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Re: Back surgery

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I may be prejudice but if anyone who's contemplating surgery has not tried at least 2-3 different Chiropractor's (if the first one doesn't help try a different one who uses a different technique, if you went to a dentist and were still in pain you'd go to another one.But a majority of people who don't get the relief they want from one Chiro quit. Different Chiro's use different techniques, some work for some but not for other's)

I have been treating people with everything from strains to blown disc's for almost 25 years now and I have sent less then 15 people for surgery. I have currently an 86 year old women with 6 compression fractures and 7 herniated disc's. Her pain levels when she came to see me were a "12 out of 10" . Her family who I treat have been trying to get her to come in for 4 years. She told me on her first visit that all she really wanted to do is to go back to France to see her family there but was in too much pain for the past 15 years. Within 3 weeks I had her pain levels down below 5, two months later she left for 2 and a half weeks for France and came back with about a 4 which we got down to a 1-2 within a week.

I use a completely computerized machine to analyze and adjust after I tell it what I want it to. It's called the ProAdjuster and I get results that I never thought were possible and I got great results before.

Again I many be prejudice but I would try everything before surgery and Chiropractors are the second largest primary physicians in the world and have kept more people out of surgery then everything out there combined.

But to add, I believe in anything that works. If it comes down that the only thing that helps is waving a dead chicken over your head while chanting south american folk songs, do it!

Re: Good News

> >>

> >> Thank you very much, Marla. Many thanks also for the encouragement and

> >> advice that you and everyone else in the group has given over the past

> >> months.

> >>

> >> Best regards,

> >>

> >>

> >> On Mon, 31 Jan 2011 23:35:26 -0700, Marla Bramer

> >> wro

> >

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Mitch,I absolutely agree. I told my own orthopedist that he & I would never discuss surgery unless we had covered all other possibilities to make my back feel better. I ended up at the PT rather than the Chiropractor, but as long as I do my exercises I feel pretty good. Matt

> >> , I don't remember what surgery you need, but hope it goes well.

> >> Re: Good News

> >>

> >> Thank you very much, Marla. Many thanks also for the encouragement and

> >> advice that you and everyone else in the group has given over the past

> >> months.

> >>

> >> Best regards,

> >>

> >>

> >> On Mon, 31 Jan 2011 23:35:26 -0700, Marla Bramer

> >> wro

> >

> >

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Mitch, after about 10 years of nagging pain that flared up pretty bad every couple of years, I had a spell that was really bad. I spent all day at work standing, because if I sat down it was very difficult & painful to get back up. I even did births standing, with the bed raised as high as it would go. (I usually sat on the end of the bed for the birth.) After trying all my usual maneuvers--hot/cold, exercises, etc., & eventually a couple of courses of muscle relaxants, I saw my first chiropractor--referred by one of the labor & dely nurses. It was amazing! I could tell a difference after the first visit, and by the 3rd or 4th, I was back to normal (my normal). I saw him regularly for a few years until he retired. I really didn't like or trust the guy who bought his practice, so just went on my way for a couple more years, until another flareup. I found another good chiro & again had good results. After a couple of years I hit another real bad spell again, and this time nothing he did helped. I also saw a NS friend's chiro husband, without any improvement. That's when I had my first steroid injection, which did give good relieft for about a month. After that, nothing helped. By this time I had retired on disability due to the NS. After several months of suffering (and I don't use that word lightly), I started asking about surgery, even though I had always sworn that I would never have lower back surgery! But thank God, I happened to have lunch with an old friend, a retired Ob-gyn doc, who had begun teaching MBSR. She made me promise not to have surgery until I tried it; she also recommended the book Back Sense. I don't do the MBSR faithfully as I should, but at the first sign of worsening pain, I'm on it, with my little CD player & headphones! It's been nearly 4 years & I've only had one really bad spell, the summer of 2009. The cramping pain in my left leg was incapacitating. The only thing that helped was cold, so I kept big bags of frozen fries all along the outside of my leg from the hip to the ankle, nearly 24 hrs. a day. After a couple of weeks of this, I called my neuro & asked if I could try Baclofen (I'd known someone who used it with success.) He agreed, and it worked! I actually had to cut the dose in half & then tapered off it over about 3 weeks. That was the last bad spell I've had. I have the constant backache, plus cramping in my left leg if I have to stand long, but I can deal with that. I just rock back & forth a lot & do a little stretching.

My point, yes, there is a point!, is that back pain, like everything else, responds differently in different people & at different points in life. If you look at my MRI's it's like, how is this woman still walking? I only have 2 or 3 normal discs in my spine, all thoracic. But by using various treatment modalities & a lot of creativity, I've found ways to cope. My back would not keep me from working; it's all NS issues. I don't intend to have surgery, but I'll never say never again!

Ramblin' RoseModerator COLTS STILL ROCK!

To: Neurosarcoidosis From: mjcv29a@...Date: Thu, 3 Feb 2011 15:55:58 -0500Subject: Re: Back surgery

I may be prejudice but if anyone who's contemplating surgery has not tried at least 2-3 different Chiropractor's (if the first one doesn't help try a different one who uses a different technique, if you went to a dentist and were still in pain you'd go to another one.But a majority of people who don't get the relief they want from one Chiro quit. Different Chiro's use different techniques, some work for some but not for other's) I have been treating people with everything from strains to blown disc's for almost 25 years now and I have sent less then 15 people for surgery. I have currently an 86 year old women with 6 compression fractures and 7 herniated disc's. Her pain levels when she came to see me were a "12 out of 10" . Her family who I treat have been trying to get her to come in for 4 years. She told me on her first visit that all she really wanted to do is to go back to France to see her family there but was in too much pain for the past 15 years. Within 3 weeks I had her pain levels down below 5, two months later she left for 2 and a half weeks for France and came back with about a 4 which we got down to a 1-2 within a week.

