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Well, Jan, there are these people called doctors and ERs--even on Sunday!

Get help and take care of you, please! Love, n Rojas

Re: Update

> I am not feeling to great...I started running a good fever last

night but it

> broke this mornign but it started again at 8pm...my lungs are so


> tight

I hope this email finds you better today!

Always good to hear from you.



The opinions and information exchanged on this list should IN NO WAY

be construed as medical advice.



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  • 5 months later...
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Congratulations on your weightloss. Glad to hear your doing such a great

job. Keep up the good work. Take care and God Bless.


4/23/04 open rny


St. Charity

Cleveland, Ohio

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OK all...I stepped on the scale at work last night,. and I have lost 172 lbs

to date!!!!!! I couldn't believe it!!!! I am sooooooooo excited!!!!!!! Hope

everyone is doing well?.,..sherri

Stay strong and healthy


>Reply-To: Gastric_Bypass_Family

>To: Gastric_Bypass_Family

>Subject: RE: update

>Date: Sun, 25 Jul 2004 12:57:54 -0400


>Hi bonita458,


>Congratulations on your weight loss. Keep up the great work.





> >

> >Reply-To: Gastric_Bypass_Family

> >To: Gastric_Bypass_Family

> >Subject: update

> >Date: Sun, 25 Jul 2004 10:08:53 -0000

> >





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  • 1 month later...

My niece just had twins, one of each. Good Luck, the babies will

take what they need from your body.

Good Luck

Pat in RI

> Hi everyone,

> Just a little update on myself. I had Lap RNY on 11/18/03. I


> currently down 150 pounds and 11 weeks pregnant with TWINS!!! We

was totally shocked

> to find out we were pregnant to begin with then to find out its


> really thrown us for a loop..LOL

> All is well even though I am still loosing weight the docs

say its cool.

> They have me eating every hour because i can still eat so little.


> we will soon be able to find out the sex of the babies!

> Congrats to everyone on their weight loss and good luck to


> still trying to get the surgery.

> Crystal

> 365/215/165-175 goal

> 11 weeks pregnant with TWINS!!




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  • 2 months later...


Personally, I think that surgeon's condemnation of your pain management

situation was inexcusable, and the fact that he said you were " addicted " to

your pain meds only shows his ignorance of people with chronic pain

conditions. I'm glad I'm not his patient. While I can understand that your

present pain med schedule may compromise your lupus treatment, I just don't

feel he handled your situation with any compassion or understanding.

It irks me to no end that physicians can be so quick to label patients, without

fully understanding their problems. Thank heavens you have two other

doctors, your PCP and your Pain Mangement doctor, who understand the

difference between addiciton and clinical dependence and that they are

willing to listen to you and treat you with respect!

I'm sure you'll be able to taper down just fine, and it will be easier for you

knowing that you have these two doctors offering their support and backup,

should you have any problems.

With love, hope and prayers,


Heidi H. Griffeth

South Carolina Rep.

SE Regional Rep., PAI

Note: All comment or advice is based on personal experience or opinion, and

should not be substituted for consultation with a medical professional.

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  • 9 months later...

Congrats to you!!!!!! I am right there with you. My date is

September 5th.

Your comment on birth control.......do you mean to say that while

wearing braces you didn't have sex???? It sure didn't stop me, and

my husband never complained about the braces.

Good Luck!



> Hi everyone, its been a while since I posted but I just got back

form my ortho for a tightening adn they scheduled me in for a

DEBANDING on September 26!!! I'm pumped!. I am having a candy apple

and popcorn party that evening...lol




> For anyone who is wondering I had upper and lower jaw surgery on

April 20, 2005 and it went off without a hitch ***KNOCK ON WOOD***,

and if all goes well for the next month I will be rid of my $8,000

birthcontrol! IF anyone has any q's about the process or recovery id

be happy to help out :)




> KEv






> ---------------------------------

> Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page



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Hey kEV S-

Glad to hear about your ultimate end of the road. As I hang-in here at surgery

+3 days I'll keep saying that it will end happily like yours.

Good job.

Trying to smile for you here in VT


kEV S wrote:

Hi everyone, its been a while since I posted but I just got back form my ortho

for a tightening adn they scheduled me in for a DEBANDING on September 26!!! I'm

pumped!. I am having a candy apple and popcorn party that evening...lol

For anyone who is wondering I had upper and lower jaw surgery on April 20, 2005

and it went off without a hitch ***KNOCK ON WOOD***, and if all goes well for

the next month I will be rid of my $8,000 birthcontrol! IF anyone has any q's

about the process or recovery id be happy to help out :)



Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page

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  • 3 weeks later...

Congrats on a smooth recovery. It should only continue to get better

from here on out. And before you know it you will be having your 1

year anniversary!



> Hi All!


