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Hi From Cath

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Hi !

Will copy some of what has been going on with me over the past few months.

Will write more real soon because I think I have some information that may

help some in our group.

So good to hear from you. Feels like my long lost friends are back and what

a wonderful blessing from God that is.

Love ya,


have been real rough here for me. I finally accepted that I needed to go on

disability and am working 1 day a week. I thank God daily for putting it in

my mind to buy a private disability policy years ago that at least gives me

enough to pay for the house. I was told to apply to SSI disability in June

so will wait to hear from that.

My health really tumbled starting last December and by March I could barely

make it. Came home from work and collapsed. Went to several doctors and

one rheumy wanted to start me on Immuran without labwork being done for 6

months. Needless to say I never went back. Went to another rheumy who is

fairly good at least he ran all the tests and my hemoglobin came back at

6.6. I switched to a GP in my building at work who is really thorough and

he told me I could have gone into shock and bled out. Had to have endoscopy

and stomach with severe gastritis causing the bleeding. They put me on

Carafate to help line the stomach and it has helped.

GP sent me to hemotologist next door to our office and he did weekly iron

infusions through my veins and it worked wonderfully. My hemoglobin is back

to normal.

I have been diagnosed with pseudotumor in the right eye which causes bulging

and should fit right in this Halloween!

Have been on lots of Pred and packed on 30 lbs, but at least it doesn't look

like my eye is going to pop out!!

June of this year I was also diagnosed with Myasthenia Gravis. It is a

neuromuscular disease (I'm now one of Jerry's kids) and medication for that

is helping with my other eye drooping. Interestingly enough testing for

Myasthenia involves injecting a medication and seeing results that occur

over a series of several minutes. Was in a flair when done and medication

for Myasthenia did help return my voice back to normal for 4 minutes and

then went back to being horse. At least in my case the Myasthenia also

involves my breathing problems and the Mestinon I take helps to hold my

voice strong. ( oh well, there went my future income with the 1-900


Not much info on Myasthenia and RP connected together.

Am presently being treated with liquid vitamin called SeaSilver. It is a

complete nutritional system that is absorbed immediately upon taking. It is

broken down so that absorption occurs within about the first 90 seconds.

I take 1 oz 2 times a day and you hold it under your tongue for 30 seconds

before swallowing. It really is a sublingual way to absorb minerals and it

has really helped to stop my hair falling out (bald with droop and bug eye

just doesn't do well for my looks!) If you get the chance to look it up on

the internet, go to www.seasilver.com. It will

explain alot for you. This is the only product this company produces and

many friends I have started on this are having good results. For me not

having to swallow any more pills than the 13 a day I have is nothing short

of a miracle.

Am also being treated with a frequency machine that has helped sooo much

with my pain and keeping flairs to a minimum. It is still hard for my

medical mind to process, but I can not argue with the huge improvement it

has made in my health. 2 1/2 weeks ago my transmission went on the car and

I couldn't go for treatments and I spiraled down terribly. I had actually

been able to go through days without severe pain and was going down great on


Machine is just being produced, but everyone I see at the clinic seems to be

having good results. If you want to read some about it go to internet and

look up information on Royal Rife, M.D. It will tell some of his life story

and give information on what it can do. Dr. Barta is the doctor I am

working with and he actually studied with Dr. Rife and was cured himself of

pancreatic cancer at age 35 my this means of treatment. All I know is that

I have quality of life again and I was barely hanging on. God once again is

leading me to those who can help and I feel it is my mission to at least let

people know what things lie out there that no one is talking about. Have a

hard time dealing with no MD's mentioning anything about this.

Well I have rambled enough for now but will fill you in with more info soon.


God bless you and your family for the special people you are. At times like

this we should all thank God and let those who have helped us know just how

important they are to us.

Have a great day and I'll speak with you soon.

Love ya,


Re: / Cathy Conrad

> , thanks so much for sending Cathy's post. Gosh I have tried to e


> her a hundred times. LOL She has been on my mind so much. Thanks for


> update.


> Cathy.. I'm so glad to hear from you.. We are all still grieving over our

> Angie. I understand that we all need time. I am looking forward to your

> posts again though, so hurry back when you can.


> How is Caitlin doing? Gosh I bet she is big now... And your parents??

> Update us. How are YOU feeling? I hope the answers are all good news.


> have so much knowledge and bring so much inspiration to the group. I hope

> you have been blessed with many good things while you were gone. You


> them.


> Know I have been thinking of you.


> hugs












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Hi Cath,

It's so good to hear from you.

You have certainly been through more

than your share lately.

The vitamin supplement sounds

very interesting, I'll check it out.

You take care and continue to let us know

how you are doing.


