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Sharon, You know I am sending prayers your way. Take a deep breathe and try to calm down a bit. I KNOW this hurts you SO bad. This stress is not helping your healing and I wish there was something I could do for you.

Just keep praying and know that you are not alone. We are all here for you.


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Sorry but that sounds like she is in some kind of Cult..........

I would go talk to someone that she has talked to and get the story straight on You being sick and why she is acting that way.

Will say prayers everything turns out.

In the mean time try not to stress out.

Carol A

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I can't even imagine how hurt you must be! I'm really sorry that

your daughter is hurting you so much, under the pretext of religious

beliefs. That is so very wrong! Take care.


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I believe I would change churches and take your son with you. As far as your daughter, you need to tell her you did not raise her to talk to you this way. To show you respect!

Being sick its no ones fault and God is good he wouldn't make us sick. But he does help us bear it all and get thru it. I'm sorry the preacher's wife got into something that was none of her business, maybe the preacher should hear about this after all this is called gossip. Doesn't the Bible preach against gossip?

Sharon, You have done nothing wrong, Don't worry about this if you do she has won the battle. Get your mind on something else, have fun when you can. Ignore the trouble makers in this world. Life is too short.

But when you need to vent know we are all here to help as much as we can. I know I have probably said too much. But your daughter is acting out because she is scared, and she doesn't know how to handle it. Just try to remember that, I'm sure she will go thru another reaction later.

Know your in our thoughts and prayers.



How could illness cause so much trouble. Carmella has been ill herself and not going to church for a couple of months. She just showed up this Sunday. Why is that ok? You would not believe the things my daughter told this person. She must really hate me! Does anyone have any advice for me? Thanks for listening, I am truly in shock.


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I'm so sorryf or this to have happended to you! I know when you are sick you

just automatically assume all of your family esp children will understand..

sorry to say that isn't always true.. sounds like your daughter has a little

soul searching she needs to do..but for RP stress is not good...I do not know

her but she may be in denial about your pain or RP(understanding it is hard)

alot of our family wasn't supportive when we found out has RP. (my 16

year old son) that broke my heart but I have had to learn to accept it..he

has been so sick for 4 years now..he would have months to a year in

remission(this was before we knew what he had) but it seem s the ones I just

knew were mature and supportive , aren't..funny my son who is the least

responsible helps the most. As for religion we are southern Baptist,

but we still had a hard time with people not really understanding how severe

;s pain is..I quess if there is a cast on the part of your body that

hurst people think you are hurting but , they can't see it they doubt it,

One thing I do know is God did not promise those who follow Him /pain free

days and a llife in which Adam and Eve only once knew.. If we didn't have

trials and tribulations would we need Him ..how often would we pray? He pulls

us through our valleys and we are so much stronger for them, His Love never

fails us, He is patting us on the shoulder on the bad days, hugging us and

the same on the good days,

I will pray for you your family and your daughter, also for the church,

remeber a church is just a building if God isn't there. So many church

members are members of a building (that is sad thing)!!

God can turn her head and heart but it may take some time be ready to be


but remember you do not have to prove your are sick to anyone God knows and

He knows your heart!

Love in Christ!


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