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Phone Bandit update !!!

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Howdy !!!!

Well the Phone Bandit was at it again.So

I thought I let you know about some off our Members.

Legg , Please keep her in your prayers.

Bless her heart she is having a heck of a time.

As you all know she is the one that had Lung Cancer and the removed part of her lungs.

Well one part of the lung is Bleeding because it has a fold in it. There is nothing the can do for it at this time.The other sad news is her Husband left her. Just cant deal with all this right now. I am hoping the will be able to work it out after all. She is NOT on line for now but hoping to come back on line in the new Year.

Janet is sending you all her good wishes. She is Not on line either. She did find a little part time job and is hoping to be back soon too.

Right now it is a little rough for her because

this is the first X mass with out Pete.

Dennis well she is doing ok for now. She cant travel hardly any more and has to use the wheelchair. She is on Oxygen 24 hours a day now. Her spirit is still good and you all know she is a Fighter. She is looking forward to X mass. All her Kids and Grandkids are coming to her House. That is the first time in many years. She told Ben she wants back on Line for X mass. She misses you all and sends her love to you all.

Ok that is all the Phone Bandit could get a hold of. Yup some have a message on there Recorder. LOL So now the phone bandit has

a favor to ask of all your Lurkers out there.

Since it's X mass time lets make this year a special one by you doing a small post and letting us know how you doing regard less how you doing. Even if you doing badly. I know there is a lot more woman her but hey Guys lets hear it from you too. If you don't do it the Phone Bandit tell Santa Clause on you. LOL Ok If any of you would like to send a X mass card to some of our members what can not be on line right now let me know I be happy to give you there address. Well got to run and make more calls. Yup, so you better post soon or Santa Claus will not come to you. LOL

Bye bye

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Heidi, thank you so much for all the updates. I received a letter from Nancie L. and she is always so possitive. What a wonderful person. Just like the rest of you. I will keep Janet, Nancie, and all the rest in my thoughts and prayers.

I must apologize to all of you, I am so far behind and am trying to get caught up. Between birthdays and Christmas I just don't have enough time or I'm not using it wisely. LOL

I promise to get back to normal soon. ( I can't wait !!!) So if I don't answer your mail, please know I haven't forgotten you and am still thinking of all of you and keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.


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