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Re: Hubby becoming hypochondriac

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, we all felt that way at first I think. Did this first affect his ears? Mine usually is the ears, nose or ribs and sometimes the throat. But remember, we are all different. There are many areas it can affect. Some are affected by vasculitis. There is a great site at Hopkins site that shows pictures of this I think. Sandy??? You know the site. LOL In my case usually a flare is very painful and is in the cartilage. It does affect the bones and joints too. Just give Bill all the information you can and have him read it. The best therory to me, is that if you are in doubt, go to the dr and ask. He will soon learn his body and know when he needs to go. In many cases there are different illnesses involved and it is hard to know what is what. In my case I have RP, fibro and heart problems. So when my chest hurts I don't know what it is. LOL I have made many a trip to the ER to find out that it is just chest wall pain from fibro, or to up my pred for a flare. LOL But I never fool around with chest pain. Now I am becoming better at knowing the difference. Boy, I've made this a novel. sorry. As for the throat, I don't know about that. I have problems swallowing liquids not food. I feel this is strange. The drs. don't. LOL

Let us know what you find out. We are all here for you both and I'm so glad you are posting. The sooner you get the information, the sooner your life will be back to somewhat normal. ( whatever that is) lol


"How do you know when your body is being attacked for real and need to have it checked out." He's thinking every little bump or something he notices might be an attack of the illness. That's why he's becoming paranoid.

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Hi ,

Welcome to the group! My name is and I live in Texas. I am 48

and was diagnosed in 2001 with this fabulous disease. I still fill

like a newbie so I probalby wont be any help with info. But support

here I am hopefull. I was in ICU last year with my throat closing up

and ended up on 1000mg of predisone. That changed my life

drastically. Mentally I am the same (which isnt saying much haha)but

physically I have been changed forever. I was put on cytoxan which

is a chemo drug. That caused all my hair to fall out, I ended up a

bad diabetic from the pred.it caused me to go into menapause and

changed my whole appearance. I gained over 50 lbs. Now does that

sound like fun.

They call it relapsing but so far I have had a flare that never

ends. I think I just have polychondritis. Most have flares that come

and go and some only ever so often.

The main thing is that you are there for him. Alot of us have family

members that are in so much denial they are not help at all. In fact

they cause more stress which is something that actually brings on

flares or makes them worse.

But thank God my husband and 25 yr old daughter, 21 yr old son and

sister who is my close family are all there for me. I saw how scared

they got when I was in the hospital that I decided no matter how

sick I got that I was going to keep on smiling and not complain to

much. So I know this group probably thinks I am nuts but hey its

better to laugh and sing then cry and moan. Right. So just give him

and extra hug a day even if he isnt complaining.

I am probably stepping on toes but hey men or babies when they are

sick. My husband doesnt even have anything wrong and when he gets 99

fever you would think he is dying. So yours actually has a disease

so he is entitled to feel bad. They love to be pampered so ask Heidi

how she handles being on the other end. Her husband has this also

and we can smell him from here. He is so spoiled he stinks of


I have shortness of breath but I figure its Gods way of keeping me

from breathing in too much pollution. hahaha

Hang in there and tell him I will be praying for both of you.

Have you gone to the photo section so you could see who you are

actually talking to? I am in the wedding picture with my daughter

Kim.Sometimes it helps to put a face with a name. But hey I could

also be a big naked old man sitting at my computer. HAHAHA just


Sending hugs,and prayers from NANCY IN TEXAS

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