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Trigeminal neuralgia/facial nerve pain - Anyone else have this?

I've had this for a long time. Since my ears have been flared up since

July - during the worst of it - it seemed to have also triggered a

flare in the facial nerve. The relentless pain of both things flaring

nearly drove me to insanity.

Hello and welcome to the group. I wanted to let you know that I also received a dx of trigeminal neuralgia and it is horrible. I was dx with this about 2 months after I was dx with RP. The Neurologist seems to think they are related. I also have had a hard time with my hearing in my left ear. What do you take for the TN? Does your face burn and have pain? I also started to feel burning-pain in my fingers and feet.

Tell me what they are doing for you????

Once again, welcome to this wonderful group. I do know what you mean about the insanity part!!! LOL

Hugs, Sharon

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Hello and thank you and for the welcome - I

appreciate this. I do have a lot of questions. I am trying to figue

out which of my symptoms are related to RP and which belong to some

other as yet undiscovered cause.

Does anyone else have Raynaud's ? I have had this since my initial

illness began. My hands and feet are red and numb when it is cold and

I no longer have feeling in my fingertips. The other problem, that my

doctors say is related - I have periods when my toes are swollen and

burning so bad, it is like they are stuck in a roaring fire. I can't

wear shoes or have anything touch them. The only relief is to elevate

my feet or put them in ice water.

During bad ear flares - my vertigo ( which started when I went deaf in

my left ear in July) is much worse. Anyone else experience this?

Trigeminal neuralgia/facial nerve pain - Anyone else have this?

I've had this for a long time. Since my ears have been flared up since

July - during the worst of it - it seemed to have also triggered a

flare in the facial nerve. The relentless pain of both things flaring

nearly drove me to insanity.

Well I have lots more questions - but I best stop for now.

Thank you again for making me feel welcome. It helps to be in touch

with others-

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My son has RP and his Rheumy has given him Doxepin for facial nerve pain , it

has worked great for his migraines too.

I hope this helps ask yur doctor about it


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