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i like claudia's solution, super glue.


Sharon King wrote:

Darn it Dawn....your're right! I wear glasses too and wouldn't get very far without them. Guess I'm stuck with having ears. Thanks for the laugh. Love, squeek Dawn wrote:


Leave it to me to see the funny stuff! If Heidi has any left over parts maybe she will bring them to OR with her for the next reunion. Love, squeek RCColloran@... wrote: << Heck, I'll do more than lend my ears! If anyone wants them, they can have them! FREE! Just pay for removal.Love you, >>]Squeek, LOL I knew when I wrote that, someone would catch it.LOL I think we all have ears we would gladly give away. Heck at the last reunion,we had spare body parts with lots of ears to give away. Hey Heidi, you still have those????? LOLDISCLAIMER!!WE ARE NOT MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS, THEREFORE ANY INFORMATION THAT IS RECEIVED HERE IS FROM EXPERIENCE ONLY. PLEASE CONSULT WITH YOUR DOCTOR BEFORE TRYING ANYTHING THAT IS SUGGESTED. WE ARE NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR YOUR PHYSICIAN AND ARE NOT TRYING TO BE. REMEMBER EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT AND TREATMENT MAYBE DIFFERENT FOR MANY OF US. THANK YOU

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Don't know where you found them but they are cute. I like the polka dots better!LOL

Lots of love


Re: squeek

There, I changed my dress. Does this one look more like me? What is my life coming too? You see a mouse and think of me....Heidi sees cheese or wants a cheese sandwich and thinks of me. I guess it will all be o.k. so long as I don't leave any droppings at the reunion. YUCK! Love you, squeek Glenda McClennen wrote:

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I will take you up on it. I have never planned one of these type of things either but Heidi will give us lots of pointers I am sure. It will be fun....just think of the end project and all the fun we will all have.

I am flexible too. I get weekends off and am home by 3pm or a little after every day. You set a date and time an I will be there....if I can go to the right place this time!LOL

lots of love


Yes, we do need to get together, and I am fairly flexible as to times. You are the working woman, so we need to work with your schedule! Just call me and let me know what would be good for you. I'll help as much as I can with the planning, but I have never done anything like that before so ....... Take care, Glenda. Love you, squeek

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Squeek, I have had toothaches before and I know how painful they are. I bet

you are counting the hours til tomorrow morning. Seems like we took a poll a

while back and most of us did have bad teeth. Mine were bad as a child so I

know mine wasn't from the meds. Of course your ins won't pay for an

emergency..... you aren't suppose to have teeth problems on weekends,

evenings or the 2 days off my dentists takes a week. LOL

As bad as I want to come, and now that is coming too and I could meet

her, after yesterday's trek, I'm really doubtful. I'm feeling worse then i

got home and it's no ones fault but my own. I don't know if I'm having a rib

flare or if it's pain from the surgery. I'm going to have a sed rate done

tomorrow ( just for the heck of it LOL, know it won't meant a bunch) when I

have my blood taken for the coumadin. I know I have to slow down, my body is

now telling me that. WEll it could have done it sooner. LOL I really think

the pred covers up a lot of the pain I would have normally had when I came

home. Also coming down on the pred isn't helping. I will see if I can see

the cardiologist tomorrow, since my PCP is the pits. LOL

It's suppose to be ovr 100 here today and I plan on staying home and NOT

doing anything. I will raise my feet up ( to get the swelling doen lol) and

read , read, read. I found a new book by Janet Evanovich...not the Stephine

Plum series but a new one. Can't wait to start it.

Have a good day and Please get to the dentist first thing in the morning.

hugs & prayers


Thanks, . For as bad as my teeth are, I have never had a toothache

before. At least certainly nothing like this. Still no temperature, so that

is good. Just hoping to hang on til tomorrow! Looked in our dumb insurance

book and of course it mentions nothing about emergencies.

Are you o.k. after your outing yesterday? Take care, and I agree with

.....as much as I want you to come up.....your health comes first!

