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Round three chelation update

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For those interested.

Round three was last week. Behaviors and other issues during the

round were much reduced, bms were not so bad during the round as they

were during the first two rounds, no major stimming issues, etc.

After the round I noticed the following changes in my children.

#4 learned how to ride a tricycle all by herself, she watched #3, then

when the tricycle was available, she got on and off she went. She is

also much more determined to make her opinion known, rather than just

giving up if she does not get her way!

#3 is more of the " little devil " than usual, intentionally tormenting

his siblings by taking their toys and throwing them down the hallway,

hiding things, etc. But he is also mommy's helper, finding things for

me, retrieving his sibling's toys and cups and things and bringing

them to the appropriate sibling, etc. He is still getting dressed by

himself, and wanting to use the potty altho not reliable. He is also

more language-oriented, he will say 1-2 words together, plus he will

wait for the verbal command rather than just doing what is expected,

for example if we are getting in the car, I will open the door but he

will wait for me to say " get in " before he gets in, and if I don't say

it, he will say it for me and then wait for me to say it back to him

before he gets in.

#2 changes -- He likes to have his blanket covering him in bed now,

just like we do. Before he just wanted to sleep on top of the bed.

He will now sing along with a video, plus he will sing the songs when

the video is not running. Previously, he did not make sounds or say

words unless they had a functional purpose at the time.

He will play WITH his siblings, even with #4, whereas before they

would play basically parallel, not too interactive. As examples --

#2 and #3 played together on the slide, but instead of just climbing

up and sliding down one at a time, they played together, #3 would wait

at the top for #2 to climb up, #2 would give him a small push, #3

would slide down, then #2 would wait for #3 to climb up to give him a

push, or #2 would go down immediately after #3 so basically together.

They also play basketball together, each one waiting for the other to

throw the ball into the basket, retrieving each other's balls,

clapping for the other one if the other one got the ball into the

basket etc.

#2 will bring me objects he does not know the word for, and say

" what's this " . Previously he would only bring me objects he knew, and

wait for me to say the correct word. We can also tease #2, we will

pretend to steal the food off his plate, which before would elicit a

frustrated " NO " reaction, but now he smiles and pushes our hand away,

or covers the food with his hands while smiling. He will also hold a

piece of food up to me, and when I move my mouth near it, he will pull

it away and laugh.

#2 and #3 will play with trains, but previously each child would be

playing separately. Now, they play together. For example, before

this round, #2 would put the Tank Engine wooden track together

in a long rambling line of track, then #2 and #3 would put their

trains on the track and run them back and forth. Now, #2 set up the

track in roughly a square, but connected, and #2 and #3 put their

trains on the track and ran them around. So my husband made the

layout slightly more complicated for them, with switches and things,

and they played with that, but the boys would interact, telling each

other which way to go with their trains, looking to see where the

other boy's train was going to make a decision on where they each

wanted their own train to go, etc. #2 has also decided that playing

with the trains is preferable to other interactive play which is

active, so he is migrating from chasing/sliding/other active physical

interaction to cognitive/imaginative interaction.

I gave all my kids haircuts in the kitchen over the weekend. All of

them sat in the chair very cooperative, which last time they had hair

cuts, did NOT happen! The only one who fussed any was #3, and when he

fussed #2 came over and looked at him, wondering what was wrong. He

did not say anything, but did look with curiosity, which he has never

been curious about the emotions of another child before.

They all tolerate peanut butter now without extra enzymes. Their

other food issues appear to be reducing also, they do not require

extra enzymes for several other foods that previously they required

extra enzymes, and some foods which they did not tolerate even with

enzymes, they now do slightly tolerate with enzymes. #2 phenol issues

are greatly reduced.

I have not yet updated my site link with this round 3 information, but

if you missed the previous two rounds, or you want to review it again,

here is the link for my son's story including the first two rounds of




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