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Re: I give up!!!!/Sometimes I do too!!!

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--- Ted Staniec wrote:

> This last month has been the pits. I have been so

> nauseated. I went for my physical on Weds. & told

> my pcp I felt rotten. She was hesitant to give me

> anything because of all the medications I'm on. By

> Thurs I was really bad. I went to bed at 6:45. I

> never even lay down during the day so you can

> imagine how sick I was. I called the pcp back Fri

> night & all I could say is Please help me. I'm on

> Compazine 3 times a day. I took one Fri. night when

> I went to bed & I was ravenously hungry yesterday

> morning. We went for our usual Sat. Morning

> breakfast & I ate like there was no tomorrow. Went

> for blood work & came home & was sick & on the couch

> again all day. When I talked to the pcp we figured

> it might be the MTX building up in my body. I have

> always had a little queasiness from it but nothing I

> couldn't live with. I am to talk to the rheumy

> tomorrow & see what he thinks. Unless they can

> counteract the effects, I'm through with it. This

> is no way to live.


> Has anyone else had this problem? What did they do

> for you? Between bein down on the pred & having

> mood swings, sick from this shit, moving to the new

> house in a month, all someone has to do to me is

> look wrong & I cry. I've really been trying to not

> let this get the best of me but I just can't do it

> no more. My knees have also been acting up.


> I know I shouldn't complain & a lot of you are in

> much worse shape than I'm in, but it's been hard to

> come to terms with all this. Do any of you ever

> feel like chucking it all?


> Thanks for your shoulders,


> Luv ya,



> Susiecue


Hi Susiecue,

Yes, I had the same problems on MTX. It got where I

was sick to my stomach and on the verge of throwing up

24/7. My doctor said that I was toxic on MTX. We

tried cutting back on my dose, we tried injections,

but nothing helped. That's when my doctor moved me to

azathioprine (Imuran).

I feel like chucking it on a regular basis....believe

me! The disease is frustrating enough on its own.

Then throw in all the side effects from the meds we

are on, plus in your case, the move.....it's just too

much to deal with.

I'm glad you are talking to your rheumy about the MTX

because there are alternatives.

As far as complaining, thats what the group is for.

If you don't feel free to complain here...where you

are understood....then where can you complain? That's

the way I look at it anyway.

Please let us know what your doctor has to say. I

really hope he/she has some answers for you! I care!

Love, squeek



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