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Re: dawn dumb rheumy

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Dawn, I am sorry that there is another doctor that has his head who knows where. What right does he have insulting you the way he did--OH am I mad!!! My gosh, girlfriend, you are suffering enough without his guy making you feel worse. Hon, you've got to find another Rheumy or maybe stay with your PCP. At least it sounds like the PCP is listening to you. This makes me so angry. Not only the fact that he hasn't even ordered you the all of the tests that you would need to help find out what is going on but his insults!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Once again, I am so sorry Dawn. I wish there was something that I could do, let me know if there is. I will say a Prayer for you.

Hugs, Sharon

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Dawn, I'm so sorry. I know how frustrating these kinds of visits are. I have cried myself home on many. I sure wish you could get a new rheumy... I know how hard it is because we live in a small town too. To get to a rheumy I have to drive at a minimum of 1 1/2 hours. That is the closest one. If you find a good one, it will be worth the travel time.

I just wish I could do something for you. Can your PCP take over your treatment or refer you to a different one. Could you explain the treatment you got from this one? I'm just hoping you can do something to avoid going back to him. What good is he doing? Why is he taking you off the metho? I'm not understanding it either.

PLEASE try to get some one else who can prevent the flares. We don't want you having AnY flares.


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