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Fw: Don't know if this is true - but some good luck wouldn't hurt

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I don't believe any of us will be hit by a semi if we don't forward this, BUT we can all use a little good luck, actually a whole hell of a lot of good luck, so I am forwarding this to each of you in the hope that you might actually get some good luck! Love, Judy Don't know if this is true - but some good luck wouldn't hurt > > READ ALONE.....ESPECIALLY THE LAST PART> >> > I am sending this for the> >> > meaning of the> >> > letter...it does> >> > make sense and we should> >> > take the time every day> >> > to do what is says.> >> >> >> > Whether you believe in> >> > the cases or not, that is> >> > up to you.> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > READ ALONE.....ESPECIALLY THE LAST PART> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > CASE 1:> >> >> >> > Sedey had> >> > one wish, for her> >> > boyfriend> >> > of three years, > >> > Marsden, to propose to her.> >> > Then one day> >> > when she was out to lunch> >> > proposed! She> >> > accepted, but then had to> >> > leave because she had a meeting> >> > in 20 min. When she got> >> > to her office, she> >> > noticed on> >> > her computer she had> >> > e-mail. She checked it, the> >> > usual stuff from her friends,> >> > but then she saw one> >> > that she had never gotten> >> > before. It was this> >> > letter. She simply> >> > deleted it without even> >> > reading all of it.> >> >> >> > BIG MISTAKE!> >> >> >> > Later that evening, she> >> > received a phone call from> >> > the police. It was> >> > about DAVID!> >> > He had been in an> >> > accident with an 18 wheeler.> >> > He didn't survive.> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > CASE 2: Take Robbenson.> >> >> >> >> >> > She received this letter> >> > and being the believer> >> > that she was, she sent it> >> > to a few of her> >> > friends but didn't have> >> > enough e-mail addresses to> >> > send out the full 10> >> > that you must.> >> > Three days later, > >> > went to a masquerade ball.> >> > Later that night when she> >> > left to get to her car> >> > to go home, she was killed> >> > on the spot by a> >> > hit-and-run drunk driver.> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > CASE 3:> >> >> >> >> >> > S. Willis sent> >> > this letter out within 45> >> > minutes of reading it.> >> > Not even 4 hours later> >> > walking along the> >> > street to his new job> >> > interview with a really big> >> > company, when> >> > he ran into Bell,> >> > his secret love for 5 years.> >> > came up to him and> >> > told him of her> >> > passionate crush on him> >> > that she had had on him> >> > for 2 years. Three days> >> > later, he> >> > proposed to her and they> >> > got married. and> >> > are still> >> > married with three> >> > children, happy as ever!> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > This is the letter:> >> >> >> >> >> > Around the corner> >> > I have> >> > a friend,> >> > In this great city> >> > that has no end,> >> > Yet the days go by> >> > and weeks rush on,> >> > And before I know> >> > it, a year is gone.> >> > And I never see> >> > my old friends face,> >> > For life is a> >> > swift and terrible race,> >> >> >> > He knows I like him> >> > just as well,> >> >> >> > As in the days> >> > when I rang his bell.> >> >> >> > And he rang mine if,> >> > we were younger then,> >> > And now we are> >> > busy, tired men.> >> >> >> > Tired of playing> >> > a foolish game,> >> >> >> > Tired of trying to> >> > make a name.> >> >> >> > "Tomorrow" I say> >> > "I will call on Jim"> >> >> >> > "Just to show that> >> > I'm thinking of him."> >> >> >> > But tomorrow comes> >> > and tomorrow goes,> >> > And distance between> >> > us grows and grows.> >> > Around the corner!-> >> > yet miles away,> >> >> >> > "Here's a telegram> >> > sir" "Jim died today."> >> > And that's what we> >> > get and deserve in the end.> >> > Around the corner,> >> > a vanished friend.> >> >> >> >> >> > Remember to always say> >> > what you mean.> >> > If you love> >> > someone, tell them.> >> >> >> > Don't be afraid to> >> > express yourself. Reach out and> >> > tell someone what they> >> > mean to you. Because when> >> > you decide that it is the right time it might be> >> > too late.> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > Seize the day. Never have> >> > regrets. And most importantly, stay> >> > close to your friends and family, for they have> >> > helped make you the person that you are today.> >> >> >> >> >> > You must send this on in> >> > 3 hours after reading the letter to 10 different people.> >> >> >> > If you do this, you will> >> > receive unbelievably good luck in love.> >> >> >> > The person that you are> >> > most attracted to will soon return your feelings.> >> >> >> > If you do not, bad luck> >> > will rear it's ugly head at you.> >> >> >> > THIS IS NOT A JOKE!> >> >> >> > You have read the> >> > warnings, seen the cases, and the consequences.> >> >> >> > You MUST send this on or face dreadfully bad luck.> >> >> >> > *NOTE* The more people> >> > that you send this to, the better luck you will have.> >> >> > "If you judge people, you> >> > have no time to love them."> >> >

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