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Glad you had a safe trip and are getting settled in just in time to get ready to come back! Sound like a fun hectic life you lead. The dog will get over jet lag just in time to come home!

Enjoy while you can and tell us more about it when you get back. I always enjoy hearing about it all.

Lots of love


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  • 4 weeks later...


You know me have to go full steam ahead. If I stop the darn ole RP may have a chance to catch up to me! I do listen to my body and slow down when I need to I promise. That could be the reason that it is taking me so long to get done with the redecorating. I know I am going to be glad when it is all done that is for sure. It sure will be nice to enjoy all the work that we have been doing that is for sure!

Take care

Lots of Love


Dear Glenda, you sound extremely active - I hope youare not overdoing things. I am sure that Shae isabsolutely thrilled with her room. Take care ofyourself, love Liz

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  • 4 weeks later...

Liz, gosh, I wish I was there to see all the birds. I bet it is just beautiful. You have such a way with words. Have you ever thought of writing a book???? You can make me feel like I'm right there with you and your sense of humor is the best.

YOu know if I can I will make it to see you when you ever get back to califorinia. I think there are a few that live down south and it would be wonderful to get together.

You just rest and pack slowly. Please take care of that hip and back. If you would like to hire me as your official packer, I'm available. LOL

take care and many hugs

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  • 2 weeks later...

Liz, I'm so sorry you are still having so many problems. Where's that magic dust we once had and was sprinkeling around everyone.???

I'm sorry I missed your call the other day. Please let me know what time would be a good time to call.

Please take care with the metho and NSAIDs'. I know they say it is safe,but you know me the worrier. If there is any chance of it not being safe I HAVE to worry. My drs. would not allow me on vioxx at all with the metho, but then again they were overly cautious. Just watch for any signs.

Know I'm thinking of you and will get in touch soon. Hope you are finding time to rest. Will you be able to unpack this time before you have to leave again?? LOL I hope so. Glad to have you back in the states.


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Sorry to hear that you are having a time of it right now. Hope they get a handle on the back thing soon. Gish when your back hurts you hurt all over it seems. I am sending good thoughts and prayers that the respiratory infection gets better real soon and they figure out what is going on with your back.

Lots of LoveGlenda

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I am saying special prayers for you Liz. Please let us know when you find out the results of your MRI on Monday. Glad you are feeling some better now.

Know you are in my thoughts and prayers.



I am beginning to feel better, the infection seems tobe clearing, and I have an MRI to look forward to onMondayLOL; so I can't complain!!


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Sorry, just sent a blank post. geez... :) Liz, you are so right about exercising. It doesn't take much to help make us feel better. And it is just getting into the habit. I have just started to do this so there are days I just feel I can't get on that bike. LOL It will be harder if they don't put me back into rehab on my new insurance. But the one I'm going to now said I could still come, they just wouldn't be able to monitor me. So I'm hoping my dr will approve it.

Yes get the oxygen if you need it. There are times that I wish I had it. I am doing my breathing exercises again with hopes that this will build up my oxygen level.

Take care Liz, and i hope to talk to you before you leave. Hope you can get a small nap in today. Mila needs one too.L OL


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I hate the hot flashes too. I cant take the hormones due to the very high

risk of cancer in my family. You are right about making the decision. I

was taking soy for them and had a flare so they stopped working. Think the

pred must have switched my metabolism around and goofed it all up.

You are so right about the need to help ourselves. I think at times I am my

own worse enemy.LOL I do try to stay active and not let things get me down.

There are a few things that I have learned I can't do like I used to but

have invented other ways to do them. At first when the RP set in I was so

depressed because I couldn't do what I used to. Now if I hit a stumbling

block I just pick up the pieces and go on from there.

Like Heidi says vitamins make a big difference, so good food like veggies,

fruit, etc. stand to reason.

Take care and thanks for being out there for us. You are such a positive

type person and make me feel good when I read your posts.

Lots of Love


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  • 2 weeks later...


Glad that you are safe in Paris. Hope the jet lag wears off soon. Don't know how you get used to it with all the zipping around that you do. Take care!

Lots of LoveGlenda

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