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Udate on Glenda and her family

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Morning all!

Hope you are all doing better! There are so many of you that are having a time of it right now! Hope you know you are in my thoughts and prayers! You are my family now and I do care.

I haven't posted much lately and it is not from being ill! Sore but not ill!LOL We are redoing the inside of the house right now. We painted the front room, fireplace, tore out the carpeting and are having new installed. I will be laying floor tiles today and we still are going to paint Shae's room and the front bathroom. This is all stuff that needed to be done a few years back!LOL We have lived here since 1991 and this is the first time we painted some of it since we moved in. About time right!

My kids are both coming to visit in July and we wanted to get it done before then. will be here from Mich. and Dyanna from Hawaii. Should be a nice visit when we get all this work done!LOL I am going to take a week off the week after the forth of July just to visit with them. I will need the week off just to rest!LOL

Yes I am a do it myselfer!LOL It takes me longer to get stuff done with the RP but at least I still can do it! The only thing I decided I better not try to do was install the carpet. When they started talking about a knee kicker I decide my knees wouldn't hold up to that and neither would Mikie's!LOL I can hardly wait until it is all done and then I can start to redo the colors in my front room. It is going to be yellows, blues, and pinks. I want to brighten things up.

Okay enough about that...now for how my Sister and I are doing.

Last weekend we moved my sister in with her son. She is doing better knowing that she isn't alone anymore. That was the scary part for me. She is getting use back in her arm slowly but surely. Last surgery they did really did a number on it. They cut into the collar bone and disturbed all the muscles in that side. Poor woman has enough incisions that is for sure. Her legs are doing okay so far. She has some circulation in them now and they don't know how that could be considering that they had to unhook all the artery work that they had done before. We aren't complaining that is for sure! Just thankful she is still here with us.

Now for me! I have had some problems lately too! Haven't told all the group but the ones that would bean me if I didn't tell them knew. Yes I know....didn't want to worry all of you for nothing....also hate to complain.

In March I had my annual physical and found out I was having difficulties with my hormones.(NONE)LOL Also there was some blood in my urine and I was having problems with my blood pressure. With all that going on at the same time I felt like I was falling apart!LOL

Well the hormones I fixed with a soy regimen and healthy woman soy vitamins. It sure worked....NO more hot flashes! I didn't want to take hormones because they caused me problems in the early stages of the RP. All I know is that what I am doing is working so will go with it!

Now for the BP. Doctor got that under control with a higher dose of my water pill. I feel better is all I know and that is the main thing right? Doctor doesn't want to see me for an entire year!LOL He is the same one that pissed me off before so don't think he will be my dr. by then anyway!LOL

Now for the blood in the urine. I went in for a CT Scan. Boy that was lots of fun...NOT. I have rolling and collapsing veins...had to poke me five times to find one that would work to put the die in. Gish wouldn't be so bad if they didn't have to dig around while they were in there.....I was bruised for a couple weeks from that. I had the techs so upset that they forgot to do the x-rays and had to go back in for that. CT showed I had a couple cyst. One on/in bladder and one on an ovary.

Went into the urologist on last Friday and he found nothing wrong with the bladder and no blood in the urine. Wants me to have more samples done in 6 months.. Did have me go back and have an ultra sound on the ovarian cyst.

Ultra sound found that I did have a very small cyst on my ovary but tech didn't think it was enough to worry about. Doctor will call me back in a few days or so I hope!LOL

So as you can see there has been a lot of crazy stuff going on here. I am still doing well and that is the main thing. RP is in the quiet mode and hope it stays that way for awhile.

Thank you all for always being there for me and thanks for the good thoughts and prayers. I don't know how I ever got by all those years without you! Sorry I wrote a book but just wanted you to know what was going on around the mad and crazy house of McClennen's.LOL

Lots of love


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