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Sorry that you are still having so many problems. Is

there anything I can do?

Please know that I care, and check in whenever you


Love you too, squeek

Just pray for me, that is the only thing that will help. I appreciate you and your friendship. You take care, I will keep in touch when I come back from the Mayo Clinic. Until then I will be no mail but you can write to me privately at Lu1953@...

Love you


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I resemble that comment.LOL Thanks that is a great bumper sticker. I should find one for me.LOL

Lots of love


Hi Heidi, I saw a bumper sticker the other day andthought of you when you are the "mad German". Itsaid, "what's another name for a grumpy German? Asour-kraut". I had to laugh at that one. Hope youand Don have a wonderful time on your trip, and thatyou both stay well. Love, squeek

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  • 1 month later...
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In a message dated 7/11/02 6:04:19 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

sisterslk@... writes:


What are the ramifications of you flunking your vision

field test? I don't even know what that is.


Heck if I know Squeek. LOL Guess I can only see in front of me and not on

the sides. Fine with me. LOL She said they would call me. I didn't even

want to know what it meant. Not this week at least. LOL I'm not worried

about it.

will have her results by Monday at the latest I hope. Hopefully she

will be much better and there will be no more dr visits. She just called me

and her legs are killing her. If no better she is going to the ER tomorrow

one way or the other.

Kathi Goodwin told me to pick the orange over the black and white striped

jail uniforms. They were more fashionable. LOL

How do you like the colors you are doing in your house. I too have picked

color, but I think I have picked BAD colors. LOL I have two bedrooms almost

finished and have to start mine this weekend. Then the upstairs hall and

after that it is whatever gets done. LOL

Yes Sharon, I really feel like I'm in the best of care. It really eased my

mind today reading all the information. I'm just glad I don't have to have it

done here. They would probably have me on one table and a pig on the other

harvesting. LOL

You take care and don't you over do.


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Glenda, Please know I'm thinking of you today. I know how hard it is to say

good bye to your children. Please Know I'm boo hooing right along with you.

But never fear.... they will be back. LOL Or better yet, you can go to

Hawaii to see Dyanna and then go see and get two vacations out of it.

I have missed you something terrible, and have been so bad in keeping up on

mail. I hope to talk to you soon.

Please take care and know I'm thinking of you.


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  • 3 weeks later...
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Sending good thoughts that you feel much better! Talk to you later!

Lots of love


Talk to you later. I have to go get ready to get toshort stay for my infusion this morning.Love, squeek

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  • 2 weeks later...

In a message dated 8/19/02 5:36:24 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

sisterslk@... writes:

<< Maybe you can do my exercises for me while I continue

to work on our house. O.K? >>

Squeek, LOl doing my exercise is about all I can do for now. But.... you

could come down here and finish working on my house. I still have a lot of

touch up painting to do upstairs and haven't even started on the down stairs

or out side. LOL Rich keeps saying the paint fumes wouldn't be good for me

now.... Hum....good excuse. I wish I was allowed to do those kinds of

things. This boredom is the pits, but I won't complain. I'm feeling soooo

good. I can acutally breathe better than I did before the surgery and I

still have at least 3 months to go before they say I will be feeling great.

I can't even imagin that. LOL I can't wait to be doing all the things I

haven't gotten to do in so long. I know this won't be a miracle cure, but

I'm so pleased at how far I've come and how well I feel after only 3 weeks.

Please don't work too hard. Rest and keep yourself as healthy as you can. I

have been up all night with no sleep. I think I have rested until I can't

rest any more. LOL

I have read until I don't want to read any more either. LOL Never thought

I'd see that day. I imagin I will crash in a few hours and really throw my

sleep pattern off.

Hope you have a great day. Thanks for all the cards. they really brighten

up my day.

I hope to be able to come up and have that lunch with the west coast girls

when ever it is. I would LOVE to meet you all. Glenda...... are you ready

for me????? lOL


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...


will be in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow and so will you! I know how hard it is for the care givers too!

Take care and lots of love


Are you having a good day, ? Hope so! I am onmy way to finish my grocery shopping. hashis oral surgery tomorrow (4 impacted wisdom teeth)and I want to be all stocked up with cold soft stufffor him to eat. Say a prayer for him if you think ofit.Love, squeek

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