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help plz - planning ahead effectively

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I'm looking for advice. Our situation here is that our son , turning

five in January appears to be well on the road to recovery. As previously

posted we were told informally by his ABA preschool that he may not be

needing their services next school year, and in fact may be ready for a

regular kindergarten class.

I've since spoken to my 6 yr old's 1st grade teacher (happened to have the

opportunity during a field trip) about my wife and I asking the

kindergarten teacher for a meeting to meet our son and get her opinion. She

said that wouldn't work because she'd have to contact the principal etc.. I

was hoping to do some things informally but guess that's not the way it works.

So the teacher gave me the name of the person at the school board in charge

of special ed. Now, we have a meeting with the ABA folks next Monday, and

I'm thinking that if they formally recommend as informally indicated, then

we have something on paper and my wife and I should then contact the

pre-school and the head of special ed at the school board and call an IEP.

I understand as the parents we are entitled to do this? I want to express

two concerns:

1. that our son is either ready for a regular kindergarten class come

September, or goes to the ABA school again... if they believe a special ed

class may be best at that time I want to know why and follow through

2. that our son be carefully monitored along with school staff and students

for a time so that great care is taken and he is not allowed to have food

off the GFCF diet.... should we first call his pediatrician and ask her for

a note stating that our son cannot have gluten or casein? the pediatrician

has been unwilling to discuss the diet with us, but in light of 's

progress I hope she will be willing to write such a note.

Please, all advice on or offlist is welcome here. I feel that this is very

new ground for me and want to know just how to approach and follow through

here most effectively.

Marty (proud Dad to )

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