Love, squeek >>

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What am I going to do with you You are suppose to leave the worrying to me remember

I am doing much better. The nose hurts at the bridge and felt like someone was trying to push it back into my head. Now the that is a toughie! They were hurting on the exterior parts. Then it would hurt a bit like it was deep down in my . My jaw was even hurting also. I have never had an infection in my so don't know what that feels like.

Once I started the pred. things started to calm right down. I the dr. I didn't want the BP to go up this time so he understands that is why he started me on the lower dose. So far so good so hopefully I can go off it by next week.

Thanks for the good thoughts and prayers.

Lots of love


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Hi Squeek, yes, I rested ALL day. Don't know if it helped much.LOL I'm

heading back to bed. Tomorrow should be a better day. Let's all hope by

Monday we are ALL feeling a whole heck of alot better.



Hi , are you resting today? I sure hope so! Feeling any better?

Please stay down. Love you, squeek >>

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The rain dancing paid off. It really worked on someone higher up decided we really needed it! At any rate we got the rain that we really needed. Yesterday was so nice to get up to the falling rain.

We started painting Shae's room yesterday and I went to Bed, Bath and Beyond to get sheets, spread, and decorations for her room. It is going to be really cute when we get it all done. Painting it white with bright pint trim and ceiling. Then we are going to make stars, hearts, crowns and butter fly stencils stuff on that. We have even painted the dressers white with bright pink draws and purple handles. Can you tell what theme we are doing yet. Barbie princess type she says. :o) I just hope it all turns out the way she wants it to.LOL

Hope you are feeling okay after the remicade dose. Is today you go to the rheumy? I got a post from Dagny and she is looking forward to our lunch on the 26th. I know I sure am!

Lots of love


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I called my rheumy today and told him I was doing much better. Said the blood work was all okay and that I could go off the pred as we had agreed. Hurray!

I have the tail bone thing too! Drives me up a wall. Like you it feels like it is going to pop out anytime. No they have never said what causes it but am sure it RP related. It comes and goes just like a flare.

Sure hope you get some answers from the rheumy on Wednesday! Please let me know.

Lots of love


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Hi Squeek, I hope today the divided dose works for you. I never could

divide it because it hyped me up too late in the day. But now I can take an

extra 5mg after noon but before 3pm. (maybe that's why I'm not sleeping. LOL)

I hate being on the high doses too. Yes, I'm dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde too.

and I can be crying one minute and laughing the next. They have me up and

down so much I don't know what to think. When I was on 7mg I felt sooo good

.. Am on 20 now and think I really should go up to 25 or 30mg. I'm starting

to flare in the nose ears and ribs. but it does go away in the morning after

I take my pred. Think I will wait and see what the infections specialist

says on Thursday.

My sister is coming tomorrow I think. I haven't heard from her yet.

Going to try to get to the pumpkin fair this morning and then come and make

Rich get my veggies and plants into the ground.LOL Poor guy... Never a

minutes peace.

Please feel better Squeek and know I'm sending lots of prayers your way. Let

me know how the divided dose goes.


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I have really been sending the good thoughts and prayers your way. I sure hope you guys get you on the right meds and soon so you get to feeling better. Know I am in your corner egging you on so don't give up! I am always here if you need me!

Shae's room is coming right along. We got the carpet laid yesterday and are putting the doors back on, touching up her dresser and desk. Oh my next day off I am hoping to get some of the stencil work done. My sister and I are putting our heads together on what we are going to do for the crown stuff and window treatments. I put up new mini blinds but want to put some type of mesh or fabric around the edges. I am going to do window paints on the windows so that it looks like stained glass too. I have designed a crown but want to do something else besides just the crown.

At least this type of stuff I can do a little at a time. Shae is now back in her own room and loving it. When we set up her bed she came to me and said you were right Mom you are going to red my room. lol Funny what goes through their minds. She probably thought that we were just making a bigger mess of it.

Well enough of that I better get the rest of the mail read.

Take care!

Lots of love


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  • 2 weeks later...

Squeek, so glad everything went well. I know how hard it is to see the

little ones suffer. He will be on his way now and he will recover so fast.

Still sending thoughts and prayers your way. get some rest and let us know

what the dr says.


