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Well Howdy folks !!!

How was your day today ?? Hope you all had a great day like I had. LOL Yup, I was busy all day till this evening. Got up this morning and got the house cleaned and then the darn Ironing looked at me so sad and I got started on it. LOL Gee I just had ,had no time to catch up from our trip. But I made it today. I Ironed 22 shirts and had 12 pair jeans too. LOL But you all wont believe this Mr. Ornery helped me with the jeans. LOL I told him this House was a equal opportunity House. LOL Well while he was finishing the Ironing I baked 2 German cakes. LOL I enjoy baking so much and knew all my little ginny piggy's where coming over this evening.So I had a ball. I also baked a egg liquor Cake yesterday. LOL Ja and Roger tried that one yesterday. LOL Now aren't you all glad you don't leave so close to me after all. But I have to tell you all the best Birthday present I got today was getting a hold of my oldest sister. She is the one that leaves by the river Elbe that is flooding Dresden and all surrounding areas.She had ,had no water or anything else for a few days.Plus the river is still raising. Plus there are very worried about a mountain very close by. One dike all ready broke. The former east German government had a chemical plant there. But as you all know the never sealed them or cleaned them up. Still don't know about my cousin,she leaves in Magdeburg. The rest of the family are some what ok.

It is so sad when I think about it all. Gee 2 week ago we walked the city now most of it has so much damage.And all we can do is pray that it soon comes to a stop. Wish I could help my sister because she is very sick and cant do much. At least I could clean up her mess. Opps did not mean to turn this into a soap opera. LOL Back to you all. LOL

Dawn wishing you a great week end. Enjoy it while you can. You did such a great Job here in keeping them all on there toes. LOL

you keep up the good job with your recovery. Please don't over do it. Gosh girl we love you so much and wishing you the very best.

Susiecue please don't ever give up hope, things will turn around for you and your family.Just have faith ok. I know at times it is very hard but it will get better.

To all the rest of you hope and pray you all getting or doing better soon too. Just please

Remember to take your Medicine and Vitamins like you should everyday ON TIME so you also can get this darn RP back in it's sleeping mood. OK Till the next time have a good one.

Sending you all a gentle Hug from Oklahoma.

Mrs. Nosey

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