> I just wanted to post on my progress in my post-op adventures over

the last 3 1/2 weeks. I had a Leforte 2 piece and a BSSO on Aug 15.

The surgeon is thrilled - and I'm getting there (LOL). I was only

banded shut (lightly) - so I've had a pretty decent diet since

surgery. My jaw movement is good - about a fingerwith. Swelling is

coming down, my face is coming back. My upper lip is still numb, and

I still have to be careful about how I look when I eat. My biggest

complaint is that my swelling inside my head is pushing against the

tubes in my ears - so it's like I just got off a plane all the time.


> All in all - things have gone very well. So often- because of

needing extra support, we only hear from the folks who are having

issues. I just wanted to post a recovery story that was on track and

doin' okay.


> Take Care all (big shout out to the othe Aug surgeries!!)


> Cyndy




> ---------------------------------

> Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.



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Hey Cyndy,

That is great to hear that you are doing so well. I

would have written back sooner but yesterday was my

first day back at work and it was busy. I was only

supposed to work 4.5 hours, but I got so busy that I

ended up working 6. I was EXHAUSTED when I got home.

I am happy to hear that your recovery is going well,

and I hope it continues to be that way.


--- Cyndy Gerns wrote:


> Hi All!


> I just wanted to post on my progress in my post-op

> adventures over the last 3 1/2 weeks. I had a

> Leforte 2 piece and a BSSO on Aug 15. The surgeon is

> thrilled - and I'm getting there (LOL). I was only

> banded shut (lightly) - so I've had a pretty decent

> diet since surgery. My jaw movement is good - about

> a fingerwith. Swelling is coming down, my face is

> coming back. My upper lip is still numb, and I still

> have to be careful about how I look when I eat. My

> biggest complaint is that my swelling inside my head

> is pushing against the tubes in my ears - so it's

> like I just got off a plane all the time.


> All in all - things have gone very well. So often-

> because of needing extra support, we only hear from

> the folks who are having issues. I just wanted to

> post a recovery story that was on track and doin'

> okay.


> Take Care all (big shout out to the othe Aug

> surgeries!!)


> Cyndy




> ---------------------------------

> Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina

> relief effort.


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.


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Yay PTL!!!


At 02:02 AM 9/14/2005 +0000, you wrote:

>Well we got good news kinda like a miracle today some of the test

>results come back for my granny her cancer is still in remission she

>needs to have her gallbladder removed her pancrease looked at also her

>large intestine and when she puts on 30 lbs she will be able to have a

>complete hip replacement.The Dr was upset iwth her because all of her

>problems should have been fixed 4-5 years ago but she assumed it was

>cancer and there was nothing they could do so she was scared to got

>tothe DR.Well we all are realeved she is not gonna die but has a long

>hale ahead of her. Thanks for all the prayers it truley helped. We

>were thinking that we were going to lose her in weeks time, but know

>things are totaly opposite.










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That's wonderful news !


5 1/2 and Kelli 3

jamtorrss wrote:

Well we got good news kinda like a miracle today some of the test

results come back for my granny her cancer is still in remission she

needs to have her gallbladder removed her pancrease looked at also her

large intestine and when she puts on 30 lbs she will be able to have a

complete hip replacement.The Dr was upset iwth her because all of her

problems should have been fixed 4-5 years ago but she assumed it was

cancer and there was nothing they could do so she was scared to got

tothe DR.Well we all are realeved she is not gonna die but has a long

hale ahead of her. Thanks for all the prayers it truley helped. We

were thinking that we were going to lose her in weeks time, but know

things are totaly opposite.

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  • 2 months later...

Ken - Thanks SO much for the update! That is great news about the

advancements in 's growth! You must be thrilled. I'm so glad

you didn't have those teeth pulled too. Truly, it is so exciting to

hear about his being in the 10th percentile. That is such wonderful

news. Give a big hug for me.

- H


> Hi everyone,


> We took to see his pediatric endocrinologist on Friday. We

> got there the usual way, turning a 45 minute drive into an all day

> event involving trains, subways and buses. Fortunately we

> managed to avoid riding on a truck, boat or airplane for this 40

> mile trip.


> Anyway, according to the doctor's measurements, is now

> 50.6 Lbs and 48.2 inches tall. He grew .6 inches in the last 4

> months. He gained over a pound during that time. According to

> the doctor's growth charts he is now at the 10th percentile for

> weight and just under the tenth for height.


> This is a huge improvement since a little over a year ago he was

> still just barely over the 3rd percentile in both categories.


> Also, a while back I mentioned that he needed some teeth

> extracted. We haven't done that yet since I am still unemployed

> and cannot afford that. But we did get a second opinionn and it

> seems the orthodontist and I were not on the same page. The 4

> teeth he needs pulled are bay teeth and not permanent teeth like

> my wife and both believed the doctor told us.


