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Re: adenoid surgery for 2 yr old?

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My daughter had the surgery done at 2. She was great! She woke up and was

miserable - went back to sleep and when she awoke she was fine. Nurse said its

like they have a hangover. We left and she played and was totally fine the

rest of the day! I thought she would be laying around and wiped out. She

fooled us!

Any kind of anesthia makes us nervous. So far my experiences have been good.

Yeah, they might vomit, have headaches afterwards but usually 2 hrs. after

they are back to normal.

Rosemary in NY with 3 children (13, 11 and 7)

with CF. I have a dog named TOBI and have

coined the phrase " BREATHE DAMMIT "

my new favorite quote is

Any idiot can face a crisis -

it's day to day living that wears you out.

Anton Chekhov

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GREAT. I don't mean that he has to have the surgery. BUT , It was the

best thing we ever did for one of my grandsons AND I have heard of so

many with cf also having this done & it really helping them. I pray that

is what will happen for you & Ashton too.......Our Tommy was eating ice

cream in the afternoon ,it was done. It was a 7:30 am surgery at a same

day surgery center.

Some times it is things like that , seem to help so much. Many have the

tonsils out at same time. Ask if they are going to do that too. They

might just do one or the other. ask anyway to see why.

Best wishes for what's ahead.

LOVE & HUGS, grandmomBEv

adenoid surgery for 2 yr old?

We just returned from the ENT. Ashton (turns 3 in March) had

adenoids that are blocking the air passage by 80%. We had no idea it

was that bad. We just noticed that he breathed through his mouth

more than a normal kid and he started getting frequent ear infections

recently. They are going to do surgery to remove them. Yikes.

Ashton hasn't been in the hospital for anything for 15 months! He

has NO lung problems at all which is fantastic but I am wondering if

anyone else's kids needed their adenoids removed? How did they

recover? There weren't any polyps in there which was a relief.

mom to Ashton 34 months wcf


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My had her adenoids taken out when she was five, now she is seven, she had

constant ear(two rounds of ear tubes were put in) and sinus infections until the

adenoids were taken out since then not one sinus infection or ear problems. she

recovered really fast.

Good Luck.

Tracey Oldham

adenoid surgery for 2 yr old?

We just returned from the ENT. Ashton (turns 3 in March) had

adenoids that are blocking the air passage by 80%. We had no idea it

was that bad. We just noticed that he breathed through his mouth

more than a normal kid and he started getting frequent ear infections

recently. They are going to do surgery to remove them. Yikes.

Ashton hasn't been in the hospital for anything for 15 months! He

has NO lung problems at all which is fantastic but I am wondering if

anyone else's kids needed their adenoids removed? How did they

recover? There weren't any polyps in there which was a relief.

mom to Ashton 34 months wcf


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My son Elijah had his adenoids removed when he was 2 years old they were

blocking about 85 % of the Passage and we lived with him snoring really loud all

the time =). It was the best thing for Elijah he had no more ear infections

after it or sinus problems and he recovered just fine. There was virtually no

pain at all. I think it was harder on mom then it was on Elijah =).


Military wife to a wonderful husband that protects our country

GO 2-25

Mom to

Grace 13 Wonderful helper and all around great daughter.

Micah 8, CF, Kidney disorder, Loss of Hearing in the left ear,Cronic Ear

infections,ADHD, ASD Repair

Elijah 5, CF, Seizure Disorder and Developmental issues.

adenoid surgery for 2 yr old?

We just returned from the ENT. Ashton (turns 3 in March) had

adenoids that are blocking the air passage by 80%. We had no idea it

was that bad. We just noticed that he breathed through his mouth

more than a normal kid and he started getting frequent ear infections

recently. They are going to do surgery to remove them. Yikes.

Ashton hasn't been in the hospital for anything for 15 months! He

has NO lung problems at all which is fantastic but I am wondering if

anyone else's kids needed their adenoids removed? How did they

recover? There weren't any polyps in there which was a relief.

mom to Ashton 34 months wcf


The opinions and information exchanged on this list should IN NO WAY

be construed as medical advice.



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Hi ,

(almost 20 wcf) had her tonsils and adnoids removed when she was 5. Hers

were also huge and blocking off part of her airway. She had been snoring and

getting sick a lot. She did well afterwards except she didn't want to eat or

drink, not even popsicles. (she has always hated ice cream but likes popsicles

and slurpees). She was losing weight and I took her back to the ENT and he told

her she had to drink or else she would get an IV and she wouldn't be asleep for

it (she was afraid of IV's then). I guess hearing it from the doctor worked

because she started drinking and eating soon after. If they need to go, they

should. Make sure the tonsils don't need to go too, may as well get them both

over with. Just my opinion.



mom of Nick age 21 nocf and 20 next Thurs. wcf

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My niece, no CF, had hers out and recovered quickly. She was about the same

age, maybe a bit younger. It really did away with the mouth breathing and the

ear infections though.

adenoid surgery for 2 yr old?

We just returned from the ENT. Ashton (turns 3 in March) had

adenoids that are blocking the air passage by 80%. We had no idea it

was that bad. We just noticed that he breathed through his mouth

more than a normal kid and he started getting frequent ear infections

recently. They are going to do surgery to remove them. Yikes.

Ashton hasn't been in the hospital for anything for 15 months! He

has NO lung problems at all which is fantastic but I am wondering if

anyone else's kids needed their adenoids removed? How did they

recover? There weren't any polyps in there which was a relief.

mom to Ashton 34 months wcf


The opinions and information exchanged on this list should IN NO WAY

be construed as medical advice.



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Hi ,

Mick had his adenoids removed last April when he

was 3. He recovered really well, but because he had

cf, the doctor wanted him to stay overnight to make

sure he had no complications and they could monitor

his O2 sats. It wasn't the most comfortable night -

he missed his sister dreadfully - but his recovery was

amazing. He also had a tonsilectomy at the same time,

since his tonsils were HUGE.

For healthy kids, adnenoids are done on an outpatient

basis, but for cf kis (at least at Stanford), they

like to keep them in overnight.

Best wishes,


Mommy to Mick and Alli, 4 yo twins wcf

--- " J. " wrote:

> We just returned from the ENT. Ashton (turns 3 in

> March) had

> adenoids that are blocking the air passage by 80%.

> We had no idea it

> was that bad. We just noticed that he breathed

> through his mouth

> more than a normal kid and he started getting

> frequent ear infections

> recently. They are going to do surgery to remove

> them. Yikes.

> Ashton hasn't been in the hospital for anything for

> 15 months! He

> has NO lung problems at all which is fantastic but I

> am wondering if

> anyone else's kids needed their adenoids removed?

> How did they

> recover? There weren't any polyps in there which

> was a relief.


> mom to Ashton 34 months wcf



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