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Consult with DS doctor

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Okay, I saw Dr. in Marrietta, GA today. We were given a group Power Point

lecture from Dr. himself. Then when I met privately with Dr. he

said the first thing that struck him is that my BMI is 41.7 and that

is on the low end of morbid obesity. I felt funny being told I might not be fat

enough! What a switch. So I asked him whether I should just try dieting and

exercising again. He said that I would have only a 2% chance of loosing the 125

pounds and keeping it off for even a year. That sounds pretty pointless, huh?

After the appointment I feel more scared about the surgery, rather than less. I

told Dr. that I was very gung-ho and ready to have the surgery a.s.a.p.

before the appointment, but after seeing his presentation and hearing about the

possible complications of the DS I started second guessing and feeling unsure.

He said that was good, that meant I was really considering it from all sides. I

guess the thing that worries me the most is simply just the act of rearranging

my insides... also the possible protein deficiency, the loose stools, and

smellier flatulence. It just all seems so scary!

Well anyway, our plan is to submit a claim to my insurance and see if they will

approve. If they don't then plan B is to try with my husband's insurance. He

just became eligible for insurance and we have a choice of lots of different

plans, so we got list of plans that are unlikely to approve and those that are

more likely to approve from the insurance person in the office. I plan to just

see if I can even get insurance approval and then I can sorta be making up my

mind at the same time.

I really need some reassurances about this. It is such a scary time, being

pre-op. All these terrible scenarios are going through my mind... what if this

happens, what about that, etc. Feedback please!!!!!!

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