-- Hi From Cath

Hi !Will copy some of what has been going on with me over the past few months.Will write more real soon because I think I have some information that mayhelp some in our group.So good to hear from you. Feels like my long lost friends are back and whata wonderful blessing from God that is.Love ya,Cathhave been real rough here for me. I finally accepted that I needed to go ondisability and am working 1 day a week. I thank God daily for putting it inmy mind to buy a private disability policy years ago that at least gives meenough to pay for the house. I was told to apply to SSI disability in Juneso will wait to hear from that.My health really tumbled starting last December and by March I could barelymake it. Came home from work and collapsed. Went to several doctors andone rheumy wanted to start me on Immuran without labwork being done for 6months. Needless to say I never went back. Went to another rheumy who isfairly good at least he ran all the tests and my hemoglobin came back at6.6. I switched to a GP in my building at work who is really thorough andhe told me I could have gone into shock and bled out. Had to have endoscopyand stomach with severe gastritis causing the bleeding. They put me onCarafate to help line the stomach and it has helped.GP sent me to hemotologist next door to our office and he did weekly ironinfusions through my veins and it worked wonderfully. My hemoglobin is backto normal.I have been diagnosed with pseudotumor in the right eye which causes bulgingand should fit right in this Halloween!Have been on lots of Pred and packed on 30 lbs, but at least it doesn't looklike my eye is going to pop out!!June of this year I was also diagnosed with Myasthenia Gravis. It is aneuromuscular disease (I'm now one of Jerry's kids) and medication for thatis helping with my other eye drooping. Interestingly enough testing forMyasthenia involves injecting a medication and seeing results that occurover a series of several minutes. Was in a flair when done and medicationfor Myasthenia did help return my voice back to normal for 4 minutes andthen went back to being horse. At least in my case the Myasthenia alsoinvolves my breathing problems and the Mestinon I take helps to hold myvoice strong. ( oh well, there went my future income with the 1-900service!!)Not much info on Myasthenia and RP connected together.Am presently being treated with liquid vitamin called SeaSilver. It is acomplete nutritional system that is absorbed immediately upon taking. It isbroken down so that absorption occurs within about the first 90 seconds.I take 1 oz 2 times a day and you hold it under your tongue for 30 secondsbefore swallowing. It really is a sublingual way to absorb minerals and ithas really helped to stop my hair falling out (bald with droop and bug eyejust doesn't do well for my looks!) If you get the chance to look it up onthe internet, go to www.seasilver.com. It willexplain alot for you. This is the only product this company produces andmany friends I have started on this are having good results. For me nothaving to swallow any more pills than the 13 a day I have is nothing shortof a miracle.Am also being treated with a frequency machine that has helped sooo muchwith my pain and keeping flairs to a minimum. It is still hard for mymedical mind to process, but I can not argue with the huge improvement ithas made in my health. 2 1/2 weeks ago my transmission went on the car andI couldn't go for treatments and I spiraled down terribly. I had actuallybeen able to go through days without severe pain and was going down great onpred.Machine is just being produced, but everyone I see at the clinic seems to behaving good results. If you want to read some about it go to internet andlook up information on Royal Rife, M.D. It will tell some of his life storyand give information on what it can do. Dr. Barta is the doctor I amworking with and he actually studied with Dr. Rife and was cured himself ofpancreatic cancer at age 35 my this means of treatment. All I know is thatI have quality of life again and I was barely hanging on. God once again isleading me to those who can help and I feel it is my mission to at least letpeople know what things lie out there that no one is talking about. Have ahard time dealing with no MD's mentioning anything about this.Well I have rambled enough for now but will fill you in with more info soon..God bless you and your family for the special people you are. At times likethis we should all thank God and let those who have helped us know just howimportant they are to us.Have a great day and I'll speak with you soon.Love ya,Cath Re: / Cathy Conrad> , thanks so much for sending Cathy's post. Gosh I have tried to email> her a hundred times. LOL She has been on my mind so much. Thanks forthe> update.>> Cathy.. I'm so glad to hear from you.. We are all still grieving over our> Angie. I understand that we all need time. I am looking forward to your> posts again though, so hurry back when you can.>> How is Caitlin doing? Gosh I bet she is big now... And your parents??> Update us. How are YOU feeling? I hope the answers are all good news.YOu> have so much knowledge and bring so much inspiration to the group. I hope> you have been blessed with many good things while you were gone. Youdeserve> them.>> Know I have been thinking of you.>> hugs> >>> DISCLAIMER!!> WE ARE NOT MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS, THEREFORE ANY INFORMATION THAT ISRECEIVED HERE IS FROM EXPERIENCE ONLY. PLEASE CONSULT WITH YOUR DOCTORBEFORE TRYING ANYTHING THAT IS SUGGESTED. WE ARE NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR YOURPHYSICIAN AND ARE NOT TRYING TO BE. REMEMBER EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT ANDTREATMENT MAYBE DIFFERENT FOR MANY OF US. THANK YOU>>

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