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Catching up on posts 10-16-02

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Afternoon All,

Sorry I am writing one big post but I figured you would all bean me if I posted a bunch of little ones. It has been a couple days since I have responded to posts like I should so thought I better get caught up.

(WA) - Gish there is getting to be a lot of 's. I am trying to keep you all straight.lol I am really looking forward to our lunch date on the 26th. Squeek was going to call today to set up reservations for us. See you then!

- It sure was good to hear your voice yesterday. Gish I miss you! I wish I was able to come and finish your house for you. If I couldn't get it finished....we sure could have a lot of fun trying!lol As for resting I haven't had the time lately. I promise I am listening to my body! I rest when I really need to I promise! You take care and am sending good thoughts and prayers that you get to feeling better SOON!

Sue- So good to hear that you got a new job. Sounds like it was just meant for you to get it. It is so amazing how things work out. Good luck on the job and I will keep sending good thoughts and prayers your way.

Sandy - Heck if I know where I get the energy. I guess somebody up there knows I really need it. Hope you are feeling okay. Are you doing a bunch of sewing for your kids and grandkids again?

Sharon - Sorry to hear that you are still having a time of it. Dog gone it anyway. Hope the dr. have called you back by now and things are starting to settle down for you. Yes you can have a flare without your ear being red. Especially if it is inside your ear. Sounds like you need to start the pred. or at least get the dr. to pay attention to you so he knows what is going on and advise you. Sending good thoughts and prayers your way. Know we are here for you anytime and do ever feel bad about going on about things. Like I said that is what we are for.

Cindy - Sorry to hear that you are having a time of it. Know that we are here for you anytime. I don't know where everyone lives in the group and have such a time remember which one is where. Hope that one will post you and let you know if they are close. Gish I wish I lived close to you all.

Squeek - Gish I am so lucky to have you here close. So glad to see that the grandson is on the mend. Hope all is going okay for you! Sorry to hear that Dr H. says you have yet one more problem to the many you already have. Please keep me posted I worry about you!

Susiecue - Sorry to hear that you had a set back. At least you can say it was worth it. I know what you mean about getting angry with yourself. I hate it when I don't have anyone else to blame!lol Sending good thoughts and prayers your way.

Marilyn - A good non-narcotic pain pill that I take is Ultram. I will swear by it. It sure take away the pain and doesn't take too long doing it. I call it my wonder drug. (why did I wait so long to take it) Hope your sister gets to feeling better soon. Please keep us posted. Sending good thoughts and prayers your way and hers.

(LA) - I will be thinking of you tomorrow for sure and hopping the ultra sound goes well. Please keep us posted we really care!

Liz - I always enjoy reading your posts you are such a sweetie! I thought I was seeing triplicate the other day.lol You post as much as you like I just enjoy reading them.

- Thanks for forwarding Cathy's post. She is special and it is too bad that she could post us before. Glad you got her mail straightened out for her. Gish I sure miss you girlfriend! Take care and post us when you can!

Cath - It was awful news to hear that Angie is gone. But like you said she is in a better place. Please post us when you can we miss you. Can't wait to hear the news you have to tell us.

I know I must have missed someone and if I did I didn't mean to. I love you all and care so much about each of you. Sending good thoughts and prayers as always.

Lots of love


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