> Since has grown so much in the past year, the doctor has

> increased his growth hormone.


> It will be interesting to see how he reacts to this increase in

> growth hormone. My only worry is that we are advancing his bone

> age even more rapidly than his height. We shall see.


> Ken M

> :)


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Hi Ken, It is always good news to hear a child is getting taller!

Your last paragraph mentioned that his bone age is advancing.

I am so worried about my own daughter because she has never been on

growth hormone but has been on Lupron to keep her bone age from

advancing. Currently her bone age is 13-13.5 and holding and I am

just still trying to get her seen to give her a growth hormone due to

an alarming statement by her current endo last month. My daughter is

will be 9 next week.Her endo said she is only going to grow 2 more

inches and we have to accept this. She is 4ft 1 in now.

So of course I want to know if your son is taking Lupron and if you

were saying it is not working. I want to brace myself.


> Hi everyone,


> We took to see his pediatric endocrinologist on Friday. We

> got there the usual way, turning a 45 minute drive into an all day

> event involving trains, subways and buses. Fortunately we

> managed to avoid riding on a truck, boat or airplane for this 40

> mile trip.


> Anyway, according to the doctor's measurements, is now

> 50.6 Lbs and 48.2 inches tall. He grew .6 inches in the last 4

> months. He gained over a pound during that time. According to

> the doctor's growth charts he is now at the 10th percentile for

> weight and just under the tenth for height.


> This is a huge improvement since a little over a year ago he was

> still just barely over the 3rd percentile in both categories.


> Also, a while back I mentioned that he needed some teeth

> extracted. We haven't done that yet since I am still unemployed

> and cannot afford that. But we did get a second opinionn and it

> seems the orthodontist and I were not on the same page. The 4

> teeth he needs pulled are bay teeth and not permanent teeth like

> my wife and both believed the doctor told us.


> Since has grown so much in the past year, the doctor has

> increased his growth hormone.


> It will be interesting to see how he reacts to this increase in

> growth hormone. My only worry is that we are advancing his bone

> age even more rapidly than his height. We shall see.


> Ken M

> :)


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It was my understanding that Lupron will not slow down the advancement of

bone age. You need to use an aromitase inhibitor, like Arimidex, for that.

Maybe Jodi Z could elaborate on this???

Pat (g-ma to , RSS, 3 yrs 10 months old, 25#, 34.6 " , G-tube, GHT)

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Pat is correct. Lupron or Zoladex will NOT advance bone age. They

supress puberty to give more time to grow. It is the production of

estrogen that advances bone age. A med like Arimidex, an aromatase

inhibitor, will slow the production of estrogen and then bone age will

slow down as well.

Jodi Z


> It was my understanding that Lupron will not slow down the

advancement of

> bone age. You need to use an aromitase inhibitor, like Arimidex, for


> Maybe Jodi Z could elaborate on this???


> Pat (g-ma to , RSS, 3 yrs 10 months old, 25#, 34.6 " , G-tube,



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No, is not on Lupron. He is only taking growth hormone.

Also, at his last bone age x-ray, his bone age was still more than

2 years behind. I am just thinking way ahead. We are waiting for

the doctor to track down his file and find the results of his lateat

bone age x-ray.

I hope this helps.

Ken M


> >

> > Hi everyone,

> >

> > We took to see his pediatric endocrinologist on Friday.


> > got there the usual way, turning a 45 minute drive into an all


> > event involving trains, subways and buses. Fortunately we

> > managed to avoid riding on a truck, boat or airplane for this


> > mile trip.

> >

> > Anyway, according to the doctor's measurements, is


> > 50.6 Lbs and 48.2 inches tall. He grew .6 inches in the last 4

> > months. He gained over a pound during that time. According


> > the doctor's growth charts he is now at the 10th percentile for

> > weight and just under the tenth for height.

> >

> > This is a huge improvement since a little over a year ago he


> > still just barely over the 3rd percentile in both categories.

> >

> > Also, a while back I mentioned that he needed some teeth

> > extracted. We haven't done that yet since I am still


> > and cannot afford that. But we did get a second opinionn and


> > seems the orthodontist and I were not on the same page.

The 4

> > teeth he needs pulled are bay teeth and not permanent teeth


> > my wife and both believed the doctor told us.

> >

> > Since has grown so much in the past year, the doctor


> > increased his growth hormone.

> >

> > It will be interesting to see how he reacts to this increase in

> > growth hormone. My only worry is that we are advancing his


> > age even more rapidly than his height. We shall see.

> >

> > Ken M

> > :)

> >


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Hi Pat and Jodi,

Thanks for the info on Lupron. I will keep it in mind if and when

we need too.

Ken M


> >

> > It was my understanding that Lupron will not slow down the

> advancement of

> > bone age. You need to use an aromitase inhibitor, like

Arimidex, for

> that.

