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I feel like I'm playing a part in the wizard of OZ, if I only had a brain! lol

Okay, well all of you out there, that does have a brain, help me make a list of tests and stuff I need to have done at the Mayo Clinic, just in case I have forgotten something? I started a list and I know I have left stuff out. SOOOOOO Please help me. lol

Thanks in advance!

Love you all,


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  • 4 years later...

Whenever we see good things, along with bad, we can bet it's related to die-off.

It is not uncommon for kids to cycle through ups and downs with die-off. The

times when she is feeling miserable actually IS from the die-off toxins flooding

her system.

Are you doing epsom salts baths to help her feel more comfortable? Activated

charcoal supplements?

Can you please list exactly what she is eating..... and how it's prepared? Are

you using all peeled and cooked fruits and veggies.... everything super easy to


What supplements is she taking, if any? Are you 100% sure they are all legal?


Help please

Hello everyone, my little girl 31/2 has been eating legal food list

for about 6 weeks with no intro. We have seen lots of die off, each

time with her miserable for two days before hand. She then picks up so

much and is making some amazing changes but then she goes down again

and looks really ill until again we see die off. This has been going

on for 6 weeks. I want to go back and do intro but just trying to find

the right time and be prepared. Does this all sound normal or am I

doing more damage than good. I feel so sorry for her when she goes

down again, its like she is in so much discomfort. Please help.

Worried Mum.

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Hi Patti,

As mentioned we have not done intro yet. I was following all legal

list from a book called Gut and Psycology Syndrome, by a doctor

Mcbride. She does not talk about any intro diet but just refers to

SCD. So for six weeks Jenna 31/2 has been eating all fruits and

veges including berries (Mainly Raw) and every other legal food (the

whole lot). She is on Kirkmans acidophilis and cod liver oil/EP

Oil/Sunflower Oil (No other supps at the moment). She has no

diar/conts and seems great besides the times I mention when we see

and smell die off (sorry yuk). As mentioned we have seen some

amazing improvements but she seems to be having some tough times

too. Venessa.


> Whenever we see good things, along with bad, we can bet it's

related to die-off. It is not uncommon for kids to cycle through ups

and downs with die-off. The times when she is feeling miserable

actually IS from the die-off toxins flooding her system.


> Are you doing epsom salts baths to help her feel more comfortable?

Activated charcoal supplements?


> Can you please list exactly what she is eating..... and how it's

prepared? Are you using all peeled and cooked fruits and veggies....

everything super easy to digest?


> What supplements is she taking, if any? Are you 100% sure they are

all legal?


> Patti


> Help please



> Hello everyone, my little girl 31/2 has been eating legal food


> for about 6 weeks with no intro. We have seen lots of die off,


> time with her miserable for two days before hand. She then picks

up so

> much and is making some amazing changes but then she goes down


> and looks really ill until again we see die off. This has been


> on for 6 weeks. I want to go back and do intro but just trying to


> the right time and be prepared. Does this all sound normal or am


> doing more damage than good. I feel so sorry for her when she


> down again, its like she is in so much discomfort. Please help.

> Worried Mum.







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Hi Venessa,

I have not yet read the GAPS book, but I have heard good things about it. I do

wish that Dr. C-McB would explain better how to actually implement SCD properly.

If she is not suggesting the Intro Diet, followed by using all peeled and COOKED

fruits and veggies in the beginning, then it's no wonder some families are

having a tough time making progress.

I think her ideas about bone broths are particularly good ones.... from what

I've heard from others. I am looking forward to reading it!

I do understand how difficult some parents find the whole idea of doing the

intro diet with their children. You would certainly not be the first. We have a

number of families who've decided to transition slowly onto all SCD legal foods,

then go back and do the Intro Diet later.... just for a day or two. This is a

REALLY good idea.... and will help jump start your daughter to the next level of


It's important, though, to grasp the whole idea behind the foods one should be

using in the beginning.... right after Intro. If you're already using raw

foods, then I would highly recommend you take a step back. Elaine advised us

all to start out with peeling and cooking all the fruits and vegetables for good

reason.... to make them as EASY TO DIGEST as possible. The skin of various

fruits and veggies is obviously tougher, more fibrous... so is best removed for

right now. Cooking breaks down the fibrous cell walls in the foods, makes for

less hard work for a damaged gut, and makes the nutrients more available to be

absorbed and utilized. At this point, whatever her digestive tract cannot break

down completely could end up feeding gut pathogens.

Check out the " Stages " chart on www.pecanbread.com. Go to the " Food

Preparation " link and scroll down until you see the chart. This is not

something you need to follow to the exact detail.... but it's a good general

guideline as to which foods are easiest to digest and generally well-tolerated

by most beginning SCDers.

I hope this helps. :)


Re: Help please

Hi Patti,

As mentioned we have not done intro yet. I was following all legal

list from a book called Gut and Psycology Syndrome, by a doctor

Mcbride. She does not talk about any intro diet but just refers to

SCD. So for six weeks Jenna 31/2 has been eating all fruits and

veges including berries (Mainly Raw) and every other legal food (the

whole lot). She is on Kirkmans acidophilis and cod liver oil/EP

Oil/Sunflower Oil (No other supps at the moment). She has no

diar/conts and seems great besides the times I mention when we see

and smell die off (sorry yuk). As mentioned we have seen some

amazing improvements but she seems to be having some tough times

too. Venessa.

