the band by September 16, 2009. So, he will begin wearing the DOC band at 21 months, 8 days old. Can anyone give me any encouraging stories that show success at this age with the DOC band? His head is flat on one side in the back and the his forehead is slopped on one side. Our insurance company will not pay for this band since our son is past the age of 18 months. The claim was denied two times, and we are currently in the appeal process. Financially, it is going to be difficult to afford the band and we are concerned that it will not benefit our son due to his age. If anyone has a similar experience with a son or daughter near the same age who started treatment late, I would love to hear your success story.. Thank you in advance for your help. S., a new


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Thanks tons! The forehead improvement is a great thing. I completely

understand not wanting to post pictures, since I'm the same way. Your

own pictures and computer analysis are amazingly accurate.

Interestingly we started the band the same day at 12 months. We have

seen less improvement in the assymetry, but 3% drop in the CI. We'll

take the CI drop, but what we are really after is a drop in assymetry.

Today we moved up our appointment for an eval with CT to this Thurs.

I'm extremely nervous. The part of your results that I find

discouraging is the lack of improvement in the back assymetry. I was

hoping a DOC band could address this better than a Starband.

What have other people's experiences been with improving the back right

assymetry? Have other older babies also seen little improvement here?

Or is it possible to still get some noticeable improvement with back

assymetry? Will a CT band treat plagio better if it is not

simultaneously treating brachy?

Thanks again,

Kathy, mom to , 16 months, plagio

Mathison wrote:

Kathy and others,

Here are the results for , Jr's. Doc band. Apologies

for the wordiness.....

Background: Doc banded from 6/3/09 - 9/21/09 (and will

have an additional few weeks in band) at age 22 months - 25.5 months

(21 - 24.5 "corrected" age)

Pre-band measurements:

Measurements per the clinic we go to: 7 or 9 mm of

assymetry (no cephalic index measurement) - had two people measure

Measurements per Starband: 7 mm on first scan, 8.5 mm on

second scan (worst level for both at 30 degrees). Cephalic index 93%

first scan, 92% second scan at level 3.

Measurements per CT: 14 mm assymetry and 90% cephalic


My "pictures", measuring using computer software: 8 - 9

mm assymetry and 90% cephalic index

Exit measurements:

Measurements per the clinic we go to: N/A (have not had

them look at)

Measurements per Starband: N/A (have not had them look


Measurements per CT: 7 mm assymetry and 91% cephalic

index (ouch!)

My "pictures", measuring using computer software: 6 mm

assymetry and 89% cephalic index (done a few weeks before CT


CT's computer DSI (?) thingie (a scan they use to create

the helmet and compare before/after at the end) appeared to show

improved forehead symmetry, slightly longer head (with more popping out

the back), sides slightly "thinner" looking. Overall, pleased with

what the computer was showing.

The exit photos seemed to confirm what the DSI was showing

as well. Most pleased with the improved forehead (from the side views,

his forehead was almost a vertical line up originally, but is now more

of an angle and looks (to me and my wife) a lot better. Head does look

slightly skinnier, more oval, and back does seem to pop out a bit more

in the side views. The assymetry in the back is harder to see

improvement in, though, to be honest - but I think there is some

there. (Apologies, wife does NOT want me to post photos of son).

Summary: The CT exit measurments were done in mere

seconds with Jr. not being a "happy camper", as were the CT

original measurements, so I don't think his original assymetry was 14

mm and I don't think his cephalic index actually got worse - but I do

think 6 or 7 mm and 90% cephalic index is right around where he ended

up. Wished for more, obviously (wanted under 6 and under 90%), but

happy that "visually" we're seeing more change than we are in the

measurements. I would say he probably improved his assymetry about 2

mm and probably (despite what we are seeing from the CT measurements)

improved his cephalic index probably around 1%. Happy we did the

band. Wished for more, but still got something there! In the end,

seems he is mild plagio, moderate brachy based on measurements. Based

on "visual", I'd say mild in both categories - his brachy head shape

doesn't appear anything like what I see on the cranial tech page for a

"moderate" brachy shape, to be honest..........looks more like the

combo mild plagio/mild brachy child shown on the CT site (maybe a

slight bit better on the brachy side than the child shown).

, Sr.

, Jr. (doc banded from 6/09 - 9/09)

From: kstengel35 <kstengel35 (DOT) com>

Subject: Anyone have a child who started wearing a DOC Band at

21 months?


Date: Wednesday, September 9, 2009, 10:52 PM

My son turned 21 months on September 8, 2009.

He is being fitted for a DOC Band tomorrow and will have the band by

September 16, 2009. So, he will begin wearing the DOC band at 21

months, 8 days old. Can anyone give me any encouraging stories that

show success at this age with the DOC band? His head is flat on one

side in the back and the his forehead is slopped on one side. Our

insurance company will not pay for this band since our son is past the

age of 18 months. The claim was denied two times, and we are currently

in the appeal process. Financially, it is going to be difficult to

afford the band and we are concerned that it will not benefit our son

due to his age. If anyone has a similar experience with a son or

daughter near the same age who started treatment late, I would love to

hear your success story.. Thank you in advance for your help.

S., a new member

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Hi, , Sr.

