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Our one year mark with update web pages!

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Hi Everyone,

I hope you all are able to enjoy the Thanksgiving Day with family

and friends!

I wanted to say I am very thankful for this message board and

diet. We wouldn't be where we are today if it wasn't for the

wonderful support of everyone here when the diet was at its most

challanging time.

This is 's one-year anniversary on the GFCF Diet. He also

Chemical free, Dye free and color free. I have finally updated our

web site with s full story, links to all the great places I

shop at. Plus a glance at how we got started and a food diary of

things we have done.

I am hoping to update again with the ATEC score. 's total

score when we first started the diet was 60+ and today we are at an

over all total of 9!

I hope the information on our web site helps the new comers to the

diet. Please drop me an email if you have any questions or comments.

Have a great day and a Wonderful Thanksgiving!

Terri in TN

Mom to 5 yrs old (6 at Christmas)


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