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[TMIC] (RP) From Sally Stress anyone ??

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Hi All,

Stress is what I believe is our main problem and where most of our depression comes from. First you have to deal with the disease and how it has affected our normal life as we know. It is there when we wonder how we will manage our bills, the chores we did around the home, doing things with our childern, family and friends. I think the worst stress is how we cope with our bodies, getting dr.s to give us the right dx., listening to what we say ,finding meds that work and don't get sick from them or suffer other bag side affects, the fatigue that most of us feel.

We all have different symtoms and getting dr. to listen to us is so frustrating that you could scream and tear him from limb to limb. You cann't be sure if a strange symtom is from your disease or entirerly seperate. Our group can give us their imput and lots of times it is what we are looking for but when you have something that just makes your life so miserable you could _______ !! The worst stress is the pain we get and it seems that nothing can get rid of it, you wish you could crawl out of your bodies til the pain is gone. With all the pain we have it is so hard to get through the day and it can get impossible at times.Stress comes before depression I think, if there is less stress we can deal with our mental emotions alot easier. We have so many things going 10 different ways we cann't focus on ourselves like we should. It is so important to make ourselves the # ! priority and rest will do a body good wvwn without the milk. LOL

The stress of not knowing what will come next from the disease, is enough to cuz you to have a breakdown. Will we get worst, no one may know cuz it is so rare and it is trail and error, especially with our meds. Some people do so good on this one and yet it does nothing for the others, they can get so sick and you can feel like throwing in the towel. It also can be stressful reading the postings and wondering if you might get what Jane Doe has. If no one else has what you have where is it coming from, are you going to get some other horrible disease? If you are lucky and don't have alot of the symstoms you wonder when the rest will come. It is bad to see how the rest of the group is feeling and I think our minds can only deal with so much and there is a fine line for some before we reach the breaking point.

Hopefully we get to the group before the line breaks and listen to what others say cuz you aren't the first one to feel this way and you won't be the last. We get the support we are looking for and most of us are lucky we have family and friends too. Some of us are lucky too that we can deal with disease and go on to the best of our abilities and it is so great that we can give support to others as it is needed.

They say stress is a everyday thing ; sickness, lost of jobs, loose your home, the weather ( too hot or cold ) , and etc. Stress and depression walk arm and arm and see how many people they can step on. How much easier our lives would be if they would only go away, even if we need help from a dr. When you think about our disease how many of our families or friends could deal with it better then us? On the other hand we ask ourselves "WHY ME " ? If anyone finds the answer please let me know what it is !!! It is also said that God won't give us more then we can handle but who says what is too much??

One less thing as far as stress goes and that is the hope of a cure maybe around the corner. You read about so many things that they are exploring and find that studies look promising BUT then they say it will be years before the FDA approves it for humans. How frustrating and stressful is that!!?? I can almost reach out and touch those stem cells and hope it will happen soon or have a clinical trail I can get into.

I want each and everybody to know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and that hope is just over the rainbow. I hope you will have a better day tommorrow and as pain free as possible.

Sorry this is so long and hope it makes some sense as sometimes I don't. LOL

Love ya all


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