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To All, I found this on my TM group and thought you would find this very interesting and I am sorry that it has been tabled for 4 yrs. It will be a long 4 yrs and I reallly don't want to wait that long. How much suffering do we have to indure til these few people decide if this research should go on. I don't believe in cloning people but to help the millions of people that could use this for their own bodies medical treatments. How many people are on a waiting list for a donnor? How many have ins. to cover the cost of to keep your own body from rejecting the new organ? How many care givers wish they could help us not suffer they way we do? It is all a huge emotional rollcoaster ride which is too expensive for any of to ride. You wonder how many big companies won't want a cure to be found for the simple reason they will loose billoins of money when prescriptions will no longer be needed for alot of people!??

This is food for thought but I want to get off disabilty and return to normal, I did not ask for this disease , most all of you and I didn't either. If I have offended some of you, I am truely sorry but this is how I feel and I am sure if a cure is found by this way I cann't see many but a handful that will refuse the cure.

Please have a great weekend and as painfree as possible.

Love ya


PS : I opened mouth inserted foot. LOL

I am not the President, I am a Right Winger. I would refuse treatments to benefit myself based on remedies resulting from therapeutic cloning research. I must be a religious extremist (oh wait I'm a Christian). An Embryo is a fertilized egg.

-----Original Message-----From: RCookHook@... Sent: Friday, July 12, 2002 11:09 AMTo: tmic-list@...Subject: [TMIC] FYI - CURE RESEARCH MORATORIUMMY DR. MOVED TO NEW ZEALAND TO CONTINUE HIS RESEARCH ON SCI CURE. I WONDER IF THE PRESIDENT AND OTHER RIGHT WINGERS WERE TO BECOME STRICKEN WITH A SEVERE NEUROLOGICAL DISORDER AND A CURE WAS FOUND BY RESEARCH IN ANOTHER COUNTRY, IF THEY WOULD DECLINE TREATMENT OR CURE BY A METHOD THEY THEMSELVES PLACED A MORATORIUM ON. LET THEM WAIT FOUR YEARS TO BE TREATED?I PROBABLY SHOULD KEEP ME COMMENTS TO MYSELF AS I SAID I WOULD SO AS NOT TO SPARK A CONTINUING THREAD OF DEBATE, BUT THOSE OF YOU WHO KNOW ME, I CHEW WITH MY MOUTH OPEN, AND SOMETIME FOOD [FOR THOUGHT] JUST FALLS OUT.BOBCuresNow Deeply Disappointed by Bioethics Council Call for a Moratorium onCloning ResearchWASHINGTON, July 11 /PRNewswire/ -- A recommendation by The President'sCouncil on Bioethics to impose a four-year moratorium on cloning forbiomedical research, or therapeutic cloning, amounts to a false compromisethat will stop research into life-saving cures for millions of Americans."We are, of course, dismayed that a majority of the Council supports amoratorium on this research, which is at odds with the mainstream scientificcommunity. However, we are heartened that a substantial minority, 7 out of17 members, of the Council believes this research should go forwardimmediately," said Doug Wick, a cofounder of CuresNow."CuresNow will continue its education efforts to inform the American publicand policy makers that millions of Americans suffering from debilitating andoften fatal diseases cannot tolerate a cruel and pointless four-year delayinto research that holds out the promise of life saving cures," Wick added."Putting a four-year moratorium on therapeutic cloning is tantamount tostopping it altogether."CuresNow does not believe a moratorium is needed to allow more time to gatherinformation. Therapeutic cloning has already been extensively debated withinthe federal government, as well as in academic, scientific and legal journalsand in the popular press. After studying the issue, the National Institutesof Health, the National Bioethics Advisory Commission and two independentpanels of the National Academies (which consists of the National Academy ofSciences, the National Academy of Engineering, the Institute of Medicine andthe National Research Council) have all recognized the need to continueresearch into therapeutic cloning.Forty Nobel Laureates, former Presidents Gerald Ford and Jimmy andformer First Lady Reagan have all strongly endorsed the continuation oftherapeutic cloning research.While some opponents say they want a moratorium to gain more informationabout the potential success of this research, Professor H.Blackburn, a dissenting member of the President's Council wrote in herpersonal statement, "that information can only be gained by performing thesame research that the moratorium proposes to halt.""Any temporary moratorium could cause many of our brightest scientists andcutting-edge genetic research firms to move overseas to countries in Europeand Asia, where this research is legal," says Wick. "Such a 'brain drain' ofour most talented researchers in the natural sciences would cause us to loseour position as the world's leader in medical and scientific breakthroughs."Millions of Americans suffering from diseases such as diabetes, Alzheimer's,Parkinson's, cancer, ALS and from injuries such as those to the spinal cord,will not have access to any potential new cures and treatments in their owncountry.CuresNow is vehemently opposed to human reproductive cloning and there iscurrently legislation in the United States Senate that would make thisdangerous and clearly unethical practice illegal, while allowing therapeuticcloning to continue under strict federal guidelines. CuresNow urges theSenate to pass this legislation without delay.CuresNow is an alliance of patients and parents of those suffering fromchronic illnesses as well as leaders in the scientific, health, education,business and entertainment communities. CuresNow is opposed to human cloning,but believes therapeutic cloning is the most promising medical technology indecades.MAKE YOUR OPINION COUNT - Click Herehttp://tbutton.prnewswire.com/prn/11690X82893743SOURCE CuresNowCO: CuresNow; President's Council on Bioethics

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