I use a completely computerized machine to analyze and adjust after I tell it what I want it to. It's called the ProAdjuster and I get results that I never thought were possible and I got great results before.

Again I many be prejudice but I would try everything before surgery and Chiropractors are the second largest primary physicians in the world and have kept more people out of surgery then everything out there combined.

But to add, I believe in anything that works. If it comes down that the only thing that helps is waving a dead chicken over your head while chanting south american folk songs, do it!

Re: Good News> >>> >> Thank you very much, Marla. Many thanks also for the encouragement and> >> advice that you and everyone else in the group has given over the past> >> months.> >>> >> Best regards,> >> > >>> >> On Mon, 31 Jan 2011 23:35:26 -0700, Marla Bramer > >> wro> > > > > > ------------------------------------> > > > ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~> > The Neurosarcoidosis Community> > > > > > > > Message Archives:-> > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Neurosarcoidosis/messages> > > > Members Database:-> > Listings of locations, phone numbers, and instant messengers.> > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Neurosarcoidosis/database > > > >

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There's a big difference between Chiropractor's and Physical Therapist. Chiropractor's are actually Doctor's who have a minimum of 8 years of college plus a residency (they actually need more hours in orthopedics, neurology, anatomy, radiology, physiology, nutrition just to name a few then to become an MD) . Most have sub-specialties (I have a 4 year post-doctoral degree in Orthopedics, you have no idea how much I wish now I would have choose Neurology lol, ironic isn't it). Doctor's of Chiropractic are trained to actually make changes to the spine(as well as any area of the body) and take the pressure off the nerves causing the problems or disc's etc as the case may be) Physical Therapists have as little as 4 years of schooling (some get their master''s also) and are not Primary Care Providers or Doctor's They are a good choice to help rehab an injury or condition after it has been corrected. I have had very good friends that are PT's and have referred patients to them to help patient's after the corrections were made.

I am by no means going through all this to pat my back, brag or seem pompous ( If you knew me you'd think that was funny) but rather to show that you may not have to settle for being just "pretty good as long as you do your exercises"

I re-read this and almost erased it because at first sounded petty but then I thought about the thousands of people I have helped, kept out of surgery and done what no other professional could do throughout my career. I then realized if I didn't think there are too many people who 'SETTLE" for feeling just OK when they can live fully or mostly pain free, I realized I had to take the chance and hope no one takes it the wrong way or gets the wrong idea about me.

So unless someone asks specifically for advice on this subject or what Chiropractors can do for different conditions as opposed to other health care providers (I refer out all the time when something is not in my realm) I will leave it at this post or you can write me directly about questions or advise as I have offered and others have taken me up on it at MJCV29A@....

In this room I'm a patient and a lot of you have more answers then I do, so I feel like a kindred spirit and would do anything to help anyone in here.

This is the perfect time for this:

I have this strange feeling that someone asked me to get them something (at cost of course) or something like that but I actually started writing notes on my Droid and then a few weeks ago or so I lost everything on my phone, I mean everything just got erased including my sim card. As I said my memory is terrible and I don't remember who or what it was. So please contact me again. Sorry

Re: Good News

> >>

> >> Thank you very much, Marla. Many thanks also for the encouragement and

> >> advice that you and everyone else in the group has given over the past

> >> months.

> >>

> >> Best regards,

> >>

> >>

> >> On Mon, 31 Jan 2011 23:35:26 -0700, Marla Bramer

> >> wro

> >

> >

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Thank G-d you found it. You went through all the steps I would have advised and after conventional treatment failed (although if you were around here, here I know I could have helped, LOL :) ) Then went the medical route and then started trying anything before surgery and you found something that worked. As I said before if it comes down to waving a chicken over your head while singing the star spangled banner works do it. After you tried the more normal treatments you went to more internal and then found something without having to go through surgery. You don't want to know the stats (although you probably already do) on failed back surgeries.

Keep working your program and get the relief where you can. I know whoever reads my last post (but not closely) and then this one will think I'm contradicting myself but this is actually my point. Again thank 'G-d you found something that helps. I hope more people do

Re: Good News

> >>

> >> Thank you very much, Marla. Many thanks also for the encouragement and

> >> advice that you and everyone else in the group has given over the past

> >> months.

> >>

> >> Best regards,

> >>

> >>

> >> On Mon, 31 Jan 2011 23:35:26 -0700, Marla Bramer

> >> wro

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> > ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

> > The Neurosa

rcoidosis Community

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Mitch, I've been thinking of going back to the chiropractor, but the one I had

doesn't take Medicare, so I'd have to go thru the hassle of trying to find

somebody. Right now I'm just too listless to bother. Maybe soon.

Re: Back surgery


Thank G-d you found it. You went through all the steps I would have advised and

after conventional treatment failed (although if you were around here, here I

know I could have helped, LOL :) ) Then went the medical route and then started

trying anything before surgery and you found something that worked. As I said

before if it comes down to waving a chicken over your head while singing the

star spangled banner works do it. After you tried the more normal treatments you

went to more internal and then found something without having to go through

surgery. You don't want to know the stats (although you probably already do) on

failed back surgeries.

Keep working your program and get the relief where you can. I know whoever reads

my last post (but not closely) and then this one will think I'm contradicting

myself but this is actually my point. Again thank 'G-d you found something that

helps. I hope more people do

-----Original Message-----

To: neurosarcoidosi

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