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worried and frustrated

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My daughter is 7 1/2 mths old and has had her helmet (danmar) for a month. She

started having some dry patches on her head but the ortho said not to worry

about them. Well today the entire back of her head and some on the sides are

all dry and red. I freaked when I saw it cause it seemed like it happend over

night. They are not oozing or anything its just really red patches and they are

super dry and the skin is flakey and you can tell its irritated. When her

helmet is off she scratches and rubs the back of her head none stop.

We happend to have an appoitment today with the ortho to get measured. I showed

him all the redness and he said the dryness happens and there really isnt much

we can do. He has drilled holes a week ago to let me air flow and that didnt

help. He ordered a stocking cap to put between her head and the helmet but that

doesnt come in until wed. I asked if I could put any lotion or something on it

cause its so dry and it just keeps getting more red but he doesnt want me to

cause it could make things worse. I am so upset and worried about her poor

little head! I am taking it off today when she is not sleeping to give it a

break, but is there anything else I can do? Has anyone ever had this happen? I

was thinking of trying aquafore because its mild and I know it can help dry

skin, but I dont want to irritate it more and with all her hair it would be hard

to get out. We switched shampoos from huggies brand to avino cause I heard

avino is not as hard on skin,but could that be causing the irritation? Thanks

for any advice!

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I'd follow your ortho's and pedi's advice, but I'd also push for an answer beyond a shoulder shrug.  I can say we used the danmar helmet as well.  We were told we could (or needed to) use Aquiphor, cortisone cream, and an antibiotic at varing times while Elaine was in her helmet.  We went through Dr. Rozelle at DMC Children's.  She's the head pedi cranialfacial plastic surgeon and we continue to have a great experience.

Elaine (Twin A), 16mos, helmet grad June 09.On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 4:16 PM, l_peaches <L_peaches@...> wrote:


My daughter is 7 1/2 mths old and has had her helmet (danmar) for a month. She started having some dry patches on her head but the ortho said not to worry about them. Well today the entire back of her head and some on the sides are all dry and red. I freaked when I saw it cause it seemed like it happend over night. They are not oozing or anything its just really red patches and they are super dry and the skin is flakey and you can tell its irritated. When her helmet is off she scratches and rubs the back of her head none stop.

We happend to have an appoitment today with the ortho to get measured. I showed him all the redness and he said the dryness happens and there really isnt much we can do. He has drilled holes a week ago to let me air flow and that didnt help. He ordered a stocking cap to put between her head and the helmet but that doesnt come in until wed. I asked if I could put any lotion or something on it cause its so dry and it just keeps getting more red but he doesnt want me to cause it could make things worse. I am so upset and worried about her poor little head! I am taking it off today when she is not sleeping to give it a break, but is there anything else I can do? Has anyone ever had this happen? I was thinking of trying aquafore because its mild and I know it can help dry skin, but I dont want to irritate it more and with all her hair it would be hard to get out. We switched shampoos from huggies brand to avino cause I heard avino is not as hard on skin,but could that be causing the irritation? Thanks for any advice!

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we had red spots in the begining and here what we did (from what we learned here on this board).

1. switch to Mustela shampoo -- a bit costly, but last for quite long if used only the head.

2. each day after the wash we rub in Aquaphor cream and let it dry completely before putting the helmet. You want to use it just enough to get it absorbed within 1h window, although most of the times we wait for 1h30 min. Aquphor really helps with dry scalp.

we aslo used a very thin layer of 1% clear hydrocortisone cream once a day for couple days in the begining, once the rush was gone we switched to Aquaphor.

hope this helps.

From: l_peaches <L_peaches@...>Plagiocephaly Sent: Mon, October 19, 2009 4:16:14 PMSubject: worried and frustrated

My daughter is 7 1/2 mths old and has had her helmet (danmar) for a month. She started having some dry patches on her head but the ortho said not to worry about them. Well today the entire back of her head and some on the sides are all dry and red. I freaked when I saw it cause it seemed like it happend over night. They are not oozing or anything its just really red patches and they are super dry and the skin is flakey and you can tell its irritated. When her helmet is off she scratches and rubs the back of her head none stop.We happend to have an appoitment today with the ortho to get measured. I showed him all the redness and he said the dryness happens and there really isnt much we can do. He has drilled holes a week ago to let me air flow and that didnt help. He ordered a stocking cap to put between her head and the helmet but that doesnt come in until wed. I asked if I could put any lotion or something on it cause its so dry and it just

keeps getting more red but he doesnt want me to cause it could make things worse. I am so upset and worried about her poor little head! I am taking it off today when she is not sleeping to give it a break, but is there anything else I can do? Has anyone ever had this happen? I was thinking of trying aquafore because its mild and I know it can help dry skin, but I dont want to irritate it more and with all her hair it would be hard to get out. We switched shampoos from huggies brand to avino cause I heard avino is not as hard on skin,but could that be causing the irritation? Thanks for any advice!

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