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My dr's visits

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Well this was my big week. Saw the eye Dr. Monday, my pcp yesterday & the rheumy today.

The eye dr. said everything looks okay although I am still complaining about blurred vision. He said he will dilate my eyes next time & check the cataract. This is so frustrating.

MY PCP was really glad to see how good I'm doing. she hasn't seen me in 3 months. My face has gone down & my feet were almost back to normal when we got hit with this heat wave so they are up again. Happens when it is hot so I'm not that worried. I did gain 4 lbs. but think that is a lot of water weight from the heat. She is pleased with my progress.

The rheumy is also pleased with me. He has lowered my pred to 7.5 & because my liver function is elevated he is lowering the MTX to 10 mg. I've been real nauseated but neither Dr. thinks it is from the MTX so they said I should eat smaller meals & more often to keep my stomach full. I have a red patch on my chin & the PCP thought it was a cellulitis rather than a blood clot because blood clots are usually in the back. The rheumy thought it was something else, a pool of water that collected there. Neither one seemed to be too concerned.

My PCP thinks the eye Dr. is the one that screwed up my SSI the first time because he said my eyes were fine, although I can't drive at night because tail lights are all one big blur rather than 2 individual ones due to my blurred vision. During the day it's not too bad because at least I can see the car but it can be a bit hairy too.

Well, got to go, time to eat. Still waiting to sell the house. No luck yet, Pooh. The heat here has been unbearable. Heat indices around 105. In fact my PCP said she didn't think we were going to come because of the heat yesterday. I have been advised to stay in unless I absolutely have to go out because it affects my breathing so badly.

Take care everyone.

luv ya


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