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hard times

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I haven't been on line for a while and was so happy to find all the emails addressed to me offering prayer,support,and lots of love. i cried reading each one of them because they all touched my heart so very much, ican't begin to express how much your kind words mean to me at this time! Please continue to remember us as we are having a hard time staying hopeful and positive. I try not to think about all the terrible things that can happen to us but its hard.I love the story about the quilt and will read it over and over in the coming days. i also remember the story footprints and it helps. i don't know why the writing switched to this but it's quite nice don't you think? just reminds me that change isn't always bad. i can't thank all of you enough who took the time to write me and lift my spirit with your words! Please keep praying for us, the job market does not look good. Heidi thanks so much for your call,you should change your name to sunshine because that is what you are in each of our lives! i don't know when i will be home as i can't do much with this stupid broken wrist so i go outside or make duane take me for a ride. Tomorrow my dear friend bonnie insists on me going for a ride with her to fort collins.I can't wait! I should be home on thursday but friday have to go get my meds before they cancel our insurance this weekend. I also will stop by the doctors office to see if he can give me any samples. Unless we receive a miracle i will have to get another job as soon as this cast comes off. my rheumatologist thinks i shoulcn't work but as you all know you have to do ,what you have to do. I just pray I'll be able to do it! I'm not afraid of hard work,i've done it most of my life. i'm just afraid that this darn rp will sabatoge my efforts! thankyou all from the bottom of my heart! love, sue park-ps happy birthday susie!

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