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My drs. visits

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Here's the latest on me.

Went to the eye Dr. on Monday. The pressure is up in both eyes so he did a test on my eyes to check for glaucoma sort of like a cat scan but you look into a machine & it takes special pictures. The right eye will need to be watched. He will dilate my eyes in 3 months to check on the cataract in my left eye. Still have trouble with blurry vision. I don't drive when it's dark out anymore because tail lights & head lights are one big blur rather than individual lights. At least during the day I can see the car.

Weds. I went to my regular Dr. She is real pleased with how I am doing. The swelling in my face from the prednisone has gone down some. I have some swelling below my eyes when I wake up but it usually goes away during the day. Am still having trouble with my feet swelling but I think it is from the heat. My achilles tendon is coming along okay. My breathing is labored but most of it is from the heat. She advised me not to go out if I can help it in this heat & to keep my feet elevated as much as possible. I still have to use my cane if I am alone because the vertigo problem is back. I have to see the ENT again about it. I'm not losing as much hair as I was so that is a plus. I go for a physical in the next month & it's also time for another CAT scan of my chest to check out the mass. Will be needing a dexascan soon too.

Thurs. I went to the rheumatologist. He is also very please with me. He had an intern with him & he raved about how well I was doing. He doesn't think the nausea is from the chemo. I've been on it I think for 3 or 4 months now. He really doesn't want to change it. Last week we went to green River Oaks camping & I was real sick the whole week. Spent a lot of time in the camper with the air on sleeping or just resting. That's the pits. He reduced my prednisone to 7.5 mg since I'm doing so well & the chemo to 10 mg because of elevated liver enzymes. Now is when the prednisone gets tricky. When you get down to these lower doses they have to play around with them because your body is so used to the drug that you sometimes start flaring. A lot of people can't get below 5 or 1 mg. Very few can get off completely. Anything is better than 80 mg that I was on.

all in all I am feeling better in the long run. I just wish I could get back to my old self. It's hard to have to depend on people to do so many of things for you that you were used to doing yourself. Maybe if we ever sell this house & get in the new place it will get easier. I hate having to be in a wheelchair if we go anywhere that requires walking, although I am getting the hang of the electric wheelchairs in Wal Mart. I haven't knocked anything down yet, although I have run into othings.

Well, got to go. Will keep you posted as things go on.

Keep cool.


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