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Squeek, I'm so glad to hear that Logan is doing okay. They just kind of

jump right back.

I'm so sorry about the GCA. Just remember that is is controlable too.

Abdominal and aortic aneurysms go with RP too and they had to check me

througholy when they found my aortic valve was messed up. I think this is

one thing we all need to watch for. I know just the words made me crazy.

Fear is our biggest enemy. Let me tell you, I sure had a lot of it and

still have some, but am working to just be blessed with one day at a time.

Hey.... we never know what the next day will bring even if we are 100%

healthy. I think we all do pretty well.

You just take care and follow what your body says. YOu will be the best

judge. I'm so glad that you have a great dr. Please just know that you also

have a great support group. Don't you dare hesitate to post whenever you

want to vent or boo hoo.

I love you bunches and bunches.


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shking wrote:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Squeek, I'm telling you that if you call him with these symptoms at night, he will have to okay a ER visit. Just insist.!!! It doesn't matter if the pain is gone when you get there. They will do a full cardiac work up. PLEASE. Don't wait til after the MRI..When is that? Too long for me to keep worrying. We will all feel better knowing it isn't your heart. Especially YOU!! I was told it was panic attacts, reflux, fibro, costochondritis, chest wall pain, and nothing that a good bowl of chicken soup wouldn't cure. LOL I cried my way home from many a dr thinking i was nuts. That's before I got " tuff" and started taking control of my body and my health treatment. It's a shame we have to figure out ways to get help, but in the end it is worth it. Don't sit and wait for something to happen just so you don't feel " silly" in the ER. Silly is better then the alternative. LOL Looks like I'm gonna have to make that trip to Oregon sooner than expected to kick your buns all the way to the hospital. LOL

Know I only love ya and want us to all rest assured that you are okay. We will all sleep better. Also the numbness in the hands I still have. Told me it was some form of neuropathy. Didn't do anything for it. LOL Mine stems from the neck also.

Still have this hand thing going on where it all goes into a spasm I guess you would say and my hand is all closed in a weird way. No one is concerned about that either so I guess I'm 100 %. LOL

Get to the dr SOON!!! Or you have never heard nagging like you will. And that is a promise.


.. Feels like a knife stuck in there, sharp, and painful enough to bring tears. It lasts for 5-15 minutes, then goes away. I

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Squeek, thanks for the Santa. LOL I will probably get the sewing machine and forget what to do with it.LOL Oh well my girls will love it.

I'm glad you are getting the tests done that you need on your arms and legs. This is so important. It's funny how we can take charge when we need to. I loved your story about closing the door. I think it is great when we can take charge...

YOu have a great day.


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Squeek, I'm glad the tests are all over and hope you get the results soon. The waiting can kill us. LOL You just rest today. I had planned on having a rest day today. I made all my calls to drs. and have them all disagreeing again. They don't want to give me the antibitotics before the scope for my heart. WEll it's my body and they had better or there will be no scope.

I called the sleep dr because I need to get my c pap machine adjusted after the surgery. I found myself choking last nite. Well the only appt before Christmas was a cancelation today. UGHH!! There goes my rest day. LOL I will be there 5 min and he will tell me I need to have another sleep study. LOL Oh well, better get it don before Dec. Then I called my urologist because my bladder pain was so bad this morning. Still waiting on a call from him. He will call when I'm gone. LOL Then I called my PCP to get an appt because I am having TERRIBLE leg cramps all night. Last night was the worse. Today the muscles in my legs are unbelievably sore. LOL My potassium level is normal and I don't know if it is a drug or what. Does anyone else have these. ?? Well, I never did get a hold of him. Was on hold for 40 min and then hung up. They won't be back til 2pm. Geez... And they want us to have a stress free life. LOL Oh well it will get taken care of one way or the other.

Yes, I still have tree stumps too. LOL Aren't you sorry you asked. ??? I'm sorry I went on so.. Just a venting day. I want you to rest for me the rest of the day okay???LOL

I love ya bunches and am sending lots of hugs and prayers your way.


