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My shrink visit

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Well, went to the shrink yesterday. He was a very nice man. Tried to explain about the RP to him, don't know if he understood. He asked if I heard voices or saw things. I considered saying yes because I figured they would think I was really off the wall. He asked if I was depressed. DUH!! I asked him if he would be if he had to live with this every day not knowing when you will get hit again. I explained that I'm in pain everyday in my back & my knees & fingers hurt. I told him you learn to live with the pain but it's very discouraging having to redo your whole life & depend on people for help. He said he doesn't make the final decision but he will send in his report. It looked like he had a lot of SSI papers there, it must have been his day for us. I'm still holding my own. Left ear is bothering me but what else is new. No burning redness or swelling. Still having a problem with my stomach but oh well tomorrow is another day. At least I can eat, maybe not real well but never turn my nose up at ice cream or chocolate. And yes Heidi, even peanut butter. Have to go back to the other Dr. I went to a couple of weeks ago for x-rays of my knees & spine. Boy are they in for a treat with the back. I guess they figured the prior reports changed. I just want this thing to be over. Hope this finds you all feelng a little better. please try to rest. Take care all, talk to you soon. Susiecue

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Susiecue, I think you handled your shrink visit wonderfully. I hope your flare is subsiding. I would really like one less person to worry about and wouldn't you like to be the first?? LOL

I promise to rest if you do!! Know I'm thinking of you.


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