Thank yor for posting Jr.'s exit measurements. Would you say he improved

around 8 mm of asymmetry overall? That is excellent considering 's age

when he began the DOC band. Your story gives me hope with our son, Rowan, who

began treatment with the DOC band at 21 months. Rowan is doing well with the

DOC band and has adjusted well surprisingly. Each day is better than the day

better despite a few initial head sores in the beginning, which set us back one

day with not wearing the band (clinician's recommendation).

I will keep you posted on Rowan's results. He will go to CT every two weeks. I

also sent my appeal letter to BCBS Wednesday afternoon. I will keep the group

posted on these results too.




> From: kstengel35 <kstengel35 (DOT) com>

> Subject: Anyone have a child who started wearing a DOC Band at 21


> Plagiocephaly

> Date: Wednesday, September 9, 2009, 10:52 PM





> My son turned 21 months on September 8, 2009. He is being fitted for a DOC

Band tomorrow and will have the band by September 16, 2009. So, he will begin

wearing the DOC band at 21 months, 8 days old. Can anyone give me any

encouraging stories that show success at this age with the DOC band? His head is

flat on one side in the back and the his forehead is slopped on one side. Our

insurance company will not pay for this band since our son is past the age of 18

months. The claim was denied two times, and we are currently in the appeal

process. Financially, it is going to be difficult to afford the band and we are

concerned that it will not benefit our son due to his age. If anyone has a

similar experience with a son or daughter near the same age who started

treatment late, I would love to hear your success story.. Thank you in advance

for your help.


> S., a new member


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Hi ,

How much head growth did you have to get these changes?



Mathison wrote:

Kathy and others,

Here are the results for , Jr's. Doc band. Apologies

for the wordiness.....

Background: Doc banded from 6/3/09 - 9/21/09 (and will

have an additional few weeks in band) at age 22 months - 25.5 months

(21 - 24.5 "corrected" age)

Pre-band measurements:

Measurements per the clinic we go to: 7 or 9 mm of

assymetry (no cephalic index measurement) - had two people measure

Measurements per Starband: 7 mm on first scan, 8.5 mm on

second scan (worst level for both at 30 degrees). Cephalic index 93%

first scan, 92% second scan at level 3.

Measurements per CT: 14 mm assymetry and 90% cephalic


My "pictures", measuring using computer software: 8 - 9

mm assymetry and 90% cephalic index

Exit measurements:

Measurements per the clinic we go to: N/A (have not had

them look at)

Measurements per Starband: N/A (have not had them look


Measurements per CT: 7 mm assymetry and 91% cephalic

index (ouch!)

My "pictures", measuring using computer software: 6 mm

assymetry and 89% cephalic index (done a few weeks before CT


CT's computer DSI (?) thingie (a scan they use to create

the helmet and compare before/after at the end) appeared to show

improved forehead symmetry, slightly longer head (with more popping out

the back), sides slightly "thinner" looking. Overall, pleased with

what the computer was showing.

The exit photos seemed to confirm what the DSI was showing

as well. Most pleased with the improved forehead (from the side views,

his forehead was almost a vertical line up originally, but is now more

of an angle and looks (to me and my wife) a lot better. Head does look

slightly skinnier, more oval, and back does seem to pop out a bit more

in the side views. The assymetry in the back is harder to see

improvement in, though, to be honest - but I think there is some

there. (Apologies, wife does NOT want me to post photos of son).

Summary: The CT exit measurments were done in mere

seconds with Jr. not being a "happy camper", as were the CT

original measurements, so I don't think his original assymetry was 14

mm and I don't think his cephalic index actually got worse - but I do

think 6 or 7 mm and 90% cephalic index is right around where he ended

up. Wished for more, obviously (wanted under 6 and under 90%), but

happy that "visually" we're seeing more change than we are in the

measurements. I would say he probably improved his assymetry about 2

mm and probably (despite what we are seeing from the CT measurements)

improved his cephalic index probably around 1%. Happy we did the

band. Wished for more, but still got something there! In the end,

seems he is mild plagio, moderate brachy based on measurements. Based

on "visual", I'd say mild in both categories - his brachy head shape

doesn't appear anything like what I see on the cranial tech page for a

"moderate" brachy shape, to be honest..........looks more like the

combo mild plagio/mild brachy child shown on the CT site (maybe a

slight bit better on the brachy side than the child shown).

, Sr.

, Jr. (doc banded from 6/09 - 9/09)

From: kstengel35 <kstengel35 (DOT) com>

Subject: Anyone have a child who started wearing a DOC Band at

21 months?


Date: Wednesday, September 9, 2009, 10:52 PM

My son turned 21 months on September 8, 2009.

He is being fitted for a DOC Band tomorrow and will have the band by

September 16, 2009. So, he will begin wearing the DOC band at 21

months, 8 days old. Can anyone give me any encouraging stories that

show success at this age with the DOC band? His head is flat on one

side in the back and the his forehead is slopped on one side. Our

insurance company will not pay for this band since our son is past the

age of 18 months. The claim was denied two times, and we are currently

in the appeal process. Financially, it is going to be difficult to

afford the band and we are concerned that it will not benefit our son

due to his age. If anyone has a similar experience with a son or

daughter near the same age who started treatment late, I would love to

hear your success story.. Thank you in advance for your help.

S., a new member

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