How are you today, ? Hope yesterday didn't tire you out too much. Are the stumps still with you? Any refief from the bladder problem? You take care of yourself

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  • 3 weeks later...

Squeek, so sorry to here about your slump. Seems we are all slumping right now. LOL I am trying to get my things together to go to Stanford tomorrow. will be my last visit. Wish you would hurry up and find that magic dust to spray all over us. LOL

YOU and HEIDI.....done with your shopping. !!! Oh.. I haven't even started.. boo hoo. Maybe I will have time between dr appts Mon and Tues to get some done. I usually am done and wrapped and have my cards started by now. I can't even get to Thanksgiving. LOL

Hope you rest today and feel better. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Have a good rest of the weekend. I will be home on Wed I think. I am driving myself for the first time and my appt on tues is not til 3pm. I can't see in the dark to drive home.LOL So I will have to stay 2 nights. UGH.. Bad timing on my part.. LOL I will have to leave EARLY Wed because I have a 9am appt here in town Wed. and 2 other appts that afternoon. So glad the girls are doing the dinner for Thurs. LOL Well, I've worn myself out talking about what I have to do.LOL

Will talk soon.


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I am with you about the new year and better health from this cRaP! Hope Dr. H. has some better idea's about what to do for you. At least he is trying to get you where you belong and doesn't think you are loony like some of the dr. that the others have. Keeping you in my thoughts.

Lots of LoveGlenda

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Hi Squeek, How are you doing? Gosh I wish someone in this group would get 100% well so they could do my Christmas shopping for me. LOL

Yes, the urologist called me today. On a Saturday...can you imagin? Oh how I hate to lose this man. We are going to continue as I have been on the antibiotic and 2 bladder drugs. Seems to be getting a bit better. Don't know what we will do after that. I pray that it will just take a little bit more time. I am down to just 2 pain pills a day, so that is better.

I filled ALL of the medications that I could today as it is the last day of our insurance. I will be covered by Kaiser. We have a clinic 3 blocks from us, but they are taking no new patients. DUH! So I will have to go out of town. I plan to spend all of Monday on the phone. I will need to have a dr soon to monitor my coumadin levels. We live where it is soooo foggy. You can't see the house across the street. I really don't want to drive out of town.

I am waiting to see if I can get on part B of medicare for Dec. It will allow me to see some of my doctors but will not pay for any medications. I just feel so over whelmed right now. I did get some of my shopping done, the ones that have to be mailed in Rich's family. My family will learn the true meaning of Christmas this year. It will be very sparse, but they will feel the love. I plan on just giving them had written letters on what they mean to me. My grandaughter will be spoiled as usual I'm sure. LOL

I'm sure you will love Janet Evanovich's books. Start with the first one in the series.. it helps. I didn't. LOL

Hope you are having a great weekend Squeek and getting lots of rest. I have been sleeping sooo much. That isn't like me. Guess it's the new sleep disorder I have. LOL I have to blame it on something.

Know I love ya bunches and will talk to you soon.


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Glad to hear that the Maytag man or company is going to pay half the bill. You are so right about money being tight around this time of year already that you don't need to have to pay repair costs on top of it. Chalk one up for your side.

Sorry to hear that you don't get to see the grandkid. There must be one in every family. I too have a grandson I never get to see. I haven't seen him since he was a year old. In this case it is his Dad that has him. The real sad thing is that he lives here close and I still don't get to see him. Gish I can't even spoil just one grandkid. Hard to spoil the one that we are raising and Jordan lives in Hawaii. Why do the parents think it is not important for the grandparents to see the kids?

Then there is the opposite direction too. Birth parents who could care less. Shae has never seen her real Dad or her grandparents on that side of her family. It is pretty sad. This last summer now that she is 7 he has had second thoughts and would like to see what she looks like. What do you tell a seven year old that thinks we are her parents? Life sure can be the pits.

Hope it all works out for you!

Lots of LoveGlenda

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Squeek, I'm thinking of you today and hope your new dr is just Wonderful. You are in my prayers. Please let us know. I just know things will start to turn around for the whole group now.

You have lots of us behind you, give us an update when you get home.


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