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Hi Again, well I promised I would write about our trip

to Germany. So here it goes. LOL As you all can remember before we left we had nothing but rain here in Oklahoma. Well I be darn it followed us to Germany.

We had 2 sunny days the whole time we where there.

Thanks to Werner he bought the sun with him from fort for the afternoon. But you know I think he also took it back with him. LOL After the all left it went back to rain. LOL Now it has followed us back home.

I was told we had great weather here till I got back home. LOL My Sister meet us at the Airport in Chicago on our return Flight and she had talked to the out laws in Germany and was told how much it rained when we got there. Well she said I need to stay a little while in Chicago because the need some rain.Well I be darn we did stay in Chicago half a night. We where supposed to fly out of there at 7:11 PM but some one put the screws to us BIG time. LOL The Airport change some rules that day. So we ended up sitting on the runway for 6 1/2 Hours before take off. After 2 hours sitting in the plane the did offer us a cup of WATER !!!!! Then again at hour # 5 we got another cup of water. Well when we where # 3 in take off ,we had to go back to the gate because it ran out off fuel !!!!! So after getting more Fuel we had to go back to the end of the line. Well this time we made it to # 7 in take off time. And we had a hell off a thunderstorm and could NOT take off. The shut down the Airport for a while. Gee we finally got to take off after 1:45 AM !!!! After we got going the served us a cup of COFFEE !!!! just what we needed to go to sleep when we get home. !!!! NOT !!! I was bright eye and Bushy tail let me tell you. My poor Daughter picked us up at 3:30 AM. Bless her heart she kept calling the Airport to see if we where going to make it. Well by the Time we did get Home I was so wired I could NOT go to sleep. Even thru I had been up since Sunday Night.So I unpacked and got started on the laundry. LOL Mr. Ornery did do better then I did. But hey that is a man for you. LOL So last Night I knocked my self out with 2 Tylenol PM. I woke up at 2 am and was wondering where I was and where was the bathroom. LOL Yup every 3 days we changed House till the last week of our stay. Now to our Visit with the Out laws. LOL Mr. Ornery sure did enjoy his time over there. He even had a Bier everyday !!!!! The all treated him like he was a KING !!! Gee the all waited on him hand and foot !!!

What every he wanted he got !!! Spoiled brat right LOL

We even went one day to Holland. I was not impressed with the City. kind of dirty .From Emden we flow down to Dresden. That is where I was Born.Dang we had a Little bitty of a Plane. Dresden is in a Valley so that little Plane sure did some rocking coming down. LOL There

we got to go Meissen and watch them make the famous Porzalon.Mr. Ornery bought me a BIG Vase there. Don't ask how much it cost. LOL

From there we went to "Erzgebirge " That is where the make all the Nut Crackers and wood Figurines.Yup, we now know how the are made. Yes I did improve the economy there LOL Then from there we made it to Nuernberg. Showed Don the Burg and all the Places where the held the Nazi trails.Ja the rain did NOT stop us. LOL In Nuernberg I bought a lot of CD"S. Now I have great German Music again. Even Don likes that. He fell in love with Tiroller Music. Gee I have to tell you all I think I started a new Fashion over there. When I packed our suitcases I pack me a pair of Tennis shoes. Well the only thing the 2 shoes had in common was the where the same color. LOL I had pack to different shoes !!! Now can you believe this I wore them to town like that ,I did not notice that the did NOT match till I got back home that evening. LOL Well what can I say except you all know I am a Blond. LOL On the way back to good old USA we did Not get checked at Costume. !!! Weeeee

was I sweating this. LOL I had 4 BIG bottles of Buzz

in my carry on and a whole lot off Bier in all the suit cases. LOL The Hard stuff where all gifts to us. LOL Heck we don't even drink the stuff. LOL Hey you all want to have a Party ?? LOL I also did NOT have to buy any Chocolate !!! Ended up with so much as gifts I could not buy any more. LOL We went over there with 2

very Large suitcases and came back with 3 suitcases and 2 Large carry on Bags. !!!! Oh well all I can say I did improve the economy over there in every other way. LOL Over all it was a very nice trip. But Lord knows I am happy to be back home. Well I guess I better hush

and see how the King Ornery is doing. LOL I do want to envied you all over for a drink OK. Got plenty of that stuff. LOL Love you all and thank you for the warm Willkommen back. You Guys are the best of Friends .

Love from Oklahoma


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