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Hi guys I just wanted to let you guys know what's going on. I have to have another surgery on Dec.4th--if I don't chicken out. It's on one of the sites that had the bad infection, they have to cut and sew it back together. Also, on my ear they took the cartilage out of. It did not take from the last surgery so they are going to try a different approach. Gosh, this is getting to me.

Billy goes in on Mon, for both, an endoscopy and a colonoscopy. Of course, I happen to have an appointment on that day with the Neurologist! So what else is new??? :) Hopefully the doc

will finally get the two tests ordered that were supposed to be taken already. The pain and numbness on the left side of my face, my hands and feet are pretty bad. So are my Raynauds attacks. Also, my depression is at an all time high,

I went to church on Friday night. It was a special memorial for the members of the parish who passed away within the last two years. Billy and I went. Everytime they called out a name of one of the deceased, a family member is to go up and light a candle. I was the only one that went up twice. My Mom name was called first. My dad has only been gone a short time and I felt his presence. There was an empty seat next to my left side and I actually felt that he was there.

Afterwards the priest and I hugged and he told me to take good care of myself. I probably looked like how I felt LOL Oh well, I'm so sorry to have complained so much, I just needed to vent. Thanks for listening.

Hugs, Sharon

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Hi Sharon,

I know how you feel.My mom and dads church had a all souls service

and I went with my sister. That was the first time being in their

church without one of them with us. I had to walk up by myself and

place my dads name on the altar. The whole time I was praying that I

wouldnt be back in again next year placing my sisters name also.

She wasnt feeling good that day so I walked by myself. I cried the

whole way but I knew someone had to represent my dad. I received a

bill from the ambulance last week and cried because they werent able

to help us or didnt even take him away but charged $560.

Oh well just hang in there. I am sending extra prayers for you and

your family today. Things have to get better and I know they will so

just have faith and be strong.Love and prayers are with you always,

I will hold on extra strong on this end for you so you can relax

just a little. haha

love, prayers,and hugs from me to you

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