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Oh Tracey!

Wasn't this the same doctor who said he would make an exception and

DO the DS for you? He did a bait and switch and that's not legal! I

hope you and your husband take that son of a bitch to court! I'm

also very sorry to hear about your nausea problems. Can they

prescribe Reglan for you? It's helped me the few times I've needed


On the bright side, I'm so glad to hear they got your car back!!!

That's wonderful news!

Tracey in Santee (San Diego)

> Clear DayHey Everyone

> Well as you can see I am back. I had my surgery on Monday 17th at

about 11.30am. Boy oh boy, I thought that the hurdles it took to get

there where going to be the worst of it, but hell it isn't.


> Well here goes my long story...


> Got the hospital on Sunday evening and had all the x-rays, bloody

tests etc etc, and was as scared as hell. Monday morning was getting

ready for surgery (had just taken my pre-op meds) when I had a visit

from Dr Fielding. He told me that he didn't do the DS any longer and

would be doing just BPD and if I wanted to cancel now was the time.

I made the decision then and there to go ahead, I had come too far to

back out now, I was so bitterly disappointed but just wanted to get

it all over with. As Dr F left, my hubby rang to say he'd been

delayed and would be there soon, and the wardsmen turned up to ship

me off to surgery, so I am on the phone blubbering to my husband to

hurry cause I needed him. I begged the nurses in PRE-OP (waiting

room for theatre) that if my husband turned up could they let me see

him for a few moments and they agreed. So as my hubby turned up in

my ward they raced him down to pre-op and I was still there thank

God. As I saw him the tears started and I couldn't stop. I told

what Dr F had said and he was angry and asked if I wanted to pull

out. I said no, I just wanted it over with!


> My surgery took 2 hours and I was back on the ward by about 3pm. I

was soooo soooo thirsty and was a raving lunatic. Everytime one of

the nurses ask how was my pain I told her it was a 10 (cause I

remembered what everyone said). I don't remember much more than that

other than begging for ice chips constantly. On Tuesday morning Dr

Fielding came to see me and I asked how it all went, he told me

everything went really well, he asked how I was feeling and I told

him that I felt like a truck had hit me. I asked what my Gallbladder

had looked like and ever so blasé he told me oh I didn't take it out,

nor you appendics (SP?). I was so furious but never got a chance to

tell him as at that point a nurse dragged him off to an emergency.

So all up I didn't have the DS and they didn't take my extra bits. I

am so angry, I am yet to speak to Dr F about this, I wanted my

husband to be with me when I confronted him. So we will do it next

week sometime. Now I know that this is a DS group and now I haven't

had the DS, but please let me stay, I don't know of another support

group for just the BPD and I feel like I know you all so well and can

ask you anything? Please please let me stay!


> Back to basics... Since surgery I have constantly felt nauseous and

have thrown up twice. I really am in a quandary as to what to eat.

Any smells make me feel worse! I am constantly trying to sip water.

This morning I had my protein powder mixed with milk (we didn't have

skim milk in the fridge as hubby was about to go shopping) and within

about 15 minutes I had thrown it up and felt so nauseous and sleepy,

so I slept for about 3/4 of an hour (when my son woke me up). I am

still feeling nauseous and sleepy and am wondering if this is what

they call dumping????


> Well there is my sad story, but hey thank God I am alive. I just

hope and pray that sometime soon I will start to break through all of

the nausea. I pray that everyone else's surgeries went well, I

haven't had a chance to catch up on my emails (I have about 900 of

them being compounded daily) so I hope all are well.




> Hugs


> Tracey Owen


> OH P.S. They found our car yesterday. It had been used in an

armed hold-up and doesn't have much damage at all. The baby seat is

gone, but we think everything else was in it (haven't seen it yet,

the cops are still going over it with a fine tooth comb). Yippee

something went right for us at least!





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