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Re: [RP ] only 1/2 cup!! Greens HO HO

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My Mom love all kinds of greens and it is better to have a little then none !!!!!!! On Friday she goes and gets a Greenfield stent in her artery so the 3 blood clots don't move up any higher then just above her knee. She fell 4 mos. ago and that is when the other 2 clots formed. It is a filter and it takes 15 min. to do, the clot breaks up if it gets that far.

That is okay, with the holidays here I love to have some sweets more then normal. But since I have to watch the sugar and stick my fingies once a day I'll have to cheat just a little huh??!!! I will give something up when I cheat. I went to my Ruemy here and she told me not to change any of my meds and no bypass, have to loose weight the hard way. She also told me my case was very interesting since I have RP & TM. Told me if my TM acts up to get immediate treatment right away cuz nothing to fool around with. She told me I was very lucky to have no pain with it. Rp is the same too, told her I knew what can happen.

She was glad my eyes cleared up and it is a blessing, no eyes no me. She also told me she agreed that I may never get any better then I am now, my Neuro says that too. I had already figured that out so no shock BUT it is hard to get use to. Guess my walker and me are joined at the hip. Got to watch the metal detectors huh? LOL

Boy,what our bodies put us through. I get an xray of my knee to see if anything is wrong that needs repairing, that is when it popped geting out of my sisters pool. Good thing I love my Sis or I might sue her, HA, HA.

I hope your pelvic pain is better, RP would not surprise me as far as any new symptom. I have never heard of that either, hope some one can help you.

I wish you luck on new dr. and with all you have had done so far. There are so many on the list that have on going problems, you wonder when it will all stop. But there is hope on the horizon, not the morning sun, the setting sun OR the moon high up in the sky will keep the cure away!!!!! LOL

Take care and I'll be hanging around but not under the icicles, near the fire place on Xmas eve, or on a the top of a hill cover with snow and no sled with a brook or pond at the bottom with no ice!! LOL Enough of my dry humor for the night. Thanks for reading it, HA, HA.

Love you


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