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thank you for the information we don't see the neuro until nov 2 and then he

said he would decide if she would still need the helmet. We have an apt with a

pt on monday for an evaluation to determine what the type of therapy she will

need. I've already started by having her sleep on her left side only and haveing

the daycare keep her off her back as much as possible. I take any new little

positive changes as a good thing ie they said yesterday she napped on her

stomach for a little while which is a great thing for her b/c she hates to be on

her tummy. So we are really having to work on the whole tummy time issue.

thank you



> From: j_jackson_72206 <j_jackson_72206@...>

> Subject: My daughter

> Plagiocephaly

> Date: Thursday, October 1, 2009, 9:51 AM







> My daughter Layla has recently been diagnosed with mild plagiocephaly and

tort. She was born 8 weeks premature and is now 4 months old. We have already

seen a neurosurgeon regarding her condition and he has recomended her to undergo

extensive physical therapy for treatment. So far he seems to think it will

correct itself by the next time we see him. I hope that is the case but as a

first time mom i don't know what to think?


> concerned parent


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My daughter is 6 1/2 months. We noticed the plagio at 4 months and intervened

with heavy re-positioning. Since you are open to sleeping her on her side, you

may be able to see a lot of improvement. My daughters head is barely noticeable

anymore since we started sleeping her on her side. A lot of people still say

not to sleep babies on their sides though. We did use a positioner though and it

helped keep her from rolling on her stomach. She now sleeps on her stomach on

her own. What we have NOT seen improvement with is her facial symmetry. I am

going to try and get her cranial sacral therapy or nucca asap since we have

found out that our insurance will not cover the band. With physical therapy I

am confident that we will see the results we are looking for in her face. So,

to answer your question YES aggressive repositioning helped my daughter a lot.

I will say though that a lot of people did not have the same luck. Also, if

your insurance will help cover the band, I would highly reccommend getting a

band just to be sure since it is harder to repair as they get older.

> >

> >

> > From: j_jackson_72206 <j_jackson_72206@>

> > Subject: My daughter

> > Plagiocephaly

> > Date: Thursday, October 1, 2009, 9:51 AM

> >

> >

> >  

> >

> >

> >

> > My daughter Layla has recently been diagnosed with mild plagiocephaly and

tort. She was born 8 weeks premature and is now 4 months old. We have already

seen a neurosurgeon regarding her condition and he has recomended her to undergo

extensive physical therapy for treatment. So far he seems to think it will

correct itself by the next time we see him. I hope that is the case but as a

first time mom i don't know what to think?

> >

> > concerned parent

> >


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Well so far with the help of the daycare they really work her over and by the

time she gets home she is extremely tired. so after her bath and dinner she

pretty much passes out so she will fall asleep on her left side and stay there

until about 2 or 3 am. Then after that all bets are off and she does anything to

change her position. before we even started this about a week ago she just got

the point were we would lay her in her craddle at bedtime and she would just put

herself to sleep on her own. From there she would go down at about 8:00 and not

wake up until about 4 ish. So now having to back track everything is really

straining...i'm even more tired now that what i was when i first brought her

home from the nicu. We have an apt with a physical therapist on monday afternoon

for an evaluation to start therapy. Luckily we were able to get in so soon due

to the back they are the only ones in our area that treats for this kinda of

condition. I already had my husband look into our insurance that way we are

prepared for the next apt with the neuro and he says we still need the band and

yes our insurance does cover it. So if it comes down to it and we have to do it

so be....whatever helps her I will do whatever it takes.

Were you ever told if this particular type of condition could happen again if

you were to have more children?

thank you


katy texas; layla 4 months

> > >

> > >

> > > From: j_jackson_72206 <j_jackson_72206@>

> > > Subject: My daughter

> > > Plagiocephaly

> > > Date: Thursday, October 1, 2009, 9:51 AM

> > >

> > >

> > >  

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > My daughter Layla has recently been diagnosed with mild plagiocephaly and

tort. She was born 8 weeks premature and is now 4 months old. We have already

seen a neurosurgeon regarding her condition and he has recomended her to undergo

extensive physical therapy for treatment. So far he seems to think it will

correct itself by the next time we see him. I hope that is the case but as a

first time mom i don't know what to think?

> > >

> > > concerned parent

> > >

> >


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