> > Maybe Jodi Z could elaborate on this???

> >

> > Pat (g-ma to , RSS, 3 yrs 10 months old, 25#, 34.6 " ,


> GHT)

> >


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  • 3 weeks later...

Chrissy - your website seemed very positive. Such good news she is

starting to get back to her old self. How refreshing. Thank you so

much for the update. I've been wanting to call you.....

Talk to you soon I hope.

- Hugs to Maddy and family

- H


> I have updated Maddy's web page





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  • 4 months later...
Guest guest

Bless his heart! You and are in my prayers. What a lot he has been

through! (and what a lot you have been through, too.) Speedy healing to him,

Carol and


Hi, everyone!

We came home yesterday from the hospital. It's been rough, but is such

a trooper. We stayed in ICU the whole week. Actually, they moved us to the

regular pediatric floor on Wednesday and when his ortho came a couple of hours

later and found out he had a FIT. He went off on the residents at ICU and the

intensivist, and back to ICU we went. It was so much better there. I was

actually very impressed that he fought for us that much. It meant a lot.

Besides, he still had his chest tube in and his back drain and the NG tube.

Sigh. No one ever wants to see their child with all those tubes and stuff, but

let me tell you, he handled it all like such a good boy. Even painwise, he was

on morphine the first two days, and after that he was on regular Tylenol. The

post-op gas pains have been worse than his surgery pains. Of course, now there

is the matter of the big bulky brace that he has to get used to. He's adjusting

to it pretty well. He can't really sit up straight in

it, though, so it may need some tweaking. It's also very hard to hold him and

to change his diaper. We had a messy little accident and it got dirty

yesterday. I just cant get his diaper on properly. It's hard to dress him,

too. Nothing fits OVER the brace. And he gets sooooo sweaty and hot underneath

the brace. Last night was also the first night he wore his FAB since Monday. I

have been watching his foot like a hawk. I was so nervous that it would start

relapsing, but I was trying to gently dorsiflex it and stretch it into position

while he was in the hospital, without annoying him too much. He will have trust

issues for a while. Anytime anyone would eve walk past his room, he would

scream and cry becasue he was scared that they were coming to do something else

to him. The way he kept his eye on all the nurses and docs....He would follow

them with his eyes until they were gone, to make sure they weren't coming for


Anyway, I guess I should go prepare his meal. Thank you all for you prayers

and thoughts.

mommy to


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I am glad is starting to feel better. I know how hard it is when they

cry at the slightest thing. For 2 weeks after we were out of the hospital the

last time, was so jumpy and didn't like anyone to touch him, so we

cuddled a lot! We go Tuesday for another surgery. This is suppose to be

outpatient but because he is on seizure meds. they may keep him overnight. I

always tell myself it is better to have him fight than sit and take it even

though it is hard.

I hope he gets use to the brace. I am dreading the ankle braces we are

getting because of the heat this summer, so I will be thinking of

and hope the time passes quickly!


Sinanis wrote:

Hi, everyone!

We came home yesterday from the hospital. It's been rough, but is such a

trooper. We stayed in ICU the whole week. Actually, they moved us to the

regular pediatric floor on Wednesday and when his ortho came a couple of hours

later and found out he had a FIT. He went off on the residents at ICU and the

intensivist, and back to ICU we went. It was so much better there. I was

actually very impressed that he fought for us that much. It meant a lot.

Besides, he still had his chest tube in and his back drain and the NG tube.

Sigh. No one ever wants to see their child with all those tubes and stuff, but

let me tell you, he handled it all like such a good boy. Even painwise, he was

on morphine the first two days, and after that he was on regular Tylenol. The

post-op gas pains have been worse than his surgery pains. Of course, now there

is the matter of the big bulky brace that he has to get used to. He's adjusting

to it pretty well. He can't really sit up

straight in

it, though, so it may need some tweaking. It's also very hard to hold him and

to change his diaper. We had a messy little accident and it got dirty

yesterday. I just cant get his diaper on properly. It's hard to dress him,

too. Nothing fits OVER the brace. And he gets sooooo sweaty and hot underneath

the brace. Last night was also the first night he wore his FAB since Monday. I

have been watching his foot like a hawk. I was so nervous that it would start

relapsing, but I was trying to gently dorsiflex it and stretch it into position

while he was in the hospital, without annoying him too much. He will have trust

issues for a while. Anytime anyone would eve walk past his room, he would

scream and cry becasue he was scared that they were coming to do something else

to him. The way he kept his eye on all the nurses and docs....He would follow

them with his eyes until they were gone, to make sure they weren't coming for


Anyway, I guess I should go prepare his meal. Thank you all for you prayers

and thoughts.

mommy to


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I'm glad is home now! Were you able to find a scoliosis or

similar support group like this one to help you with tips and tricks

on the bracing?

Please keep us posted on his progress!


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