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sherrie hang in there

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Oh Sherrie,

Arent relatives the greatest. I am on cytoxan and it caused all of

my hair to fall out last year. My brother accused me of pulling it

out. If they dont see you in a cast or something then they think its

in your head. I am on a chemo drug and people expect to see this

poor little sick thing and instead here comes rolly polly. I gained

alot of weight from the predisone and I am having a hard time losing

it. SO they dont understand how I can be sick. DOnt look sick. I

guess when my nose collapses all the way they might notice. MY

family got real scared when I ended up in ICU last year so from then

on I try not to say to much about my sickness.I just act like

nothing is wrong and go on. Hard to do some days though. My husband

thinks I am dying any day now. The other day all the family was over

and he told them I was dying so they need to pitch in more. I just

rolled my eyes turned up my cd and just started dancing around. I

told everyone I was practicing for my funeral. hahaha I am sorry if

I sound like I dont take this serious but that is the only way I can

cope sometimes. I just take one day at a time and whatever anyone

says I just let it go by. Life is too short. If they walked in our

shoes it would be a different story.

Sorry this is long. But remember to hang in there and we are all

here for you .I will say an extra prayer for you and for everyone to

keep quiet if they have nothing nice to say about us RPers.


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Sherrie, so glad to have you with us-welcome! I am one of the Sharons that Squeek was talking about. lol

I just wanted to say that I am having a great deal of trouble with my own daughter regarding my illnesses.

Now, I won't even tell her when I'm going to the doctor or what is going on with my health issues because she hurt me so much.

As far as my son and husband goes--they listen but I don't think they quite "get it." I do think they get confused but that's OK, so do I! LOL

You take care, Sherrie, and know that you came to the right place. This group is the best and you won't find more caring, loving, compassionate people anywhere else!

Hugs, Sharon

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