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i have been learning to deal with this vertigo, these waves of dizziness, this foggy-headed not-quite-awake feeling, and a slowly intensifying headache that literally does laps around my head, for weeks now.  and i have made no secret of them, my doctor has been told about all of them.


last month, of course, they weren't so bad.  when they began to worsen, i called my doctor, left him a voicemail.  when i got no response after a few days, i called the doctor's offiice again, and learned that he was on vacation.  so i made an appointment for the next day to see an intern, which proved to be a waste of money, since his remedy was to suggest a PFT test with a pulmonologist.  huh?  really?


the doctor returns from vacation, calls me, and i let him know that my symptoms are getting worse.  we decide to go ahead with the brain MRI test, seemed like the obvious choice, which i had done late last week.  he was to call back and let me know the results.


for the last five days these symptoms are back with a vengeance, & i'm biting my nails & pacing the floor trying to be patient, but i can't do it.  i call the doctor's office to get information on what the MRI shows. instead of getting the doctor's voicemail, i get a nurse, who tells me that my doctor is on vacation.  again.  and he won't get any message that i leave for him for at least a week.


i'll admit it, i kinda flipped on the phone, it really suddenly felt like i was the only one taking this stuff seriously.  i told the nurse i'm having alot of problems getting thru my day, with all this going on in my head.  she said she'd have another doctor look at the MRI & give an opinion.  the nurse called back only 20 minutes later to tell me that this other mystery doctor took a look and found it to be normal.  at this point, the nurse suggests that i let my doctor know what my concerns are when i come to the office for my next appointment, which is scheduled two weeks from now.  really?


so i have a PCP on vacation, a mystery doctor who just glanced at my MRI, and a nurse who wants me to show up in two weeks.  $2500 out of my own pocket for the MRI.  of the four of us, which one of us is taking this seriously?


so i told the nurse, again, my symptoms are really getting bad.  after consulting the mystery doctor again, it was determined that i should come back into the doctor's office tomorrow, to see an intern.


i think that i would really like to have a specialist who knows sarcoidosis, and who gives a krap, take a long, serious, legitimate look at that MRI.  if anyone knows whether or not such a person exists, please let me know.  that's not sarcasm, i'd really like to know.  i want someone who knows what they're doing to take a look at it.


a little heads-up for you folks:  i may have more to say once i am done with my next appointment with the intern, tomorrow afternoon.


but i'm done now, thanks :)  please resume your normal activities.





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