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Hi Patti

Thank you so much for your explanation. I do not want to take too

much of your precious time but I am planning to do the intro diet in

the next few weeks, I am just trying to get prepared so I do it

right. How long on each " stage " after that. I am taking Jenna from

every food imaginable to the basics again so it will be a shock. I

am determined to do it and thanks to you even more so now. Thank

you. Do you know if baby jars of pureed fruit are OK (Heinz pear or

apple). These would be great after intro as I am a busy mum of four

under six, so any short cuts would help. Venessa.


> Hi Venessa,


> I have not yet read the GAPS book, but I have heard good things

about it. I do wish that Dr. C-McB would explain better how to

actually implement SCD properly. If she is not suggesting the Intro

Diet, followed by using all peeled and COOKED fruits and veggies in

the beginning, then it's no wonder some families are having a tough

time making progress.


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It is impossible for us to tell you exactly " how long " in each stage. It is

different for every child. After intro, foods should be introduced slowly,

cautiously... one at a time.... " as tolerated " . Sometimes parents have a tough

time knowing whether their child is " tolerating " a food, so I know that is not


Keep in mind that as bacterial colonies in the gut die off, they leave behind

tender, new tissue.... which needs to heal and should be treated with care.

Keeping all foods very easy to digest for some months will be best for MOST

kids/adults on SCD. It's impossible for us to know exactly how damaged one

individual's gut is, compared with another, though. So, just err on the side of

caution and go a bit longer than you might have otherwise.

NO.... commercial baby food are NOT legal. Sorry! You will have to make your

own.... that's our mantra around here: MAKE YOUR OWN, MAKE YOUR OWN, MAKE YOUR

OWN. I know it's hard to get used to.... we are all busy moms. I must say,

four children under six would challenge ANY parent, though! You might need to

ask for some outside help. Even just having a teenaged babysitter come in to

play with the kids once every two weeks while you do batch cooking would be

great. Or, do you have an older, " grandma " type friend, neighbor or relative

that could come in and help out with cooking chores?

Utilize your crock pot.... fill it up with peeled and cut-up apples or pears....

let it cook all day long. Takes very little time out of your day (just a stir

once in a while) and the result can be frozen in small container, if you like.

I'd suggest that you ALWAYS cook twice as much of EVERYTHING and freeze the

leftovers. If you're going to the trouble to cook ONE chicken, it's not that

much extra time or effort to cook TWO. The oven will be on anyway.

It will get easier, I promise! I will re-post some cooking and time-saving

suggestions that another list member posted a year or so ago. She had some great

tips! Look for the subject line: " SCD time, energy and brain savers " ....

I'll also send over one with the subject line: " What to eat? "


Re: Help please

Hi Patti

Thank you so much for your explanation. I do not want to take too

much of your precious time but I am planning to do the intro diet in

the next few weeks, I am just trying to get prepared so I do it

right. How long on each " stage " after that. I am taking Jenna from

every food imaginable to the basics again so it will be a shock. I

am determined to do it and thanks to you even more so now. Thank

you. Do you know if baby jars of pureed fruit are OK (Heinz pear or

apple). These would be great after intro as I am a busy mum of four

under six, so any short cuts would help. Venessa.

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Dear Patti,

Thank you so much for your advice and time. I will take it all on

board. Where there is a will there is a way. Thank you.


> Venessa,


> It is impossible for us to tell you exactly " how long " in each

stage. It is different for every child. After intro, foods should be

introduced slowly, cautiously... one at a time.... " as tolerated " .

Sometimes parents have a tough time knowing whether their child

is " tolerating " a food, so I know that is not easy.


> Keep in mind that as bacterial colonies in the gut die off, they

leave behind tender, new tissue.... which needs to heal and should be

treated with care. Keeping all foods very easy to digest for some

months will be best for MOST kids/adults on SCD. It's impossible for

us to know exactly how damaged one individual's gut is, compared with

another, though. So, just err on the side of caution and go a bit

longer than you might have otherwise.


> NO.... commercial baby food are NOT legal. Sorry! You will have

to make your own.... that's our mantra around here: MAKE YOUR OWN,

MAKE YOUR OWN, MAKE YOUR OWN. I know it's hard to get used to.... we

are all busy moms. I must say, four children under six would

challenge ANY parent, though! You might need to ask for some outside

help. Even just having a teenaged babysitter come in to play with the

kids once every two weeks while you do batch cooking would be great.

Or, do you have an older, " grandma " type friend, neighbor or relative

that could come in and help out with cooking chores?


> Utilize your crock pot.... fill it up with peeled and cut-up apples

or pears.... let it cook all day long. Takes very little time out of

your day (just a stir once in a while) and the result can be frozen

in small container, if you like.


> I'd suggest that you ALWAYS cook twice as much of EVERYTHING and

freeze the leftovers. If you're going to the trouble to cook ONE

chicken, it's not that much extra time or effort to cook TWO. The

oven will be on anyway.


> It will get easier, I promise! I will re-post some cooking and

time-saving suggestions that another list member posted a year or so

ago. She had some great tips! Look for the subject line: " SCD time,

energy and brain savers " .... I'll also send over one with the

subject line: " What to eat? "



> Patti


> Re: Help please

> Hi Patti


> Thank you so much for your explanation. I do not want to take too

> much of your precious time but I am planning to do the intro diet


> the next few weeks, I am just trying to get prepared so I do it

> right. How long on each " stage " after that. I am taking Jenna


> every food imaginable to the basics again so it will be a shock.


> am determined to do it and thanks to you even more so now. Thank

> you. Do you know if baby jars of pureed fruit are OK (Heinz pear


> apple). These would be great after intro as I am a busy mum of


> under six, so any short cuts would help. Venessa.



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