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Your life

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I know we have done this before, but we have alot of new members and it will be fun to get to know them better.


PS I think this is a different one.

Here's what you're suppose to do and don't spoil the

>fun. Do it!!

>Copy (not forward) this entire email and paste it onto

>a new email that you will send. Change all the

>answers so that they apply to you. Then, send this to

>a whole bunch of people you know including the person

>who sent it to you. The theory is that you will learn

>a lot of little-known facts about those who know you.

>Remember to send it back to the person who sent it to

>you. It only takes a few minutes, so DO IT,




>What time is it? 1:23pm

Name as it appears on your birth certificate? Lynne on

>Nickname? "Chubbo

(but that started when I only weighed 100 pounds. Now it fits)

Parents' names? W. and Thelma on

Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday

>cake? 51

>Date that you regularly blow them out?Oct 11

Hair Color? currently blond... originally blond, then dark blond... now i don't know the natural color.

Tattoos? No ( Darn)


>How much do you love your job on a scale of 5 being the best? don't work Loved my old job would have given it a 4+

>Favorite color? I have to pick just ONE!! Red

>>Hometown Stockton, CA

Current Residence Manteca. CA

>Favorite Food : ONLY ONE AGAIN! ...ummmm Mexican Food

>Ever been to Africa No

>Ever loved somebody so much they made you cry? YES

>Ever been in a Car Accident? No

>Croutons or bacon bits? Croutons


>Sprite or 7-UP? Neither - Sprite

>Favorite Movie : Oh sooo many.... White Christmas

>Favorite Holiday CHRISTMAS (But Valentine's Day is really close)


>Favorite day of the week: Sunday ( all my girls, grandaughter and grandpuppy are usually here for dinner. )


>Favorite Restaurant: Spanglers ( seafood)

>Favorite Flower : sooo many again... morning glory

>Favorite Beverage : decaf iced mocha

>Favorite Sport to watch Pro Football

>Preferred type of ice cream : vanilla ( You can do SO much with it)

>How many times did you fail your driver's test : once


>Which single store would you choose to max out your credit cards??? Pottery Barn or Walmart

>What do you do most often when you are bored???? read

>Name the person you are friends with that lives the farthest away? Liz Cobb

>Most annoying thing people ask or tell me? "Oh, I didn't even recognize you!"

>What is your bedtime? 3AM

Who will respond the quickest? don't know


>Who is the person you sent this that is least likely to respond? don't know


>Favorite TV Show - CSI - (The Original) Although I don't watch enough TV to know.


>Last person you went out to dinner with? ,my daughter

>Last movie you saw?

>Who are your children and how old are they??

, 27, 24, 21

>Time when you finished 1:30

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From:  RCColloran@a...

Date:  Tue Nov 5, 2002  1:22 pm

Subject:  Re: Your life

What time is it? 1:44 p.m.

Name as it appears on your birth certificate? Kathleen Dianne Sandberg

Nickname? Sam (High School) K (College) blue (aka)

Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake?

Didn¹t have one! Should have been 56

Date that you regularly blow them out? April 24

Hair Color?  Yucky Dark Brown w/ not enough Silver (Gray) to suit me, but long straight and quite shiny for an old broad!

Tattoos? On my beautiful, perfect body? Not a chance!

How much do you love your job on a scale of 5 being the best? 5    

Favorite color? DUH! What do you think?

Hometown  Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Current Residence Woodburn, Oregon

Favorite Food : 

Ever been to Africa No! But have wanted to.

My son Mike got back from 2 weeks there this week end. He¹s an Air Force Security (17 years! 1/2 his life!

Ever loved somebody so much they made you cry?

There is crying and there is CRYING! there is loving and there is LOVING! Many thing make me cry. The answer is much too complicated to address here!

Favorite Movie : Enemy Mine

Favorite Holiday None

Favorite Flower: Daisy

Favorite Beverage:  Diet Coke

What do you do most often when you are bored????  Refuse to be bored!

Name the person you are friends with that lives the farthest away? Rob

Most annoying thing people ask or tell me? You¹re good ...¹cause I¹m bad!

What is your bedtime? When I fall asleep. duh!

Who will respond the quickest? Me!

Who is the person you sent this that is least likely to respond? You!

Last person you went out to dinner with?  Me, Yesterday.

Who are your children and how old are they??

Larry jr. 36, Musician, Mike 34, SSgt Air Force (cop!), Andy 30, Carpenter

Time when you finished 2:09

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From:  RCColloran@a...

Date:  Tue Nov 5, 2002  1:22 pm

Subject:  Re: Your life

What time is it? 1:44 p.m.

Name as it appears on your birth certificate? Kathleen Dianne Sandberg

Nickname? Sam (High School) K (College) blue (aka)

Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake?

Didn¹t have one! Should have been 56

Date that you regularly blow them out? April 24

Hair Color?  Yucky Dark Brown w/ not enough Silver (Gray) to suit me, but long straight and quite shiny for an old broad!

Tattoos? On my beautiful, perfect body? Not a chance!

How much do you love your job on a scale of 5 being the best? 5    

Favorite color? DUH! What do you think?

Hometown  Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Current Residence Woodburn, Oregon

Favorite Food : 

Ever been to Africa No! But have wanted to.

My son Mike got back from 2 weeks there this week end. He¹s an Air Force Security (17 years! 1/2 his life!

Ever loved somebody so much they made you cry?

There is crying and there is CRYING! there is loving and there is LOVING! Many thing make me cry. The answer is much too complicated to address here!

Favorite Movie : Enemy Mine

Favorite Holiday None

Favorite Flower: Daisy

Favorite Beverage:  Diet Coke

What do you do most often when you are bored????  Refuse to be bored!

Name the person you are friends with that lives the farthest away? Rob

Most annoying thing people ask or tell me? You¹re good ...¹cause I¹m bad!

What is your bedtime? When I fall asleep. duh!

Who will respond the quickest? Me!

Who is the person you sent this that is least likely to respond? You!

Last person you went out to dinner with?  Me, Yesterday.

Who are your children and how old are they??

Larry jr. 36, Musician, Mike 34, SSgt Air Force (cop!), Andy 30, Carpenter

Time when you finished 2:09

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What time is it? 5:30 pmName as it appears on your birth certificate?

Heidi !@#$$%^ Richter

Nickname:Bei Fahrer Co- Driver)

Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake? 58 Date that you regularly blow them out?

August 16 Hair Color? Blond

Tattoos? No way got enough scars on my Body !!!

How much do you love your job on a scale of 5 being the best? Retiered Favorite color? ALL COLORS

Hometown : Freital / Sachsen

Current Residence: Broken Arrow, OklaCowboy Country !!!

Favorite Food : NOT PEANUT BUTTER !!!Ever been to Africa: No!

Ever loved somebody so much they made you cry? ja

Favorite Movie : to many to name !!

Favorite Holiday :

Froeliches Weinachten Favorite Flower:

Favorite Beverage: Bier

What do you do most often when you are bored????

Name the person you are friends with that lives the farthest away? ,,Glenda.

Most annoying thing people ask or tell me?

What is your bedtime?

When I am tiered !!! Who will respond the quickest?

Who is the person you sent this that is least likely to respond? T

Last person you went out to dinner with?

Sweetest Man on Earth Mr. Ornery

Who are your Childern and How old are the?

Rita 37, Anita 35, h 34,

Time when you finished: Just now LOL

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